Why Would Letrozole And Nothing Else Normalize Urine Flow?


May 22, 2019
So I've been suffering from reduced urine flow, hesitancy starting and inability to fully empty the bladder for five years now. I spent thousands of dollars on doctors, procedures, tests, drugs and supplements with very little success. I tried everything, from alpha blockers to dht blockers to muscle relaxants to herbal supplements... I was so desperate at one point I even believed in "natural healers" and "homeopaths" and whatnot.

Then one sunny day when searching for a cure online as I had done many times before, I came across some guy talking about how exess estrogen may cause hemorrhoids or vericocele and cause urinary issues. I had hemorrhoids before, which I cured with eating raw garlic, and I do have a bit of a gyno, so the theory sounded plausible and I decided to score some AIs from the local roid supplier. He gave me letrozole, which I took 2.5 mgs of and the enxt day my urine flow was almost normal!

The effects lasted for about a week and then I had to take another dose. It's been almost a year and this is still going on. Now the letrozole is slowly killing me, I feel like death, depressed, weak, joints are achy, I get headaches all the time, my mood is ***t, my thought pattern is scattered, my sex drive is none existent.. But I can finally piss, so I've been taking it despite all these ill effects.

I also tried replacing it with less side effect prone drugs like Exemestane or SERMs, or some natural AIs like mushrooms and whatnot. But nothing works like letrozole, not even other aromatase inhibitors.

So I came back here. What do you guys think this could be? What alternatives do I have to this medication? Is there a way to lower the sides. Can I keep taking this indefinitely?


Sep 19, 2018
You still take it weekly? Have you thought about taking a 1/7 dose daily? This might keep your hormones less unstable.


May 22, 2019
have you tried Uribel ? it is used for that kind of thing.

It contains many chemicals that are used on this forum like methylene blue, benzoic acid and phenyl salicylate

Have tried to no avail, I also tried methylene blue on its own with no positive results.

You still take it weekly? Have you thought about taking a 1/7 dose daily? This might keep your hormones less unstable.
Yes I do, if I don't then urine output decreases day after day and the tenth day I need hospitalization. I have tried lowering the dose to half of what I currently take but that lowered the effectiveness. I haven't tried taking it daily. I will put this on the list. Thank you.


Jan 25, 2014
So I've been suffering from reduced urine flow, hesitancy starting and inability to fully empty the bladder for five years now. I spent thousands of dollars on doctors, procedures, tests, drugs and supplements with very little success. I tried everything, from alpha blockers to dht blockers to muscle relaxants to herbal supplements... I was so desperate at one point I even believed in "natural healers" and "homeopaths" and whatnot.

Then one sunny day when searching for a cure online as I had done many times before, I came across some guy talking about how exess estrogen may cause hemorrhoids or vericocele and cause urinary issues. I had hemorrhoids before, which I cured with eating raw garlic, and I do have a bit of a gyno, so the theory sounded plausible and I decided to score some AIs from the local roid supplier. He gave me letrozole, which I took 2.5 mgs of and the enxt day my urine flow was almost normal!

The effects lasted for about a week and then I had to take another dose. It's been almost a year and this is still going on. Now the letrozole is slowly killing me, I feel like death, depressed, weak, joints are achy, I get headaches all the time, my mood is ***t, my thought pattern is scattered, my sex drive is none existent.. But I can finally piss, so I've been taking it despite all these ill effects.

I also tried replacing it with less side effect prone drugs like Exemestane or SERMs, or some natural AIs like mushrooms and whatnot. But nothing works like letrozole, not even other aromatase inhibitors.

So I came back here. What do you guys think this could be? What alternatives do I have to this medication? Is there a way to lower the sides. Can I keep taking this indefinitely?

I think some of the upstream hormones help prevent side effects from AIs in general. Have you tried adding some pregnenolone and/or DHEA? I know there was a doctor that recommended using very small doses of Letrozole with 25-50mg of DHEA a day as an alternative to TRT. It may be that over time, androgens can build back up and have some estrogen suppressing qualities of their own, which may allow you to either lower the dose of letrozole, switch to another AI, or get off it completely.

Another thing, I've seen studies that suggest adding vitamin D to AIs (both exemestane and letrozole) can both help lower estrogen even more AND reduce side effects of the AI. If you aren't using Vitamin D, you may want to consider adding something like 5,000-10,000 IU a day.


May 22, 2019
it sounds simple but increasing salt intake ?
Have tried a couple of times, it makes too thirsty, like drinking a gallon of water and still feeling thirsty. Interestingly enough, it doesn't matter how much salt I add even a little bit has this effect on me.

I think some of the upstream hormones help prevent side effects from AIs in general. Have you tried adding some pregnenolone and/or DHEA? I know there was a doctor that recommended using very small doses of Letrozole with 25-50mg of DHEA a day as an alternative to TRT. It may be that over time, androgens can build back up and have some estrogen suppressing qualities of their own, which may allow you to either lower the dose of letrozole, switch to another AI, or get off it completely.

