Experiences With Tianeptine?



I've been taking it, and find that I need unusually large doses to feel anything. Which explains why taking the tablets did nothing last time 'round.

Since I can't find my milligram scale I'm not sure of my dose, but it's maybe 30 mg? Note that high doses are normal for me and I probably could go much higher without problems.

It doesn't make me sleepy at all. If I err on the larger size I'll feel happy/alert without being overboard about it.

There was a question elsewhere, about taking it with Cypro. I do take that as well (carefully - that DOES impact me severely if I'm not careful), but notice nothing unique from the combination.


Jun 12, 2013
ratcheer said:
post 103276 I've been taking it, and find that I need unusually large doses to feel anything. Which explains why taking the tablets did nothing last time 'round.

Since I can't find my milligram scale I'm not sure of my dose, but it's maybe 30 mg? Note that high doses are normal for me and I probably could go much higher without problems.

It doesn't make me sleepy at all. If I err on the larger size I'll feel happy/alert without being overboard about it.

There was a question elsewhere, about taking it with Cypro. I do take that as well (carefully - that DOES impact me severely if I'm not careful), but notice nothing unique from the combination.

Is that 30 mg. each dose multiple times per day or do you need only once per day with that?
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Jun 12, 2013
Does anyone know if there are foods or supplements that shouldn't be taken alongside tianeptine? Aged cheese, aspirin, niacinamide, anything?


Jan 28, 2013
I'm wondering about a cumulative effect as well. I perhaps feel a little more sociable since starting with the tia a few days ago. I took two of my mini scoops today (holding between 2-7 mg apparently) and felt a little bit of anxiety. I may try 3 here in a bit, to see if I can tie increased anxiety to the tia. My understanding is that tia should reduce anxiety, though it's not unusual for things to have the opposite effect on me than they do on everyone else...or perhaps I'm not taking enough.


Peata said:
post 103385
ratcheer said:
post 103276
Since I can't find my milligram scale I'm not sure of my dose, but it's maybe 30 mg? Note that high doses are normal for me and I probably could go much higher without problems.

Is that 30 mg. each dose multiple times per day or do you need only once per day with that?

Twice a day, in my morning and evening 'Everything Drink'. It's still a subtle effect - like the day is just a little bit brighter. I don't go "whoa!" at that dose.
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Jun 12, 2013
I am going to stop my experiment for now. I think it's the tia that's causing me some slight nausea and a little dizziness. That could be a sign I still need to get my liver in good shape first. I know I've only given it 4 days, but thinking I will put it away for now and try again some other time. I am not getting any consistent effect either - sometimes I feel nothing, other times I feel a little strange for about an hour after I take it and it has not helped my mental functions any, and maybe has me a bit less focused or fuzzy in some areas. I do think I am a little more relaxed socially but I can get that from other things such as cypro. I will follow the thread with interest and maybe revisit tia in the future.


Jan 28, 2013
Yes, I've been wondering if it has been responsible for an upswing in my nausea and I had a slight dizzy spell last night. I think though cumulatively it is improving my mood and my energy level (without the wired effect I got the very first time I took it), so I am going to continue on with it.


Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 103535 Yes, I've been wondering if it has been responsible for an upswing in my nausea and I had a slight dizzy spell last night. I think though cumulatively it is improving my mood and my energy level (without the wired effect I got the very first time I took it), so I am going to continue on with it.

Good, I will be especially interested in what you think as you go along since our reactions to it have been so similar.
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Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 103535 Yes, I've been wondering if it has been responsible for an upswing in my nausea and I had a slight dizzy spell last night. I think though cumulatively it is improving my mood and my energy level (without the wired effect I got the very first time I took it), so I am going to continue on with it.

So how are things going with Tia after a week?
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Jan 28, 2013
Peata said:
post 103952
Dean said:
post 103535 Yes, I've been wondering if it has been responsible for an upswing in my nausea and I had a slight dizzy spell last night. I think though cumulatively it is improving my mood and my energy level (without the wired effect I got the very first time I took it), so I am going to continue on with it.

So how are things going with Tia after a week?

I've been taking a red micro-scoop (which came with some other powders I ordered) 2-3x a day. Not sure how much this holds, though I know it's a little bigger than the one I started with that supposedly held 2-7 mgs. Still, feel I get a bit of a jolt with each dose, maybe some residual mood enhancement--but it's still too early to say for sure. No further dizzy spells or other obvious negatives (or positives). I think I may increase the dose a bit more over the next few days.
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Jan 28, 2013
I have run into a major roadblock, known as crazy, major constipation. I'm assuming it's most likely the tia., as opposed to the other things I have been taking recently...niacinamide, theanine, and increased progeste-e.


Mar 29, 2014
Dean said:
post 104304 I have run into a major roadblock, known as crazy, major constipation. I'm assuming it's most likely the tia., as opposed to the other things I have been taking recently...niacinamide, theanine, and increased progeste-e.

IIUC, serotonin promotes gut motility. Tianeptine opposes serotonin.
Consider trying cascara sagrada to reduce gut inflammation and aid transit, if you haven't already? Doses needed vary - if you take more than you need, you may get very rapid transit. :) If so, take less next time.
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Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 103962
Peata said:
post 103952
Dean said:
post 103535 Yes, I've been wondering if it has been responsible for an upswing in my nausea and I had a slight dizzy spell last night. I think though cumulatively it is improving my mood and my energy level (without the wired effect I got the very first time I took it), so I am going to continue on with it.

