You should be Earthing/Grounding


Mar 18, 2021
Ditto that. Circuits are shut off here too. Disconnecting from the man made matrix is a beautiful thing. :D
Most professionals say that electrical wiring in the walls or the wall outlets do not emit any significant EMF or it is a negligent amount, especially if there are no appliances plugged in. I have limited technical knowledge, but I know that the whole grid is highly polluted with "dirty" electricity from the multitude of modern appliances that use switching power supplies which generate high frequency transients. Those travel along the wiring in the walls. Hi-Fi enthusiasts know about this problem very well and fixing it is next to impossible.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Going barefoot and snacking on the sunlight is prolly better.
Agree. I think grounding mats and such are a bad idea. Just get outside and barefoot.
Most professionals say that electrical wiring in the walls or the wall outlets do not emit any significant EMF or it is a negligent amount, especially if there are no appliances plugged in. I have limited technical knowledge, but I know that the whole grid is highly polluted with "dirty" electricity from the multitude of modern appliances that use switching power supplies which generate high frequency transients. Those travel along the wiring in the walls. Hi-Fi enthusiasts know about this problem very well and fixing it is next to impossible.
Smart meters are known for producing dirty electricty along with metabolic crushing radio frequencies. I opted out of the smart meter here. If opting out is an issue, encase that sucker so no RF can get out.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Cool @Tarmander! I can’t wait to listen. I’ve been grounding barefoot in the grass lately myself. What do you think about grounding shoes?


Mar 18, 2021
Agree. I think grounding mats and such are a bad idea. Just get outside and barefoot.

Smart meters are known for producing dirty electricty along with metabolic crushing radio frequencies. I opted out of the smart meter here. If opting out is an issue, encase that sucker so no RF can get out.
I heard about smart meters. I am in Europe and they are not so common here. We voluntarily submit the readings over the internet every month.
But it's not just smart meters. Literally every appliance now has a switch mode power supply - TVs, PCs, laptops, mobile chargers, modems, some bulbs etc.


Apr 30, 2015
I slept with a grounded metal mesh underneath my bed since about 1976 or 1977, About the time when a dowser found noxious energy crossing (‘water veins’) underneath the bed place of my father who had died in 1974 from stomach cancer.

Maybe 15 years ago, I met Dr. James Oschman and Clint Ober at my friend's house (Dr. John Zimmerman) in Reno and they gave me a grounding set to try out. It was a conductive pad which I connected to the grounding screen that I already had underneath my mattress. I didn’t sleep any different. But then I remembered that Dr. Oschman thought that due to friction between the sleep ware and the bed sheets, electrostatic charge would be generated and one would loose electrons. Dr. Oschman thought that lack of electrons would lead to inflammation.

So I thought, if loosing electrons and thereby becoming positively charged, how about giving oneself some extra electrons by sleeping on a negative potential?

I took three 9V batteries, connected them in series and cut the grounding wire and inserted the batteries, so that the negative pole was connected to the pad and the screen, and the positive pole connected to the ground. I went to bed, expecting to sleep really well. Not so, I had terrible nightmares and had to disconnect the batteries, then I slept normal. The next day I reversed the polarity, but it wasn’t any different from just grounding.

At the time I was working at plasma physics experiments at the NTF and told this to one of our technicians, who then replicated this with a 100 V dry cell battery and a conductive fabric that he had. Again, first with the negative polarity. He told me that he had the worst nightmares of his life and that the dream content was disgusting to say the least. He disconnected the battery when he woke up during the night and slept normally grounded. The next day he also reversed the polarity and slept just normal.

My son had nightmares so I inserted a single 9V battery into the grounding wire of his shielded bed, with the positive pole to the metal screen (aluminum fly screen from Home Depot) and the negative pole to ground, the nightmares stopped. That is how we normally sleep now, on a 9V positive potential.

