
  1. TruffleGnocchi

    Video explaining potential testosterone increasing mechanism of Tadalafil, with visuals

    Tadalafil: Erectile Dysfunction Cure? Testosterone Booster? Non-Responders? [Study 147-154 Analysis] View: Interesting video explaining the actual mechanisms of Tadalafil, Nitric Oxide inhibiting Calcium uptake of cells and accelerated Potassium...
  2. B

    Horny Goat Weed (or other PDE5 inhibitors) - Can they actually cause low libido if used chronically?

    Has anyone experienced lower libido and worse erectile function upon cessation of Horny Goat weed? I was taking a tincture off and on for a month or two and it really helped with blood flow and erectile function, but now that I'm off of it it feels like my libido and erectile function is worse...
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