What Would You Do If You Were Diagnosed With Cancer


Apr 22, 2015
I have two close friends that are dealing with cancer. In both cases it has spread. One has lung cancer with mets to the bone and vocal cord. The other had breast cancer which went into remission with the typical mainstream treatment of poison, burn, cut but eventually came back with lesions in the bone and liver. My friend with lung cancer did not discover she had it until it had already spread. She is dealing with pain and pain medication side effects. She is a fighter and is opting to try chemo and radiation. My other friend is already well into chemo and radiation. It saddens me to see the changes in their vitality. The medications and treatments take a terrible toll!

Following the Peat diet recommendations, we all hope to avoid this kind of diagnosis but if, god forbid, it happened to you...what would you do? There are some brilliant minds on this forum and I would love to know your thoughts.


Jun 17, 2014
Stop consuming vegetable oils.

Do generally the Peat recommendations, consuming fruits, dairy, etc.

See if the cancer is iron related, get a test of iron stores (ferritin, etc.) and start bloodletting, and avoid flour with added iron.

Whether that would be enough, I don't know.


Oct 10, 2012
peatypie said:
I have two close friends that are dealing with cancer. In both cases it has spread. One has lung cancer with mets to the bone and vocal cord. The other had breast cancer which went into remission with the typical mainstream treatment of poison, burn, cut but eventually came back with lesions in the bone and liver. My friend with lung cancer did not discover she had it until it had already spread. She is dealing with pain and pain medication side effects. She is a fighter and is opting to try chemo and radiation. My other friend is already well into chemo and radiation. It saddens me to see the changes in their vitality. The medications and treatments take a terrible toll!

Following the Peat diet recommendations, we all hope to avoid this kind of diagnosis but if, god forbid, it happened to you...what would you do? There are some brilliant minds on this forum and I would love to know your thoughts.

If I had cancer I would try this specific recommendation.

There are several types of drug---carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, to increase carbon dioxide in the tissues, lysergic acid derivatives, to block serotonin and suppress prolactin, anti-opiates, antiexcitotoxic and GABAergic agents, anesthetics, antihistamines, anticholinergics, salicylic acid derivatives---that could probably be useful in a comprehensive therapy for cancer, but their combinations won't be explored as long as treatments are designed only to kill.

http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/ca ... rone.shtml

I and some of the members here have already tried some of these types of drugs. However to try them in combination could be interesting.


Feb 7, 2013
Posted by HDD to the Ray Peat Email Depository on Aug. 15, 2014
"We recently received news that a young friend's cancer of the tongue has returned. He received both chemotherapy and radiation for treatment. The doctor is now advising the removal of his tongue and says if he does not have this done,he will only have 2 years to live. He is already unable to eat solid foods and has lost 30 pounds. He does not want the surgery and is depressed.

I am trying to gather information on cancer from your articles and from the forums to send to him. If you have the time, could you offer some specific advice?"

Ray Peat reply-
"Besides large amounts of aspirin (grams per day), and vitamin K1 or K2 to prevent abnormal bleeding from the aspirin, I think I would use DCA (dichloroacetate), which is available from Canada on the internet (and forums describe its use), and maybe an enzyme related to vitamin D, called GCMAF, that activates the immune system."

I think he has mentioned elsewhere that he would use DCA to treat cancer but can't recall where or when that was.


Jul 22, 2012
Wiki on DCA (dichloroacetate)

A mention of DCA
from The Herb Doctors interview

Engineer: And what about DCA or dichloroacetate for cancers?

RP: That happens to be very similar to methylene blue in the way it is essentially non-toxic in moderate amounts, people are now getting as much as 10 or 12g of it per day intravenously and feeling great but what it does is restore the productive oxidation of glucose getting the electrons to go all the way from glucose to form carbon dioxide, pretty much what methylene blue is doing in different situations. But the DCA is reversing the cancer metabolism, or the so-called Warburg metabolism, the same way that methylene blue does, so I see it as a very important way of making up for the toxic effects of nitric oxide, endotoxin, free radical, fat oxidation and so on.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I would get try to get as much sunlight as possible and of course within context of what I could handle, even if just sitting in the shade outside. Red light therapy, red light laser therapy. Light light light.


Jan 1, 2013
Saddly, it would take a miracle for them now; metastases are pretty much considered terminal, especially after previous chimio and radio.

My guess is only when the quacks will send them home to die will they consider alternatives.

The only powerfull enough strategy would be Rick Simpson oil ( see my video about the terminal pancreatic cancer in remission).

There's a documented track record of incredible miracles in terminal cancers.
If it works, combine it with the Gerson therapy, hyperthermia, laetrile.

Have as well a look at the 2 maverick frenchies, Beljanski and Naessens.


Jul 22, 2012
This thread echoes with Peata's thread a while back
about increasing metabolism.

When we start to think about cancer and what to do
we begin to see it is just like Peat said in an interview.
He was asked by the (female) Herb Doctor
what we should do to avoid a cancer metabolism.
And Peat said something like,
well, it is the sum of all the things--dietary and otherwise--
that you do.

In short,
an optimal Peat diet
is the optimal anti-cancer diet.


Nov 8, 2014
I would move to somewhere tropical, eat raw goat milk, fresh caught seafood and some super ripe fruits and chill on the beach all day long, swimming in that ocean.

Oh and cbd oil, co2 therapy, red light therapy. Maybe high dose aspirin.

***t, I don't know why I should wait to get cancer before doing this...


Jan 22, 2013
really though, most adults have cancerous cells growing and subsiding all the time...like being diagnosed is in fact a way of ensuring the person DOES have cancer, rather than it being a fleeting thing. First of all, I'd never go to a doctor...lol, the joke it is, but if someone had the gall to say something like that to me, id knock the fool in the jaw

If you feel bad, seek the solutions. Never let someone curse you into 'having a disease' this is a huge recipe for shame, shame hurts your thyroid alone and is highly serotonergic. How does a person feel about themselves or their outgoing explorative nature...the confidence in their voice, when they feel like they are diseased, as opposed to 'not feeling 100%'...theres no guilt or shame in 1, and the other is rife with like thinking your a contagious sinner or something. People are always ashamed to admit to diseases.

Cancer is an all encompassing thing, you don't get them only if you practice harmony with the body, other people, and nature in the totality of it. And all relate, food to environment to your design and conscience, and then to how you appear to and see other people...the way you see life. If someone says someone is like a cancer to the team..what do they mean? Don't be a cancer to the totality of nature and other people, and that has to do with how you behave and interact in every sense of the word

Peats basic recommendations are getting a person to health...when theres health, theres no ailments or kinks in flow, so you heal everything the same way
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