
  1. Androsclerosis

    I cured my opioid-autism-effect milk intolerance!!

    I want to share how I cured my milk intolerance. I've never had diahreea or indigestion from milk, except during my period of alcoholism, but I was getting all the time the opioid-effects that lead to autism, inhability to think and socialize even before alcoholism. Guess what I took...
  2. Soren

    Late stage brain cancer any advice?

    Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do...
  3. Outdoctrination

    How serotonin is the primary driver of digestive problems (and how to address it)

    I had absolutely debilitating digestive problems for years. I went to all of the “top GI docs'' and they had NO answers. They said we don’t know what’s wrong with you. One even told me it was all in my head. Take pill, drink water, eat fiber, take probiotics, etc. I was furious. I even tried...
  4. G

    Similarities between cyproheptadine and cannabis

    Bit of a weird one. I’ve noticed a distinct sensation shared between 1mg+ of cyproheptadine and smoking cannabis. It is a particular haze that overlays all the senses. It feels warm and cozy and sensations feel nice and crispy. It often goes with a certain feeling of hunger. That’s the best way...
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