Why T3 Have No Effect?


Mar 29, 2014
Yes. And I love that revolutionnary theory.
Buteyko or other methods to address CO2/oxygen supply seems directly related to making use of this knowledge.


Mar 8, 2015
This doesn't answer your question, but it is related a little i think.

T3 taken in the afternoon / early evening (so from 2pm to 6pm) has a much greater effect on my body than if i take it in the morning.

Does anyone know why this is the case ? Would this be due to food intake, or could it be related to cortisol levels being lower in the later part of the day.

I take T4 at bedtime and a little T3 in the afternoon. I am a thyroid patient and so take 125 T4 and 3-5mcg T3 per day. The T3 can actually be taken every other day.


Mar 8, 2015
125 of T4 is a good amount. The recommended amount is 1.8mcg per kg. So i am 80 kg, so my probable amount needed is 144mcg.

Some people can use 400mcg, but if you are having to use large amounts of thyroid meds then often the issue is more than just a thyroid issue. Clean liver is a big factor. Mine is very clean and i convert well.
Nov 27, 2017
I was reading about adrenochrome and thyroid resistance. Adrenochrome is a natural metabolite of adrenaline and is thought to cause schizophrenia. Here is a passage from Dr. Hoffer and Dr. Osmond's book:

They gave them up to 200 micrograms of T₃:

Based on the work of Dr.s Osmond and Hoffer, niacin and ascorbate should increase T₃ sensitivity by reducing adrenochrome and other antithyroid quinones. This is just one illustration of how one person can be much more resistant to thyroid hormone than another.
This is incredibly interesting. There are a lot of theories that CFS is like a form of thyroid resistance, since blood tests present as normal but symptoms are similar to hypothyroid


Aug 12, 2019
I have had the exact same issues with T3, T4, & NDT. I couldnt figure out why they didnt raise temps or only did it some days.

I finally figured out it was all related to endotoxin and intestinal issues.

As Ray said:
''Bacterial endotoxin is usually the basic problem causing hormone imbalance, by being a chronic burden for the liver, keeping it from storing enough sugar to process thyroid and the other hormones effectively.''

Try a diet of zero starch, zero pectins , zero latex containing fruit, zero OJ, few fruit (only dates initially if you can handle), low coffee intake for a few days, and monitor your temps and pulse.

I found this out when away on holidays. Due to limited options I was only eating shrimp, coke, cheese, honey, Hagen Daz ice-cream and raw carrots with coconut oil. I got a thyrotoxicosis for two day - couldnt sleep, very high temps & pulse.

Since then I can keep temps, pulse & energy high by watching my diet and using a reduced dose of NDT. If i take starch, OJ, many fruits, or poor quality milk my temps & pulse drop reliably.

Try starting off with just coke, sugar, honey, cheese, fresh milk, Hagen Daz ice cream, 1-2 cups of coffee, shrimp (no sauce) and dates for a couple of days to see if your temps increase. Also chew raw carrots with coconut oil daily(avoid vinegar), and try activated carbon every few days. Then slowly add in other foods monitoring their effect on temps.

Foods that increase endotoxin will cause liver issues, increased estrogen and cortisol and will lower temperatures.
Im trying this now, just cheese and coke + carrot

but why no vinegar on the carrot?


Nov 29, 2022
This doesn't answer your question, but it is related a little i think.

T3 taken in the afternoon / early evening (so from 2pm to 6pm) has a much greater effect on my body than if i take it in the morning.

Does anyone know why this is the case ? Would this be due to food intake, or could it be related to cortisol levels being lower in the later part of the day.

I take T4 at bedtime and a little T3 in the afternoon. I am a thyroid patient and so take 125 T4 and 3-5mcg T3 per day. The T3 can actually be taken every other day.
This makes a lot of sense. it seems like the afternoon dose feels a lot betterr than early morning. why do you think that is?
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