Another thing, I've seen studies that suggest adding vitamin D to AIs (both exemestane and letrozole) can both help lower estrogen even more AND reduce side effects of the AI. If you aren't using Vitamin D, you may want to consider adding something like 5,000-10,000 IU a day.
I have an order of pregnenolone on the way, when it arrives I will give it a try. I will add vitamin d today, I tried it alone for a couple of months to no effects, but now I will add it to my daily stack.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
If it's a prostate issue, Travis once recommended selenomethionine and got a rousing endorsement from a forum member who seemed pretty knowledgeable. I tried it off and on, it took a couple months but when I started to get good results it was very noticeable. I sometimes have problems in the middle of the night when I get up to pee but for the most part it has normalized. No side effects.


Dec 14, 2019
The Land of Oz
I also have this issue, especially on rising, although prostate is normal by physical exam and PSA levels are okay. (about to have next lot of 6 monthly blood tests.)

I had an operation just before Christmas and was prescribed Prednisolone, the synthetic form of Pregnenolone and whist on this my stream returned to normal along with a host of other benefits - more focus, increased motivation, more energy, more enjoyable social interactions +++.

I have also found the following helped me:-
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayanne pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice in hot water early in the morning
  • two teaspoons of blackstrap molasses with two teaspoons of acv in hot water shortly afterwards


May 22, 2019
I have an order of pregnenolone coming in the mail, I will see what it does. I've tried Selenium before to no avail.

I was thinking maybe this is a chronic dht issue, I've been lifting very consistently with little progress in terms of muscle mass for five years now, I also have a full head of hair even tho my father won't bald in his early 20s, I have some gyno and a very high sex drive. All of these are signs of a higher rate of estrogen conversion.

So my body produced testosterone but it doesn't get turned into dht. Why would this be? There is no ******* dht gel in my country which is very weird, is there anything else I can try that raises dht without increasing testosterone production.


Jul 29, 2014
Did you ever try progesterone before using the letrozole?

It appears to me that letrozole can have some estrogenic effects. Probably it is anti-estrogenic in some areas and estrogenic in other areas, which might change from person to person, or the dose, etc. Letrozole can cause fluid build up around tendons, for example (which to me seems like an estrogenic/hypothyroid effect). This is what likely causes the joint pain people experience. In a study on marmosets, letrozole massively increased E2 in the hippocampus. I don't know what's going on with the AI's, but they do have some wacky effects. Some case studies have shown them to cause rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, hypercalcemia. Those are all things promoted by estrogen, yet AI's lower plasma estrogen, so what's up? Who know. I wish Ray would write a newsletter on them.

Ray discusses some of your problems in this newsletter. He also discusses edema and leakiness a bit.

Prostate Cancer


Jan 25, 2014
I have an order of pregnenolone coming in the mail, I will see what it does. I've tried Selenium before to no avail.

I was thinking maybe this is a chronic dht issue, I've been lifting very consistently with little progress in terms of muscle mass for five years now, I also have a full head of hair even tho my father won't bald in his early 20s, I have some gyno and a very high sex drive. All of these are signs of a higher rate of estrogen conversion.

So my body produced testosterone but it doesn't get turned into dht. Why would this be? There is no ******* dht gel in my country which is very weird, is there anything else I can try that raises dht without increasing testosterone production.

Low dose DHEA may work, though it might take a while to build up. I've seen some studies that suggest even very high doses of DHEA get mostly converted to DHT. But they also raise estrogen at the same time.

This thread suggests that Tribulus might be ideal for this- A Proposed Anabolic Mechanism Of Tribulus Terrestris (TT)

Also, Androsterone might be an option.
Nov 21, 2015
For some reason, metergoline helps tremendously. And has few/no side effects.

I think it is the prolactin lowering that has made the AI work. Metergoline directly lowers prolactin and is very harmless really.

Try it. I have no real prostate issues, but my urinary flow is much better even than it was before.


May 22, 2019
Thanks everyone.
I have used Progesterone on ttansdermally in my prostate area, it didn't really do anything. I have also tried serms and even other AIs, but only letrozole works (Exemestane for example didn't help at all).

I will order some Dhea.

There is no way for me to get something like this in this European socialist utopia where I have to order 90% of my supplements from abroad and half of them get confiscated by the customs. Thanks for the suggestion though.


May 22, 2019
I've tried tribulus with not positive effects.

There is a drug called Cabergoline available in my country, should I give that a try? From the wiki page it sounds very dangerous with so many side effects.
Nov 21, 2015
I've tried tribulus with not positive effects.

There is a drug called Cabergoline available in my country, should I give that a try? From the wiki page it sounds very dangerous with so many side effects.

you can try bromocriptine which is easy to get and safer.
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