DHEA Experiences


Jun 9, 2015
I'd be interested to hear anyone's ideas on this / hear about experiences supplementing DHEA...

Yesterday morning I took 5mg DHEA (Pure Encapsulations). Initially I felt it contributed to a generally positive and especially expansive mental state (although I have experienced this using lysine and caffeine which were also in my system at the time). A few hours into my working day, however, I noticed that this state of expansiveness and inquiry had been replaced by one of irritability. By the time I got home I felt practically emotionless and physically heavy in the head. I struggled to get to sleep that night. Today I woke up feeling fairly normal but realised that (at a similar time in the afternoon as yesterday) I, again, felt dull, flat and emotionless. There is a feeling of being almost withdrawn and experiencing things indirectly as if they were being filtered through a barrier of cotton which is lining my skull! Can anyone offer any suggestions on what might have happened here and how this could be resolved? I notice on another thread a comment about 'depersonalision being a nightmare to escape' when taking DHEA which did make me a little anxious...

What could be causing this and has anyone else experienced similar things?

Any thoughts appreciated


Feb 20, 2013
I have used DHEA regularly for about a year. Started with 2 mg and it gave me extra energy
and good muscle tone. But, in the beginning i had sore knuckle , it is different than joint pain.
I had that for first few weeks. I continued because of other benefits i was getting.
RP recommends taking DHEA with oil, either dissolved in oil or eating some oil with DHEA dose.
Oil makes DHEA processed in a different way by avoiding liver. Excess DHEA is toxic to liver.

It reminded me of RP's experience with DHEA, which increased his height at an older age and
straightening of wisdom tooth. It is possible DHEA did something with my bone fingers.

One of the side effect or benefit of dhea is increased libido. If i took DHEA at night
it disrupts my sleep. I took DHEA in the day time. Now i can take 5 mg of DHEA without
the kind of bad effects i had in past with 2 mg. It is definitely a very powerful hormone
even at lose dose of 2 mg. I am guessing my improved thyroid function and diet
has helped me with tolerating DHEA without any problem.

When i tried with larger dose of DHEA, i had breathing difficulty after waking up. This possibly mean
DHEA increased use of sugar and that lowered glycogen storage.


Jun 9, 2015
Mittir, that's very interesting thanks for sharing that info.

It's interesting you mention an effect on glycogen storage as i have woken up several times during the last few nights since I started taking it, which would suggest a decreased level of glycogen.

Interestingly, I have noticed some improved muscle tone and a change in the colour or a mole (also treated with Solban). It seems impossible that these changes could occur within 48hrs of the first dose but who knows?

There was also a suggestion on another thread that it could worsen your condition in a low metabolic state by suppressing ACTH. Perhaps focus on ingesting it with decent amounts of quality sugar will change the effect and offset burning through too much glycogen.


Mittir said:
I have used DHEA regularly for about a year. Started with 2 mg and it gave me extra energy
and good muscle tone. But, in the beginning i had sore knuckle , it is different than joint pain.
I had that for first few weeks. I continued because of other benefits i was getting.
RP recommends taking DHEA with oil, either dissolved in oil or eating some oil with DHEA dose.
Oil makes DHEA processed in a different way by avoiding liver. Excess DHEA is toxic to liver.

It reminded me of RP's experience with DHEA, which increased his height at an older age and
straightening of wisdom tooth. It is possible DHEA did something with my bone fingers.

One of the side effect or benefit of dhea is increased libido. If i took DHEA at night
it disrupts my sleep. I took DHEA in the day time. Now i can take 5 mg of DHEA without
the kind of bad effects i had in past with 2 mg. It is definitely a very powerful hormone
even at lose dose of 2 mg. I am guessing my improved thyroid function and diet
has helped me with tolerating DHEA without any problem.

When i tried with larger dose of DHEA, i had breathing difficulty after waking up. This possibly mean
DHEA increased use of sugar and that lowered glycogen storage.

Mittir, what DHEA are you using? I'm using this one* but I really haven't felt that much from it.



Feb 20, 2013
gummybear said:
Mittir, what DHEA are you using? I'm using this one* but I really haven't felt that much from it.


I was using DHEA by Natural Nutrition Center. I bought it 3-4 years ago and they did not mention
the excipients they used, i assumed it was pure DHEA. I have just done a google search and found out that
they add silicon dioxide as inactive ingredients. It is not clear to me if they recently started
adding silicon dioxide or they have been doing it in the past too. I have nocited a lot of new supplements
are adding silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, who did not used this before.
Did you take 2-5 mg with oil? I think it makes a huge difference if you are taking with or without oil.

Edit: Product you are using has both silicon dioxide and microcrystaline cellulose. RP recommneds
avoiding both of these. You can try bulk dhea powder, those should be additive free.


Feb 20, 2013
hmac said:
Mittir, that's very interesting thanks for sharing that info.

