why is CO2 important?


Apr 9, 2015
You know, the calcium makes sense because ever since I started this diet have have had worsening vision, from 20/20 no glasses, and just randomly walking in a room forgetting what I'm doing. Could be the salt too. Kind of annoying. Although I have been growing my hair back and it does feel like I'm hotter at some points, and I have gained some weight but now I just do skim milk. My muscle mass is growing back with hardly and exercise too.

The vision and memory is still a problem even with a cup of kale, or bok choy, for vitamin A. Also doing 6oz liver once a week. I will try the zinc sup. I also feel really bad if I don't get a magnesium bath at least once a day, probably relates to the increase in calcium.

Also I thought that the pure unfiltered OJ was causing a insulin/cortisol spike to make me have seem diabetic maybe?

I also watched a video on vitamin E about a girl who had diabetes. She had bad vision but she took the vitamin E(tocotrienol?) and her vision and diabetic symptoms got a lot better. Only problem is Ray says not to take tocotrienol because of enlarged liver or something. Some people like mercola say you need a combination of the 2 vitamin E types with a,b,g,d, ray just says to take tocopherol. But this other Asian guy says that tocopherol interferes with tocotrienol, supposedly 50x better. It seems like everyone says to do the opposite of the other or a combination. Very confusing. Here is the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG8bs9m_G2A


Apr 13, 2014
To throw some more facts for confusion in: My CO2 level was just over the upper limit of 30, around 33, when I was diagnosed with hypo. That was the only value marked out of range on the lab report and no Dr. bothered about it. But I was in bad shape. T4 made this better. High CO2 in the blood didn't do any good for me back then - or would I have been in even worse shape without it?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Steffi said:
To throw some more facts for confusion in: My CO2 level was just over the upper limit of 30, around 33, when I was diagnosed with hypo. That was the only value marked out of range on the lab report and no Dr. bothered about it. But I was in bad shape. T4 made this better. High CO2 in the blood didn't do any good for me back then - or would I have been in even worse shape without it?
That's a great question. I had that happen once years ago when I was experiencing some poor health and my doctor at the time didn't worry about it either. It about the same time my prolactinoma was diagnosed. I've often wondered if it was either a lab error or if I was just hypoventilating most of the time due to extreme fatigue. We may never know.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Highserotonin90, I would suspect it to be the other way around but I’m just coming from a ‘knowledge from personal experience’ perspective.
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