Why the vaccine shedding is worse, even according to mainstream science


Mar 20, 2021
Implying that is a reason because it is your reasoning doesnt make it true or right.
This is not the first time "Mamakitty" has tried to push her own opinion as universal truth. On a different thread, she claimed in multiple posts that "straight hair is the most beautiful", compared to curly hair, and is preferred by most all cultures... I kid you not.


Nov 1, 2021
This is not the first time "Mamakitty" has tried to push her own opinion as universal truth. On a different thread, she claimed in multiple posts that "straight hair is the most beautiful", compared to curly hair, and is preferred by most all cultures... I kid you not.
Aww you sound awfully hurt and have taken it personally. I’m stating facts as in observable patterns. Do try to be a little less sensitive and not take things personally. You are doing fine with your curly hair, good for you. When someone says “in general”, it obviously means NOT ALL. And if you mention people without notifying them it’s gossip and done in bad faith.

Regarding Christmas, are you seriously suggesting people should sever relationships with their own parents on CHRISTMAS to prove their moral/philosophical/political superiority!?
That’s rather petty and no different from the other side that are univiting the unvaxxed.

You should look up Christmas spirit. Family comes first! When people don’t realise this important truth, they stop being a people. I don’t think Georgi will disagree. He obviously does everything for his family.


Apr 28, 2018
This is not the first time "Mamakitty" has tried to push her own opinion as universal truth. On a different thread, she claimed in multiple posts that "straight hair is the most beautiful", compared to curly hair, and is preferred by most all cultures... I kid you not.
There are a few that arrive on this wonderful forum who are very worth ignoring. Time wasters.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Regarding Christmas, are you seriously suggesting people should sever relationships with their own parents on CHRISTMAS to prove their moral/philosophical/political superiority!?

Sometimes it's absolutely essential to disrupt relationships with one's own parents in order to break the cycle of dysfunctional co-dependencies and abuse. Some people won't change until they're forced to.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
I know two vaxxed people whose pet dogs died suddenly, gasping for breath when they were otherwise not suffering from anything. Healthy. Anyone else?


Oct 6, 2020
I know two vaxxed people whose pet dogs died suddenly, gasping for breath when they were otherwise not suffering from anything. Healthy. Anyone else?

My mother got her booster and now her cat is having severe issues with breathing. She's just 3 years old.
No idea if related, but realy wierd nonetheless.


Mar 20, 2021
Sometimes it's absolutely essential to disrupt relationships with one's own parents in order to break the cycle of dysfunctional co-dependencies and abuse. Some people won't change until they're forced to.
I totally agree


Apr 29, 2021
how do you explain "the elite" gates bezos etc... appearing in interviews, tv shows being seen in public, going out to eat and so on around vaxxed people? elon musk is constantly around vaxxed people. doesnt make all that much sense


I spent Christmas with my family yesterday. I encountered increasing amounts of brain fog. I thought it was due to Christmas music playing through wifi, but later I saw that it didn't use much bandwidth. I had the exact same symptom last year after spending time with recently vaxxed relatives. Also, wifi caused motor disturbance, unlike this symptom which just causes cognitive impairment. I can't do anything in the shape I'm in.

My mother tried to interrogate me why I was angry today. I wasn't able to do simple things like preparing food for myself without great difficulty. She said stuff like that she never lied to me, etc. I told her she lied to me, and that she knows exactly what about. I stood my ground. She kept trying to get me to talk and never admitted it. Additionally, she was wearing a top with transparent patches on her shoulder, and I coincidentally noticed a red mark. Also on left shoulder.


how do you explain "the elite" gates bezos etc... appearing in interviews, tv shows being seen in public, going out to eat and so on around vaxxed people? elon musk is constantly around vaxxed people. doesnt make all that much sense
That's what masks are for! :clown:


Feb 22, 2017
I'm curious how Christmas affected different households here?

We all tested negative on the morning, the next day most people tested positive and started getting ill, mostly cold symptoms and one has more of a flu. The preveiling belief is vaccines are saving lives and one family member is worse because they didn't get boostered... even though another with a mild cold isn't boostered. I'm very lucky as relying on natural immunity and apparently 90% of us are filling the ICU's in the UK. Having a look it's 48% on the last update but they keep using 90% in the media. Honestly, 48% still seems high given the people relying on natural immunity are supposed to be in the minority. I know here 'positive test = covid hospitalisation' regardless if you were admitted for a traffic accident or respiratory illness. I'm not sure how they count the ICU admissions. There's also confounding factors of lifestyle to consider.

I'm much more concerned about this potential shedding and people having compromised immune systems. I know one study which found the injected have a higher viral load compared to the naturally immune, and have the sense they can be either more infectious or suceptible.
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Oct 20, 2021
United States
I'm curious how Christmas affected different households here?

