Why Is It Ok To Take More T3 When Taking T4 Alongside It?


May 30, 2017
Why does it seem like it's ok to take more T3 in a single dose when taking T4 alongside it?

Ray has said that taking more the 4mcg of t3 at once is probably not good because it is unphysiological . You could probably get away with a bit more (like 5-10mcg) if taken with a meal because of the slower absorption.

But he has also said:

"As long as it's divided so that you don't get a big dose of T3 all at once it should be o.k. to take a total of 25 mcg T3 and 100 of T4.That would be similar to the traditional 2 grain dose of Armour thyroid. A healthy person should produce the equivalent of about four grains per day, so with 2 grains of supplement, or the equivalent, there isn't a risk of over-dosing."

So why does it suddenly become ok to take 25mcg of T3 when taking T4 alongside it? It seems like a common protocol to nibble on small amounts of T3 during the day, but then take a big chunk of Cynoplus (t3/t4) at night that contains a much higher dose of T3. What gives?


Oct 10, 2018
I've always assumed it's because the T4 slows the absorption of T3. Either way, I'd like to hear from someone who knows this as well. As I've never seen Ray be specific on this topic before. Or anyone else for that matter.


May 30, 2017
I just realized in the original quote I posted Ray is actually saying the exact opposite.

"As long as it's divided so that you don't get a big dose of T3 all at once it should be o.k. to take a total of 25 mcg T3 and 100 of T4". So, he's saying you can take a total of 25mcg of T3 as long as it's divided up throughout the day.

But still, I think it's common that people take more more t3 when taking t4 alongside it, especially at night when taking Cynoplus. So the question still remains as to why this is ok.


Oct 10, 2018
I just realized in the original quote I posted Ray is actually saying the exact opposite.

"As long as it's divided so that you don't get a big dose of T3 all at once it should be o.k. to take a total of 25 mcg T3 and 100 of T4". So, he's saying you can take a total of 25mcg of T3 as long as it's divided up throughout the day.

But still, I think it's common that people take more more t3 when taking t4 alongside it, especially at night when taking Cynoplus. So the question still remains as to why this is ok.
Yeah, I mean, anyone taking 2 grains of thyroid or more daily will find it extremely hard to take small enough doses to only get 4mcgs of T3 daily. Some people take upwards of 3 grains or even more, so there's no way these people are only taking 4 or 5 mcgs at one time.


May 30, 2017
Yeah, I mean, anyone taking 2 grains of thyroid or more daily will find it extremely hard to take small enough doses to only get 4mcgs of T3 daily. Some people take upwards of 3 grains or even more, so there's no way these people are only taking 4 or 5 mcgs at one time.

It's a conundrum for sure.


Jan 26, 2016
@cyclops yes ray breaks his own rule by taking 7.5 mcg of T3 via his cynoplus dose at night. Was gonna ask him about that eventually.
Nov 21, 2015
if you take "physiological" T3 doses, which is around 3mcg per hour, you are following Dr. Peat's advice (more can be taken if it's with a meal which inhibits absorption.)

But this is difficult to do, and as you say, Dr. Peat himself violates it. I find I take 6mcg every few hours and it works quite well. Sometimes I need more or less but I can't take 3mcg every hour as that's too difficult to dose.


Mar 8, 2015
Dr Blanchard has written some good books on thyroid treatment. He was based in America, but is now deceased. However he was practising an alternative type of thyroid treatment and it goes against how most people treat the thyroid.

He writes that he is not sure why T3 is made in such large tablet sizes. He couldn't get to the bottom of why the standard size is 25mcg.

His view is that T3 should be used in very small doses and if he could, he would be making tablets in the size starting with 0.1mcg T3 and building up to a big dose of 1mcg T3.

He found the best ratio of T4:T3 was 98.5:1.5. So for every 100 of T4 someone would take 1.5mcg T3. He also used and had made up especially for his patients slow release T3.
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