Why Does Homosexual People Looks Muscular In Both Gender?

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Apr 15, 2020
It is not true that you can't tell a gay man from a heterosexual man. There are studies on the differences in facial characteristics. The nose and forehead is longer in homosexual men. The eyes are closer to each other. The jaw (from the lower lip to the chin) is shorter. The area from the end of the nose and to the upper lip is also shorter. Gay men tend to have enlarged upper lips.
Gay men more often have "lordosis" of the lower back, which is what women have for mating so if they bend over the **** sticks up and the back curves downwards; it's seen in all female animals but is absent in universally all hetero men. This lordosis is estrogen dependent.

Lordosis behavior - Wikipedia
Gay men tend to think like women (there are HUGE differences in how women and men think) which is why an overwhelming majority of gay men are "progressive" or new-liberal, whereas an overwhelming majority of heterosexual men lean conservative.

There ARE some bizarre facts regarding homosexual males, such as that they tend to have more hairy bodies, tend to have less body fat, tend to more often have frontal balding, tend to have enlarged prostates and so on, which is not what you would expect if homosexuality was caused by excessive estrogen, progesterone or whatever it is (or maybe that IS what you would expect).

Well facially sounds like less prenatal Testosterone exposure


Jun 19, 2014
Homosexuality means end to your being......
Then celibacy is immoral too? How about infertility? Immoral? Reproduction off the species does not seem to be an issue from what I can tell. Despite homosexuality, celibacy, and infertility "working against it."

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Then celibacy is immoral too? How about infertility? Immoral? Reproduction off the species does not seem to be an issue from what I can tell. Despite homosexuality, celibacy, and infertility "working against it."
I dont know what is immoral but I mean "being" like Bloodline. To have children is your only way how to be immortal :D


Jun 19, 2014
The question is, is he really homosexual?
Not sure what you mean. To be clear, I mean lots of homosexuals will use a surrogate or donor to have a baby and raise the child. Its biological reproduction just like my wife and I--minus the heterosexual relations.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Not sure what you mean. To be clear, I mean lots of homosexuals will use a surrogate or donor to have a baby and raise the child. Its biological reproduction just like my wife and I--minus the heterosexual relations.
Ye but that is the problem of this century, if I would be able to do something with this, I would not allow homosexuals to have children this way. Its unnatural but the most wrong thing on this is that Its showing others non functional reality. I have nothing against homosexuals even I dont understand it much especially male homosexuals, for example, I have female friend that is fat and not much attractive, she told me that men dont like her so she switched to girls just because of the feeling of something like that somebody love her and care about her. Animals could act like homosexuals too but it was find that males do this when females are not present. My main point is that its wrong reality of our age that could spread and mess the youngsters. Its like with obesity, today Its okay when child is obese but it was not normal like 30-40 years ago. My dad told me that only few his friends were obese and the obese were sick. I have younger brother and I took him from school today, I saw his class and most boys are pale, fat and small while girls are big and tall. He is 14 years old.
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Jun 19, 2014
Ye but that is the problem of this century, if I would be able to do something with this, I would not allow homosexuals to have children this way. Its unnatural but the most wrong thing on this is that Its showing others non functional reality. I have nothing against homosexuals even I dont understand it much especially male homosexuals, for example, I have female friend that is fat and not much attractive, she told me that men dont like her so she switched to girls just because of the feeling of something like that somebody love her and care about her. Animals could act like homosexuals too but it was find that males do this when females are not present. My main point is that its wrong reality of our age that could spread and mess the youngsters. Its like with obesity, today Its okay when child is obese but it was not normal like 30-40 years ago. My dad told me that only few his friends were obese and the obese were sick. I have younger brother and I took him from school today, I saw his class and most boys are pale, fat and small while girls are big and tall. He is 14 years old.
Honestly, "non functional reality" I don't understand. It is functional. Happens all the time . . . so? And even if it didn't happen, what would be wrong with not reproducing at all?


Feb 28, 2020
Homosexuality is linked to higher than normal levels of DHT and estrogen in the prenatal mother. Both are anabolic.


Mar 15, 2014
I saw his class and most boys are pale, fat and small while girls are big and tall. He is 14 years old.
Kids are reaching puberty at earlier ages today, and most boys develop gynecomastia in adolescence these days.

This is due to both environmental factors (chemicals/stress/EM waves/etc),
but also genetic factors (C-sections are logically dysgenic by most definitions, and I believe we're seeing their results in real time).

Homosexuality is linked to higher than normal levels of DHT and estrogen in the prenatal mother.
Seems like what I would suspect, but do you happen to have the link/study on hand? Not doubting, just for reference.

Also I disagree with the idea that lesbians are more muscular--I think most lesbians are just normal looking or "butch". The more muscular women IME tend to be straight.
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Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Honestly, "non functional reality" I don't understand. It is functional. Happens all the time . . . so? And even if it didn't happen, what would be wrong with not reproducing at all?
I thought that main purpose of life is to have children......
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
@charlie This whole thread is 'f.uckd up' and should be deleted, Jesus give me strength! :eek::confused::mad::stop:
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