It's interesting you mention an effect on glycogen storage as i have woken up several times during the last few nights since I started taking it, which would suggest a decreased level of glycogen.

Interestingly, I have noticed some improved muscle tone and a change in the colour or a mole (also treated with Solban). It seems impossible that these changes could occur within 48hrs of the first dose but who knows?

There was also a suggestion on another thread that it could worsen your condition in a low metabolic state by suppressing ACTH. Perhaps focus on ingesting it with decent amounts of quality sugar will change the effect and offset burning through too much glycogen.

In my experience, DHEA works very rapidly. I can feel change in muscle tone within few hours,
increase in libido in 6-7 hours and side effects of knuckle pain and breathing difficulty within
10-12 hours. If you are planning to compensate for lowered DHEA production then for a 25 yr old
2-3 g is enough. Here is a RP quote on DHEA

Ray Peat said:
Young people produce about 12 to 15 milligrams of DHEA per day, and that amount decreases by about 2 mg. per day for every decade after the age of 30. This is one of the reasons that young people eat more without getting fat, and tolerate cold weather better: DHEA, like the thyroid hormone, increases our heat production and ability to burn calories. At the age of 50, about 4 mg. of DHEA per day will usually restore the level of DHEA in the blood to a youthful level. It is important to avoid taking more than needed, since some people (especially if they are deficient in progesterone, pregnenolone, or thyroid) can turn the excess into estrogen or testosterone, and large amounts of those sex hormones can disturb the function of the thymus gland and the liver.

People who have taken an excess of DHEA have been found to have abnormally high estrogen levels, and this can cause the liver to enlarge, and the thymus to shrink.

One study has found that the only hormone abnormality in a groupt of Alzheimers patients' brains was an excess of DHEA. In cell culture, DHEA can cause changes in glial cells resembling those seen in the aging brain. These observations suggest that DHEA should be used with caution. Supplements of pregnenolone and thyroid seem to be the safest way to optimize DHEA production.


Jun 9, 2015
Mittir said:
hmac said:
Mittir, that's very interesting thanks for sharing that info.

It's interesting you mention an effect on glycogen storage as i have woken up several times during the last few nights since I started taking it, which would suggest a decreased level of glycogen.

Interestingly, I have noticed some improved muscle tone and a change in the colour or a mole (also treated with Solban). It seems impossible that these changes could occur within 48hrs of the first dose but who knows?

There was also a suggestion on another thread that it could worsen your condition in a low metabolic state by suppressing ACTH. Perhaps focus on ingesting it with decent amounts of quality sugar will change the effect and offset burning through too much glycogen.

In my experience, DHEA works very rapidly. I can feel change in muscle tone within few hours,
increase in libido in 6-7 hours and side effects of knuckle pain and breathing difficulty within
10-12 hours. If you are planning to compensate for lowered DHEA production then for a 25 yr old
2-3 g is enough. Here is a RP quote on DHEA

Ray Peat said:
Young people produce about 12 to 15 milligrams of DHEA per day, and that amount decreases by about 2 mg. per day for every decade after the age of 30. This is one of the reasons that young people eat more without getting fat, and tolerate cold weather better: DHEA, like the thyroid hormone, increases our heat production and ability to burn calories. At the age of 50, about 4 mg. of DHEA per day will usually restore the level of DHEA in the blood to a youthful level. It is important to avoid taking more than needed, since some people (especially if they are deficient in progesterone, pregnenolone, or thyroid) can turn the excess into estrogen or testosterone, and large amounts of those sex hormones can disturb the function of the thymus gland and the liver.

People who have taken an excess of DHEA have been found to have abnormally high estrogen levels, and this can cause the liver to enlarge, and the thymus to shrink.

One study has found that the only hormone abnormality in a groupt of Alzheimers patients' brains was an excess of DHEA. In cell culture, DHEA can cause changes in glial cells resembling those seen in the aging brain. These observations suggest that DHEA should be used with caution. Supplements of pregnenolone and thyroid seem to be the safest way to optimize DHEA production.

Thanks, yeh - I tried about 1-2g dissolved in coconut oil today and applied topically to several moles and to my chest where I have a mild case of gynecomastia and have seen some interesting results. I'll probably continue like this for a couple of weeks and stop if there is no further benefit. Even with topical application I noticed effects within 10 mins.

Thanks again


Mittir said:
gummybear said:
Mittir, what DHEA are you using? I'm using this one* but I really haven't felt that much from it.


I was using DHEA by Natural Nutrition Center. I bought it 3-4 years ago and they did not mention
the excipients they used, i assumed it was pure DHEA. I have just done a google search and found out that
they add silicon dioxide as inactive ingredients. It is not clear to me if they recently started
adding silicon dioxide or they have been doing it in the past too. I have nocited a lot of new supplements
are adding silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, who did not used this before.
Did you take 2-5 mg with oil? I think it makes a huge difference if you are taking with or without oil.

