Your Weight , Grams Of Total Carbs And Total Daily Cals


Jun 12, 2013
I expected to be so sore after that workout since I haven't been working out, but surprisingly very little soreness.

What else can I do for my legs? I think you just had the one exercise listed - squat with dumbell.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
A good squat is about all you need for legs. :) Good form is paramount.


Jun 26, 2013
Peata said:
I expected to be so sore after that workout since I haven't been working out, but surprisingly very little soreness.

What else can I do for my legs? I think you just had the one exercise listed - squat with dumbell.

Soreness has nothing to do with a good workout...make sure u take every set ,everything to absolute failure..if u can complete another that's NOT FAILURE..I agree with Charlie that Squats is all u need but since youre working out at home with no weights you can do walking lunges after squats.

p.s if u are using 30 pound dumbel once you can easily dominate that weight ,get Heavier Dumbells ..50 and so on


Jun 12, 2013
lazz said:
Peata said:
I expected to be so sore after that workout since I haven't been working out, but surprisingly very little soreness.

What else can I do for my legs? I think you just had the one exercise listed - squat with dumbell.

Soreness has nothing to do with a good workout...make sure u take everyset everything to absolute failure..if u can complete another that's NOT FAILURE..I agree with Charlie that Squats is all u need but since youre workinn at home with no weights you can do lwalking lunges after squats.

When I tried to go to absolute failure, I got nauseous and started gagging.

I haven't felt well this past week so hopefully that was the reason. I'll try again next workout.

Thanks again for your help.


Jun 26, 2013
also youre new to working out if I recall you saying it's normal...stop short of failure until you get more in shape and develop more endurance...don't go too fast and each rep should take 4 seconds downs and 2 sec up ,squeeze the targed muscle and repeat not use momentum at all. it, feel it,.l


Jun 12, 2013
lazz said:
also youre new to working out if I recall you saying it's normal...stop short of failure until you get more in shape and develop more endurance...don't go too fast and each rep should take 4 seconds downs and 2 sec up ,squeeze the targed muscle and repeat not use momentum at all. it, feel it,.l

Wow, yes I was going too fast then. I'll slow myself down for the reps from now on.


Jan 3, 2014
I haven't yet read all 7 pages of this but I did see the pic, Lazz - wow, well done!
I was thinking of starting a thread on exercise but seeing as it's happening here ...
anyone else have this pattern?
1. Feel weak, stiff, ancient, and incapable of much, hate that feeling, hate every little thing being a mountain to climb, so start exercise. Aiming for moderation, keeping RP's comments on lowering T3 in mind, I usually go for these two - 15 minutes of walking about 4-5 days a week for a couple of weeks, OR weights in the gym, leg press, shoulder press, one or two others, once or twice a week for about 15 minutes a time, aiming for about the maximum weight I can manage for a couple of sets, like you said on Page 1, not to failure though but quite close. Build up slow, take it slow, have lots of rest days in between, lots of sugar, salt, bicarb, aspirin, caffeine, BCAAs before and after.
2. After a few weeks of this or maybe months if I'm lucky (the gym option usually lasts longer) I crash. Sleep all day for example. Get depressed. Put back on the little bit of weight I lost.
3. Realize I've crashed my metabolism, stop doing it. Go back to feeling sluggish, stiff, weak, and ancient. Hate that feeling!
3. Repeat(for years and years) with endless tweaks and changes to try stop the pattern repeating. But if I go too low, the rhythm does not establish itself and I can't get going or keep going. I can't find a happy medium.
4. Even if I choose something I love, meaningful exercise like riding a horse, I crash, but force myself to continue, and end up hating it, and abandoning it for even longer periods than walking and gym, plus add the guilt of abandoning the horse and our relationship. Then am reluctant to start again and repeat that cycle when someone else also has to suffer when I stop. Which I always do.
I'd like to walk a bit because human beings move and I'd like to be able to! Seriously! And it's awful measuring every little effort (that wouldn't be an effort to anyone under 80 and even plenty over it) and wondering if I can make it, or will I look like an idiot while trying. I'm not talking weights, I'm talking shopping bags, stairs, you get it. And I'd like to do the weights as it helps in the same way.
I don't think I'm being overly self conscious either - I mean, I do go to the macho weights area in the gym, round, tubby little unathletic unfit looking me, and ignore the vibe, and pick up weights, and say to myself I've got a task to do here and so what how it looks to the others with perfect abs.
On re-reading this it seems clear that I am overdoing it, but as I say, taking it too slow means it never establishes as a rhythm I can stick to. It also seems clear that gym is a better option as it lasts longer.
Sorry if I thread-jacked or anything ....


