You Cannot Digest & Utilize Food, Protein, Etc. -- Everything You Consume Is Worthless


Feb 18, 2018
It's not obvious to me.
What's not obvious that you can be low in a certain vitamin and then supplement that vitamin and blood levels will rise?? Op said you can't absorb nutrient's so why would blood levels rise??

Correlation is not causation.
Low iron levels you feel bad , you supplement iron you feel better the supplement is doing something op says you can't absorb nutrient's..

But if we don't know more than we know with regard to nutrients' absorption and their systemic effects, then we could very well be doing more harm than good by supplementing them.

That is to say, thinking we know more than we actually know about nutrients or steroids or anything else can lead to extremely bad outcomes. This is what I understood OP to mean by the term "useless".
Not really op said you can't absorb nutrients.

If the goal is to feel better for a short while, then fine. If the goal is to "become a beast" very quickly, then fine. But if the goal is to, say, reverse aging, then trt and steroids seem pretty useless.
Exactly so hormones do work .
And you can't exactly reverse aging anyway but you are missing the point again op said hormones are useless they do nothing.


Jun 13, 2019
My point is that the universe is clearly not unreasonable as Camus or any absurdists would assert. The existence of mathematics is enough to refute this.

The universe is perfectly reasonable and beautiful. The problem typically lies with us, not with the universe

i personally think life inherently is unreasonable because we do not, nor will we ever, know why anything is real. the universe may be reasonable within itself but it is unreasonable that the universe itself exists.


Jul 3, 2017
You need a purpose; that being a world where escapism doesn't compare but I see that you're not the kind to build it through physical means. Instead, build the world preter-physically through your dreams and allow everything in reality to fit into place. You have the imagination but you're abusing it, learn to dream by not dreaming while awake but in your sleep. Only then will you be able to create a reality that matches your intellectual gifts.

That's a really good way of putting it.

Like the OP I've had a lifetime of 'living in my head' and It was only 2 years ago that I found real value in being more present (or mindful).

I pretty much coasted for most of my life. Acting passively and rarely pursuing anything important. My imagination was a great way to escape from my situation, but it made me complicit. The longer I did this, the less control I felt I had in my life, and my resentment grew. This exacerbated my escapist tendencies further as I felt the need to 'reclaim' every scrap of free time I had.

A warm summers day helped me understand that my habit wasn't helpful. I was walking along a canal on my lunch when I was captivated by the natural beauty around me. I felt the need to be present out of respect and when I came back to my desk I felt properly rested. Since then I've made more of an effort to be 'present' and less in my head. I think the main benefit is giving my brain a bit of a rest, as the benefits have been mainly cognitive (better short term memory and the like).

It's definitely not a silver bullet though and sometimes it's very difficult to be 'present' (especially in winter). Focusing on the following helps me though (in order of importance):
  1. Good sleep hygiene and working towards improving sleep quality
  2. getting sunlight any chance I can get
  3. keeping Digestion at a steady pace (3-meals a day with snacks in-between; don't over-eat; limit grains; take a stomach acid pill with food if i'm feeling subpar)
  4. Avoiding over-stimulation (for me this means avoiding video-games in favour of socialising/painting)
  5. exercising daily (no over-exertion)

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
i personally think life inherently is unreasonable because we do not, nor will we ever, know why anything is real. the universe may be reasonable within itself but it is unreasonable that the universe itself exists.

Yes... unreasonable to think that such a reasonable universe could come to exist on its own. It’s clearly the work of the Creator, though of course we cannot understand the Creator’s nature. But we can still clearly see His work


Jul 6, 2013
I didn’t read it all but isn’t the article claiming that even nutrients from food are bunk? if everything is a myth why do we die if we don’t eat?
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2019
I didn’t read it all but isn’t the article claiming that even nutrients from food are bunk? if everything is a myth why do we die if we don’t eat?

that article specifically is claiming you need glucose/sucrose/fructose/lactose , sunlight, minerals, and water to create everything else you need. So theoretically you still need to eat. Either way, the article is junk but it’s a fun read if looked at as fiction.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
It's more than a massive part; it's the only part. Mind is everything. Your feelings are the only thing in this universe that you can be sure are real.
Careful here. Just because you "feel" something doesn't make it real. Yes you felt it. But why did you feel it? What story/lesson/training came before the feeling? Emotions often serve a purpose, but like much learned in life, they can be maladaptive.