He recently had a knee injury and one day it swell up and it was painful. I had him place a grounding pad on this knee, and it got quickly better!
thank you for sharing this

I haven't noticed much from grounding, but on several occasions before bedtime I completely turned off all electricity in the home from the circuit breaker panel (except for one breaker controlling the refrigerator wiring).
Every time I do this my sleep is noticeably improved. It is deeper and more restful. Dreams are fewer and once I fall asleep I don't remember much when I wake up in the morning. Otherwise my sleep is usually more shallow with multiple half-awake moments throughout the night.
yeah I think ultimately avoidance is the best, but perhaps grounding can alleviate exposure.


Apr 30, 2015
I'm attaching two articles that greatly enlightened me about feet and sweat (why am I typing this sentence?!)

Barefoot life!
cool articles

Cool @Tarmander! I can’t wait to listen. I’ve been grounding barefoot in the grass lately myself. What do you think about grounding shoes?
Not sure about the shoes. I have been experimenting with this which kind of wraps your shoe: Amazon product ASIN B0849ZDS2KView:

I don't know how well this works but figure they probably let off a bit of built up voltage, better then nothing. The real benefits I think come from getting as much of your body exposed as possible. So laying full on a sheet, laying in the grass with as much skin exposed to the ground, that kind of thing.

In a different interview, Clint talks about a story of a native American younger woman who got Scarlet fever. Apparently the doctors could not do much for her so she went back to her small village and they buried her up to her neck in the ground. For several days people came and gave her food and water and after that time she was healed. Not sure if this is true but it is one of several sources showing there is a dose dependent thing going on. I definitely noticed more relaxation the more grounding sheets/bracelets and mats I use at the same time.


Mar 18, 2021
thank you for sharing this

yeah I think ultimately avoidance is the best, but perhaps grounding can alleviate exposure.

I don't think grounding can help in this situation. Graham/Stetzer filters should be effective to address dirty electricity.


Jun 23, 2015
I don't think grounding can help in this situation. Graham/Stetzer filters should be effective to address dirty electricity.
I have two oscilloscopes for measuring DE, and the GS filters really aren't enough (or any filter). Many times there is a wiring issue, where current is coming up from the ground / neutral, which no filter can help with (a filter can only help with the hot). There is a guy named Andrew McAfee who goes really deep on this stuff, but charges a lot for this time. His books are useful though.
Jun 30, 2021
Most professionals say that electrical wiring in the walls or the wall outlets do not emit any significant EMF or it is a negligent amount, especially if there are no appliances plugged in. I have limited technical knowledge, but I know that the whole grid is highly polluted with "dirty" electricity from the multitude of modern appliances that use switching power supplies which generate high frequency transients. Those travel along the wiring in the walls. Hi-Fi enthusiasts know about this problem very well and fixing it is next to impossible.
Dirty electricity filters do wonders for this issue

I bought a few Greenwave filters 2 years ago and they noticeably improved my sleep quality and mental clarity

I once unplugged all of the filters to see how I'd feel and, I kid you not, everyone in the house got a headache within 5 minutes -- once I plugged them back in the headaches went away


Mar 29, 2016
Just finished listening to it.

I wonder if there will be a movement to follow where people go to work barefoot. Or even at a minimum, where people wear go back to wearing leather shoes or sandals. Or even create a demand for rubber soled shoes that are grounded. On second thoughts, this may usher in a boom of lawyers that sue companies for death by grounding. I suppose that means no such shoes will ever see the light of day, but there would still be a market for suing leather shoe makers lol.

I think that grounding would benefit Americans the most, as Americans would have the most to gain from grounding.

If Americans were a boat, they would likely have an uneven keel liable to capsize. Any imbalance would easily push the boat to the edge, and make it collapse. This, for having a terrible food supply that's devoid of nutrition and a USDA and an FDA and a DOH that mirrors the way the country's bureaucracy operates - in the service of anything but the people.

Clint Ober lived a classic American food lifestyle, and for that he wasn't in the best of health. So he was typically arthritic at his age. And he had undergone a health scare at midlife, and that awakened him to finding new meaning that brought out his discovery on grounding.

If he were healthier and wasn't arthritic, he may not have discovered the benefits of grounding. And if he were worse off than he was, grounding may not impact enough for him to see his arthritis gone.