Jun 12, 2013
I went slower this time, still maybe not slow enough, but it cut the amount of pushups I could do by half...

I am done with it all now, and my muscles are trembling and I feel nauseous.


Apr 26, 2014
Hi all,

I would just like to thank all of you on this forum for the collective input and spirit of helping other people heal. Its a very rare commodity nowadays and I must say that since i began implementing peats principles (found mainly on here) around 4 months ago, i have made drastic improvements. I am still yet to return to where i would like to be in regard to health, but it is down to you guys (and peat of course) for my progress.

Lazz, I would just like to say how refreshing it is to see a fellow bodybuilder on this forum (although i am in nowhere near as good shape as you). I am aiming to build muscle and believe that my current high-set, high-volume training and 'more is always good' mindset is holding me back. I was slightly confused by what you were saying in regard to your training routine, may you please outline how many sets and reps per workout you roughly do? Yours, and everybody others help, is much appreciated


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
jaywillis, :welcome

See you around. :hattip


Oct 19, 2015
Arapahoe, NE
Dan Riley-Strength Coach of the Washington Redskins teaches HIT, as does Mark Asanovich, Ralph Cornwell Jr, Drew Baye, Doug McGuff among others. Bodybuilders that used HIT include, Mike Mentzer, Casey Viator, and Dorian Yates who won the Mr Olympia like 6 or 7 times.


Oct 16, 2017
Male vegan here!

161,5 cm or 5’36’’
The day weight can go from 48,6 to 51 kg, usually are 49,1 kg or 109 lbs when waking

Basically eat: Most fruits, the rest is one mountain dish of potato (10 medium potatoes), two to three mountains of greens, maybe 7 tbsp of sugar, and 6 tbsp of coconut oil


3200 to 4000 kcal per day.
Between 6 to 7% of protein, 21 to 30% of fat and 66% to 76% of carbs

To get more protein i will buy Glycine of PA quality


Vegan amid 17.5 to 20.5 years / vegetarian 12 to 17.5 / different types of vegetarian 11.5 to 12 years

Noticeably, I eate and have a bowel movement right after the main meal, eminently! 6 to 10 per day...
Formerly happens just in waking and occasionally in the night, the difference was that I don’t cook some vegetables, 5 tbsp of palm oil, don’t cook banana and eat lentils or other beans... And eat between 2200 to 2500 kcal, with practically the same weight

Do some chin ups, only concentric, rarely until fail and because of that I actually dont know how much or how much weight I can push since years... With my girlfriend (62 kg) in my back I did a full chin up (I remember how she ended up hanging me, while I push), about 5 months ago, and 1 year to 2 years ago I can do more than 7 one hand chin ups, with right and 3 with left until lateral and medial epicondylitis in both arms...

Off-topic... I pretend to do more contribution to, enrich the forum, lately some guys reveal notations, studys, hipoteses, theory and more before me.. And will encourage, support Ray, Haidut... Still executing things to buy things from Ideal Labs; at the end of the day why don't we boast the rockwell, archer etc. Font here? Because the text, something intrinsic here, will be better with that hardihood and staid!!
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