Jul 6, 2013
that article specifically is claiming you need glucose/sucrose/fructose/lactose , sunlight, minerals, and water to create everything else you need. So theoretically you still need to eat.
Ohh, right, thanks
Kammas said:
Either way, the article is junk but it’s a fun read if looked at as fiction.
May 26, 2016
Careful here. Just because you "feel" something doesn't make it real.

If you feel something, that absolutely makes it real. To double down on my previous statement: our feelings are in fact the only thing in this universe we can be 100% sure are real.

Yes you felt it. But why did you feel it? What story/lesson/training came before the feeling? Emotions often serve a purpose, but like much learned in life, they can be maladaptive.

Saying that "feelings can be maladaptive" is like saying "***t happens". It's a meaningless statement.

Our feelings are the only thing we can trust in the end. If you're not going by your feelings, then you're disregarding the best evidence available to you.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
If you feel something, that absolutely makes it real. To double down on my previous statement: our feelings are in fact the only thing in this universe we can be 100% sure are real.

Saying that "feelings can be maladaptive" is like saying "***t happens". It's a meaningless statement.

Our feelings are the only thing we can trust in the end. If you're not going by your feelings, then you're disregarding the best evidence available to you.
How you feel has no bearing on reality. This is an incredibly bad way to make any judgement call on anything. Feelings can help guide you, but only if you have a clear enough grasp on objective reality. Feelings are a pain/pleasure mechanism built for survival. Not higher level, intelligent reasoning. It's a very scary world where people perceive their feelings to be reality.
May 26, 2016
How you feel has no bearing on reality. This is an incredibly bad way to make any judgement call on anything.

I'll just repeat myself for a third time since it doesn't seem to be sinking in for you and I can't really be any clearer: our feelings are in fact the only thing in this universe we can be 100% sure are real.

Please re-read that over and over until you understand it (your previous response wasn't related to what I actually wrote).


Jun 13, 2019
I'll just repeat myself for a third time since it doesn't seem to be sinking in for you and I can't really be any clearer: our feelings are in fact the only thing in this universe we can be 100% sure are real.

Please re-read that over and over until you understand it (your previous response wasn't related to what I actually wrote).

so should an anorexic trust his or her feelings?


Aug 23, 2018
Yes. There's literally nothing that makes more sense to trust than one's own feelings.

Except that some people have thoughts that make them miserable.

I've tried a long time to use willpower, but it's not enough. I must have energy to be able to live by my feelings and thoughts.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
One's own brain is the least reliable source of unbiased truthful information about one's own self.
May 26, 2016
Except that some people have thoughts that make them miserable.

If certain thoughts are making them feel miserable, and yet they're choosing to still go with those thoughts, then that is not trusting their feelings.

Precision is important here.

Except that some people have thoughts that make them miserable.

I've tried a long time to use willpower, but it's not enough. I must have energy to be able to live by my feelings and thoughts.

Trusting your feelings requires zero willpower. If you're using willpower, you're doing it wrong.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
If certain thoughts are making them feel miserable, and yet they're choosing to still go with those thoughts, then that is not trusting their feelings.

Precision is important here.

Trusting your feelings requires zero willpower. If you're using willpower, you're doing it wrong.
Also thoughts are not feelings. A feeling is a sensation or perception of experience that is physically felt in the body, a thought happens in the mind and is the mind observing itself.
It’s interesting how much resistance there is to believing feelings are authentic or real.
May 26, 2016
lol so if an anorexic person is deathly underweight and feels like they’re obese and need to starve themselves and work out excessively, they should trust that?

Someone who is deathly underweight and is continuing to starve themselves is ignoring their feelings every step of the way.

They don't feel like they are obese (if they're paying close enough attention to their experience).

They might think they are obese, but again, that would be because they are actually ignoring their own feelings.
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