Edit: Product you are using has both silicon dioxide and microcrystaline cellulose. RP recommneds
avoiding both of these. You can try bulk dhea powder, those should be additive free.

Thanks for your answer. I used to take it with vitamin e when I had pure powder. Yeah it has some funky ingredients, but most products have it so...


Dec 11, 2013
Are you male? Could be increasing Estrogen.

Many guys do ok on small doses , however for me and others even doses of 1mg/day increased estrogen.


Jun 9, 2015
docall18 said:
Are you male? Could be increasing Estrogen.

Many guys do ok on small doses , however for me and others even doses of 1mg/day increased estrogen.

Yeh, i'm male. For the last week i've been using probably about 0.8mg dissolved in oil and applied transdermaly and haven't noticed any ill effects but have noticed some increased muscle size. today i took 0.5mg orally and 0.5 transdermaly and I feel terrible! Really depressed. It is almost certainly being converted to estrogen, but i didnt want to believe it as i'd hoped it might be a very helpful supplement. The increased muscle size could also have been caused by estrogen i suppose as it is supposed to have some anabolic qualities.

Thanks for your help.


Jun 20, 2015
hmac said:
I have noticed ... a change in the colour or a mole (also treated with Solban). It seems impossible that these changes could occur within 48hrs of the first dose but who knows?
Does it look as if it's fading? - I experienced something similiar. I wonder if caffeine has caused it.


Jun 9, 2015
Giraffe said:
hmac said:
I have noticed ... a change in the colour or a mole (also treated with Solban). It seems impossible that these changes could occur within 48hrs of the first dose but who knows?
Does it look as if it's fading? - I experienced something similiar. I wonder if caffeine has caused it.

Yes it has become flatter and smoother and the coulour has change from dark brown to light brown and almost skin colour in parts. I think mainly it was solban. I have heard that niacinamide can have a skin lightening effect so that may have contributed


Dec 11, 2013

Thanks, yeh - I tried about 1-2g dissolved in coconut oil today and applied topically to several moles and to my chest where I have a mild case of gynecomastia and have seen some interesting results. I'll probably continue like this for a couple of weeks and stop if there is no further benefit. Even with topical application I noticed effects within 10 mins.

Thanks again[/quote]

Gynecomastia can be caused by estrogen and/or prolactin. My prolactin was on the high side. I now take 150mg B6 P5P and 25-50mg of Zinc daily. This has reduced both and has gave me a huge libido increase, more muscle, and a general feeling of wellbeing. The P5P B6 lowers prolactin and increases dopaimne, the zinc works synergistically with the B6.


Jun 9, 2015
Gynecomastia can be caused by estrogen and/or prolactin. My prolactin was on the high side. I now take 150mg B6 P5P and 25-50mg of Zinc daily. This has reduced both and has gave me a huge libido increase, more muscle, and a general feeling of wellbeing. The P5P B6 lowers prolactin and increases dopaimne, the zinc works synergistically with the B6.

I've been trying with zinc in similar doses to you whilst watching for it's affects. I believe that zinc has shown mixed effects on prolactin - in some studies it lowers it while in others it raises it. It definitely has lowered it in my case, although i cant confirm this with blood tests. Thanks for your advice to try B6 with it; i'm keen to do so but 150mg seems like a very large dose. I remember Ray mentioning that 10mg was a 'large doese'. Am I right about this or am i confusing B6 with B1 or something?


Dec 11, 2013
Ya it is a large dose. P5P is supposed to be a fairly non toxic form of b6. However whats good for the goose isn't always good for the gander.
Nov 26, 2013
I think P5P is more easily toxic than pyridoxine, no?


May 26, 2015
I was wondering about the safety of P5P and the dosage as well.


Jun 9, 2015
javacody said:
https://raypeatforum.com/forums/posts/91126/ I was wondering about the safety of P5P and the dosage as well.

So I tried some P5P... 1 hour later I was flushing it (and about 10 other supplements) down the sink. It turned me into a zombie, but one with world meltingly bad anxiety. My head was spinning and I experienced some bizarre neurological symptoms like the percieved inability to locate parts of my body in space/my field of awareness. I read a few things on the internet where people have experienced similar situations. Worrying... I wonder if there's some reaction that can occur in susceptible people that creates some sort of toxic metabolite.
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Jul 13, 2014
It reminded me of RP's experience with DHEA, which increased his height at an older age and
straightening of wisdom tooth. It is possible DHEA did something with my bone fingers.
I'm reviving this thread because I started taking 10mg DHEA daily about a week ago and now I'm getting pain in many of my lower teeth. I had wisdom teeth ten years ago which caused all my well structured teeth to get very congested, but I haven't had pain or problems like this at all in those ten years. I'm sure the DHEA is somehow connected
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