chronic fatigue syndrome

  1. M

    How Serious Is Epstein Barr Virus?

    Recently diagnosed! Which makes sense with all the chronic fatigue which i assumed was from low thyroid. But all of this could have have been from chronic epstein barr that was never diagnosed Does anyone here have experience or knowledge in this? Has Ray mentioned this virus at all? Ive...
  2. F

    Magnesium; Best form for recovery, sleep, fatigue, and soreness??

    What is the best form of Magnesium to take for people who cannot stay asleep? I have tried several different forms with no effect. I am also suffering from a lot of muscle soreness & fatigue after minimal activity. …Currently trying magnesium buffered bis glycinate with L taurine. I have...
  3. charlie

    Thiamine (Vitamin B1) And Fatigue In Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    Results: Ten patients out of twelve showed complete regression of fatigue, while the remaining two patients showed nearly complete regression of fatigue compared to the chronic fatigue syndrome scale scores before therapy. Conclusions: The absence of blood thiamine deficiency and the efficacy...
  4. haidut

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) May Be Caused By Increased Serotonin Sensitivity

    Despite the denials of mainstream medicine that CFS exists as an organic disorder, many studies have been done on the etiology of the fatigue and how it often follows an acute illness, usually of "viral" origin. Due to the fact that the role of serotonin in inducing fatigue is well-known...
  5. haidut

    Pregnenolone As A Possible Treatment Of CFS/ME

    I just posted yet another study showing that CFS/ME is a metabolic disorder that can be treated using various substances that activate PDH and Krebs cycle activity. CFS/ME Once Again Confirmed As A Metabolic Disorder This study took an alternative path and discovered that people with CFS/ME also...
  6. haidut

    CFS/ME Once Again Confirmed As A Metabolic Disorder

    I posted previously about recent research indicating that CFS/ME is likely due to hypometabolism caused by environmental stress. CFS Is Likely Hypometabolism Triggered By Environmental Stress The earlier studies found lower activity of the enzyme PDH, which is the rate-limiting step for entrance...
  7. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) Is A Probable Cause For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS / ME)

    It seems like the bad news about endotoxin (LPS) just don't stop. After the recent studies implicating in many degenerative conditions, and especially Alzheimer, systemic sclerosis, ALS, etc not this study links it to the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS / ME), which the medical...
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