
  1. haidut

    Long Work Hours (stress) At The Office Cause Hypertension And CVD

    Many of my readers surely are familiar with the saying "work hard, play hard". This mantra is at the core of the psychotic work culture of most "developed" countries and despite the assurances of doctors and public health officials that bad health is largely due to "bad luck" (e.g. genes) the...
  2. haidut

    The Human Organism Is An "electrome" And Diseases Can Be Cured By Controlling Electron Flow

    A great article describing the forgotten idea that the human organism is not simply a "wetware" of cells generated according to a master blueprint (DNA). Apparently, as early as the 1920s there were devices that could diagnose even very early stage cancer by simply measuring voltage difference...
  3. haidut

    Endocrine Disruptors (BPA) Can Cause Autism Several Generations Later

    In one of his recent newsletters, as well several KMUD interviews, Peat mentioned that the effects of GMO foods and other environmental toxins would not be immediately visible. In fact, they would take several generations to manifest and by the say third, forth, fifth generations we would start...
  4. haidut

    Height Is Dependent On Diet Quality, Not Genes

    I posted a few threads in the past demonstrating that gene are likely not the main driver of height, despite the mainstream dogma vehement claiming to the contrary. Dutch People Gained 20cm Of Height In Just 150 Years Protein Quality, Not Genes, Determine Male Height Intelligence and height...
  5. haidut

    IQ Scores Have Been Dropping For Decades And The Reason Is NOT Genetic

    I mentioned in a few other threads about the decline in intelligence and the reversal of the so-called "Flynn Effect" over the last 3-4 decades. Flynn effect - Wikipedia A few users commented that the drop in IQ (and SAT) scores is due to simply more people taking the tests and thus lowering...
  6. haidut

    Epigenetic Changes Can Be Passed Down For At Least 14 Generations

    The phenomenon of inheritance is a solidly established fact in medicine. The fact that having relatives who had chronic disease increases one's own risk for developing those diseases is one of the main arguments of the pro-genetic crowd given as a reason to pursue genetic explanation of...
  7. haidut

    CFS/ME Once Again Confirmed As A Metabolic Disorder

    I posted previously about recent research indicating that CFS/ME is likely due to hypometabolism caused by environmental stress. CFS Is Likely Hypometabolism Triggered By Environmental Stress The earlier studies found lower activity of the enzyme PDH, which is the rate-limiting step for entrance...
  8. haidut

    Intelligence Expected To Decline In Higher IQ And Rise In Lower IQ People

    While the study is observational, it is important because it shows that IQ score is very malleable and depends on the environment more than anything else. I think Ray said in one of his interviews that he thinks the population of Western countries is getting progressively dumber, and he...
  9. haidut

    Sugar (glucose) Enhances, Not Depletes, Self-control

    If you Google for "sugar self-control" you will see thousands of news articles and blog posts about how sugar consumption depletes our limited resource called self-control. This study found the exact opposite, sugar enhances self-control by signalling environmental richness and (dare I say) good...
  10. haidut

    "Natural" Gut Flora May Cause Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Lupus

    I must have gotten over 500 emails over the last year angrily reproaching me for talking negatively on the Danny Roddy shows about the "beneficial" gut flora in humans. I even got a few angry phone calls from actual MD professionals saying that the "science" behind beneficial effects of the...
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