Why Does Soy Reduce Estrogen Levels In Studies?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Yes. And let's not forget the phytates in soy that's so maligned as being nutrient inhibitors. Yet, being very anti-cancer {IP-6}.


Jul 18, 2018
Kiwi, ginger, asparagus, fermented foods. It's a proteolytic enzyme and so you can also find it in pineapple, yogurt. Apparently soy and grains and some beans destroy it....

I read through this thread because I have really been wanting to switch to soy yogurt. Ever since I was a small child I have not been able to tolerate dairy products, and although the coconut milk yogurts are okay, they are really watery.

I wonder if the fermented aspect of the yogurt would be helpful..

Before I learned about polyunsaturated fats, I used to consume a couple tablespoons of ground flax in my food everyday and I always felt amazing from this...🤷
Thanks @LadyRae . Fermented foods I dont consume due to histamine issues.

Apparantly Lupin beans are the only beans that dont contain any Trypsin inhibitors. May have to experiment with it and see coz other beans give me severe bloating and little anxiety
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