We all tested negative on the morning, the next day most people tested positive and started getting ill, mostly cold symptoms and one has more of a flu. I have no symptoms so first and last test hopefully. The preveiling belief is vaccines are saving everyone's life and one family member is worse because they didn't get boostered... even though one with a mild cold also didn't get boostered. I'm just very lucky as I'm relying on natural immunity and apparently 90% of us are filling the ICU's in the UK. Having a look it's 48% on the last update but they keep using 90% in the media. Honestly, 48% still seems high given the people relying on natural immunity are supposed to be in the minority. I know here 'positive test = covid hospitalisation' regardless if you were admitted for a traffic accident or respiratory illness. I'm not sure how they count the ICU admissions. There's also confounding factors of lifestyle choices, as some 'anti-establishment' people are more likely to give the finger to the shot and also more likely to ignore other more well established health advice, like drinking and smoking less.

I'm much more concerned about this potential shedding issue and people having compromised immune systems. I know one study which found the injected have a higher viral load compared to the naturally immune, and from personal experience have the sense they can be very infectious and also very suceptible.
Wasn't allowed to attend due to not being vaccinated. Apparently I would've been a liability to other guests.
Mar 10, 2021
My parents told me they were going Christmas shopping real quick for clothes, which is unusual. They left quickly, never asking me if I wanted to go. They were gone for a while and the store would probably be closed earlier on a Saturday. When they came back, I walked in and stood there looking at them, which isn't that unusual. My father stared back for longer than was expected. I felt that he may have detected something off about the way I looked at them. They told me the clothes were in the car, without being asked about it. Ultimately, what gave them away was the bandaid on my father's shoulder because he took off his shirt to remove a mouse that was trapped in the kitchen vent. Thanks Mousie! ?

I don't know if my father knows I consider the vaxx poison, but my mother does. It doesn't seem that my mother realized I saw his bandaid. Either way, Christmas is ruined. I was going to get some blood tests done for some people here, as well as buy a gift for my mother and brother, and I obviously won't subject myself to their shedding in the car. They had both jabs, but that was like a year ago.

My relationship with my mother isn't different. I still don't want anything to do with her. Nothing was broken by the act of deception itself. All it is, is a major pain in the **** (at best) since I've been so busy and now I have shedding to worry about.

Sorry to hear your disappointment Kayaker, I can picture the angst of that moment and the look on your dad's face. I felt that way with everyone I care about in my life that was adamantly against getting the vaccine, but caved eventually one by one, and most recently my step daughter getting it. They either wanted permission to get dome freedoms back or were really scared of getting sick. The irony is so many of my vaxxed friends and family are the ones getting Covid this year, with the second shot or months later. I feel for you because it would be hard living with a vaxxed person while avoiding them at the same time, not knowing for sure if you are at risk. I don't know what I think about the shedding, because I don't think people like Blossom, Pina and others are lying when they say they have symptoms, like nosebleeds and feelings of malaise. There is still a lot of "waiting things out" to get clearer answers, and in this situation I am not going to be placing my bet for one side or the other, for once I am happy to be a spectator instead of a player.


Sorry to hear your disappointment Kayaker, I can picture the angst of that moment and the look on your dad's face. I felt that way with everyone I care about in my life that was adamantly against getting the vaccine, but caved eventually one by one, and most recently my step daughter getting it. They either wanted permission to get dome freedoms back or were really scared of getting sick. The irony is so many of my vaxxed friends and family are the ones getting Covid this year, with the second shot or months later.
JFK Jr's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" goes into this topic and references statistics that vaxxed people are getting covid at a higher rate than unvaxxed. Weeks ago, I showed my mother a statistical study in which more people who caught it (particularly the delta varient, I think) in a certain state were vaxxed than unvaxxed, and she refused to believe it and said it was fabricated by antivaxxers.
I feel for you because it would be hard living with a vaxxed person while avoiding them at the same time, not knowing for sure if you are at risk. I don't know what I think about the shedding, because I don't think people like Blossom, Pina and others are lying when they say they have symptoms, like nosebleeds and feelings of malaise. There is still a lot of "waiting things out" to get clearer answers, and in this situation I am not going to be placing my bet for one side or the other, for once I am happy to be a spectator instead of a player.
I was unaware of people having nosebleeds. I guess that symptom is similar to my nose tickling and sneezing that I've been sometimes getting.


I'm curious how Christmas affected different households here?

We all tested negative on the morning, the next day most people tested positive and started getting ill, mostly cold symptoms and one has more of a flu. The preveiling belief is vaccines are saving lives and one family member is worse because they didn't get boostered... even though another with a mild cold isn't boostered. I'm very lucky as relying on natural immunity and apparently 90% of us are filling the ICU's in the UK. Having a look it's 48% on the last update but they keep using 90% in the media. Honestly, 48% still seems high given the people relying on natural immunity are supposed to be in the minority. I know here 'positive test = covid hospitalisation' regardless if you were admitted for a traffic accident or respiratory illness. I'm not sure how they count the ICU admissions. There's also confounding factors of lifestyle to consider.

I'm much more concerned about this potential shedding and people having compromised immune systems. I know one study which found the injected have a higher viral load compared to the naturally immune, and have the sense they can be either more infectious or suceptible.
I'm starting to wonder if there may be something in the tests that is making people sick
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