b vitamins

  1. orangebear

    Low Toxin Supplements What B vitamin stack do you take?

    So, I've been experimenting with B vitamins over the course of several years, and I've learned they can be beneficial, and I am likely deficient in some due to years of poor digestion, but I also have to be careful with the amounts and forms due to methylation issues. I started with B complexes...
  2. InChristAlone

    Dr Carl Pfeiffer Mental and Elemental Nutrients

    Here are some notes from Dr. Pfeiffer's book; "Mental and elemental nutrients : a physician's guide to nutrition and health care", it's an old book, but I think it's contributions to nutrition is still relevant. Zinc- "zinc is more precious than gold" Zinc is needed for normal growth and...
  3. T

    B Vitamins Doubled My Total Testosterone Levels

    As many of you already know, I attribute a lot of importance to hormones, and I've played quite a bit with them. I have been off testosterone since the 6th of June this year. When natural, my natural testosterone levels has always hovered around 500ng/dl. It was 480ng/dl before I ever used...
  4. Amazoniac

    Interactions Of Thiamine, Riboflavin, And Other B-vitamins

    INTERACTIONS OF THIAMIN, RIBOFLAVIN, AND OTHER B‐VITAMINS "[W]hile lack of nicotinic acid dominates the picture, pellagra is in truth a disease of multiple deficiencies-nicotinic acid, protein, riboflavin, and perhaps haemopoietic factors." "Excess leucine in the diet may antagonize the...
  5. haidut

    B Vitamins As Antidote To Air Pollution

    I hope this news is not taken as an excuse by governments around the world to increase pollution and start distributing B vitamins to the population as treatment. But given the already high pollution in most major cities around the world, taking a B complex vitamin could be a cheap and safe way...
  6. Tarmander

    B Vitamins Cause Obesity

    Interesting paper, especially when you read it from a Peat view. Some hilarious excerpts: "This led to a nationwide increase in the consumption of many vitamins, especially fat synthesis-promoting B vitamins[21-24], including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and B6, in many...
  7. N

    Nutritional Yeast / Brewer's Yeast

    I really liked that stuff, but I have the sneaking feeling that Dr. Peat wouldn't say it is a healthy food. I believe that some consider it at least somewhat excito-toxic, maybe high in glutamates...? Has anybody heard or read anything from Peat on this?
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