Luckily for us, he discovered what grounding could do. It would be a simple thing to ground ourselves without it being another inconvenient thing to do. We could walk barefoot and we could use a grounding mat as we sleep. The initial cost of a grounding mat would be easily justified for the years it would serve us.

It is however not a cure-all. But nothing is. Just like red light. Or maybe even hydrogen water. Or magic mushrooms. Or marijuana. But the chances it would help optimize our health is greatly increased when we view them as add-ons and not the replacement to giving ourselves the best nutrition and surroundings that maximize our sugar metabolism and our sense of well-being and happiness.

in a world where our health is literally being assaulted intentionally by clandestine powers, we need any help we can get. More power to people like Clint!
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2018
I haven't noticed much from grounding, but on several occasions before bedtime I completely turned off all electricity in the home from the circuit breaker panel (except for one breaker controlling the refrigerator wiring).
Every time I do this my sleep is noticeably improved. It is deeper and more restful. Dreams are fewer and once I fall asleep I don't remember much when I wake up in the morning. Otherwise my sleep is usually more shallow with multiple half-awake moments throughout the night.
Funny how less electricity could make you dream less.


Apr 30, 2015
Dirty electricity filters do wonders for this issue

I bought a few Greenwave filters 2 years ago and they noticeably improved my sleep quality and mental clarity

I once unplugged all of the filters to see how I'd feel and, I kid you not, everyone in the house got a headache within 5 minutes -- once I plugged them back in the headaches went away
yeah I have these too and I felt better after installing them I remember when I plugged in the last one it gave a zap that was audible.
Apr 22, 2019
I've been using Clint's sleeping mat and pillow case grounding sheets for about a week now because of this podcast. Sleep quality is definitely noticeably better and when using my phone it's not as draining, just like you suggested @Tarmander

There's a tiny placebo man in my brain that has gotten less and less argumentative with me as I genuinely look forward to coming home to sit on the mat and eventually sleep. I really feel like it's worth its weight in gold.

Of note, I still use Dave Stetzer's recommendation of grabbing aluminum foil for 60 seconds to discharge just before bed. I can't say that this is necessary for the noticeable improvement in sleep quality, but it is such a menial habit that I can't justify throwing it out.

In any case, thanks for continuing to spread the word of health. Great work.


Apr 30, 2015
To give an update. I no longer sleep with the grounding sheet. I noticed at first, sleep was better and grounding would really relax me, but around the 3 week mark, I stopped getting relaxed and sleepy and started getting energized.

I had this night where I laid down on the grounding sheet and I was just AWAKE. It wasn't a negative awake, like excitoxins might cause where your brain gets obsessive and worried, just energized.

So I stopped using it for sleep and just use it while I am on my computer and sometimes throughout the day depending on what I am doing. Something to watch out for.

I've been using Clint's sleeping mat and pillow case grounding sheets for about a week now because of this podcast. Sleep quality is definitely noticeably better and when using my phone it's not as draining, just like you suggested @Tarmander

There's a tiny placebo man in my brain that has gotten less and less argumentative with me as I genuinely look forward to coming home to sit on the mat and eventually sleep. I really feel like it's worth its weight in gold.

Of note, I still use Dave Stetzer's recommendation of grabbing aluminum foil for 60 seconds to discharge just before bed. I can't say that this is necessary for the noticeable improvement in sleep quality, but it is such a menial habit that I can't justify throwing it out.

In any case, thanks for continuing to spread the word of health. Great work.
That is awesome man. I am glad it is working well for you. Clint is the OG
Apr 4, 2021
To give an update. I no longer sleep with the grounding sheet. I noticed at first, sleep was better and grounding would really relax me, but around the 3 week mark, I stopped getting relaxed and sleepy and started getting energized.

I had this night where I laid down on the grounding sheet and I was just AWAKE. It wasn't a negative awake, like excitoxins might cause where your brain gets obsessive and worried, just energized.

So I stopped using it for sleep and just use it while I am on my computer and sometimes throughout the day depending on what I am doing. Something to watch out for.

That is awesome man. I am glad it is working well for you. Clint is the OG
energised only when you were on the mat? What about during day time?
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