So how are things going with Tia after a week?

I've been taking a red micro-scoop (which came with some other powders I ordered) 2-3x a day. Not sure how much this holds, though I know it's a little bigger than the one I started with that supposedly held 2-7 mgs. Still, feel I get a bit of a jolt with each dose, maybe some residual mood enhancement--but it's still too early to say for sure. No further dizzy spells or other obvious negatives (or positives). I think I may increase the dose a bit more over the next few days.

just curious how you are doing now.
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Jan 28, 2013
Peata said:
just curious how you are doing now.

I haven't gone back to the tia. since stopping to get the constipation issues straightened out. I may try again at a later time, but it seems that to get any significant benefit out of it, I'd need to raise the dose and given the major constipation that the small doses were causing me...

For now, I'm focused on raising my caffeine and niacinamide intake. Experimenting with hormone supplementation. And trying to find a way to raise my dopamine enough to give cypro another try. In my short trails of cypro and tia, I guess I am left more intrigued by the possibilities with cypro than tia, though, as I said, I may come back around to tia again some time down the line.


Jun 12, 2013
Dean said:
post 106108
Peata said:
just curious how you are doing now.

I haven't gone back to the tia. since stopping to get the constipation issues straightened out. I may try again at a later time, but it seems that to get any significant benefit out of it, I'd need to raise the dose and given the major constipation that the small doses were causing me...

For now, I'm focused on raising my caffeine and niacinamide intake. Experimenting with hormone supplementation. And trying to find a way to raise my dopamine enough to give cypro another try. In my short trails of cypro and tia, I guess I am left more intrigued by the possibilities with cypro than tia, though, as I said, I may come back around to tia again some time down the line.

I think caffeine and cypro are good together. Or caffeine and theanine.
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Jul 22, 2012
I've been working on my fatty liver for a month or two.
Been doing lab tests to check my enzymes every couple of weeks.
They were dropping pretty well,
almost back within the top of the normal range, then,
my last test they were back up markedly.

I've tried to think what I've been doing differently.
Sun has been behind the clouds on the weekends...so not as much sun.
Also, drinking more tea and less coffee...so less caffeine.

But another thing, just in this last week leading up to the last labs,
I'd been experimenting with tianeptine.
At about 12mg x 3/day for 3 or 4 days.

I did see some stuff about tianeptine and hepatotoxicity...

Tianeptine--an instance of drug-induced hepatotoxicity predicted by prospective experimental studies

from Wiki:
Side effects
Compared to other TCAs it produces significantly fewer cardiovascular, anticholinergic (like dry mouth or constipation), sedative and appetite-stimulating effects.[8] A recent review found that it was amongst the antidepressants most prone to causing hepatotoxicity (liver damage), although the evidence to support this concern was of limited quality.[24]

...probably not the tianeptine,
but I thought I'd post this just to see if anyone else noticing anything...


Nov 13, 2013
Sedona Arizona
I took a total of 500 milligrams in one week when I got Tianeptine Sulfate(also ordered on Ceretropics). I didnt really experience much, but if I had to say then it probably gave me a slight boost in mood and maybe more sociable.

I stopped taking it noticed no difference so I gave the rest to my friend. He has been taking it every day up to 15-100 mg doses like I was and says he likes it. He insufflates it though and said it is stronger that way.

So between us two nothing bad to report at all. Although that doesn't mean it isn't harmful. We may both have been healthy enough to not notice it..


Jun 12, 2013
I'm thinking about trialing this again and seeing how it goes.

Anyone still taking it have anything good or bad to report?


Apr 4, 2016
Tianeptine is known to cause physical dependence but it is unclear how strongly. In Russia, due to its opioid effects, tianeptine is mixed with other cheap opioids to produce the dreaded drug Krokodil. If you are into some horror, do a Google image search for that drug. It's not tianeptine that causes the horrible side effects, but in Russia it is considered addictive nonetheless. However, keeping in mind the Peat explanation of addiction, anything can be considered addictive if it provides relief from inescapable stress. So, I guess the worse your health is the more careful you should be with tianeptine since it may provide much bigger relief and thus cause "addiction". That may be one of the reasons of Peat saying to use anti-serotonin drugs for a short time. The goal is to avoid taking drugs for the rest of your life jut b/c they make you feel good. So, once health is improved the drugs should be phased out. I would probably make an exception for dopaminergic drugs like lisuride, or aspirin, or caffeine. These are life extending and probably worth taking long term.
Just my 2c.
Thanks for your input here. Aspirin, caffeine, and Niacin seem much more easily incorporated.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
You can get Tianeptine in two forms Sodium and Sulphate. The sodium lasts about 3 hours but the sulphate can last 6+ hours, and is generally more user friendly. I don't think Tianeptine will be around too much longer. It is so effective and has minimal/zero side effects and from my experience not addictive and has tame withdrawals. Powder city has just stopped supplying it and another vendor told me that his contact was being 'lent on' to stop producing it. I hope not. Mainly this is due to idiots taking grams and grams of the stuff per day to get high and suffering because of this and then you hear the horror stories on the forums. In my opinion Tianeptine is way safer than Phenibut. I have had no bad experience from using Tianeptine, except maybe a couple nights of restless sleep when stopping but nothing distressing. I think stopping caffeine is worst.

I have used it over the past couple years with extended breaks. I am sure it has a lasting effect on brain function. At the moment I am noticing a similar effect from Thyromax and Pansterone, which Haidut says that DHEA has a antagonistic effect on serotonin.
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