Where To Start?


New Member
Oct 8, 2016
Hello guys, new here. Wasn't sure on the best place to post, but advice on vitamins would be great.

I'm a 36 year old male. I've been exhausted since the age of 13. Here's an overview of my journey so far.

For many years my doctor refused any tests. Any at all. Instead tried to prescribe me antidepressants as they'd help me sleep better. I refused.

Eventually I had various tests that found high ANA and positive lupus anticoagulant. This lead nowhere.

I did a private saliva cortisol test, which showed low cortisol, especially in the morning. This explained why I'd wake up feeling drugged. I started 25-30mg hydrocortisone and it had a huge impact. I could wake up before midday, I could even get through an entire day at work without feeling like I was going to die.

5 years ago, I concluded I had coeliac disease. But my doctor refused to test me. Fast forward to Dec 2015 and I eventually, through paying privately, got diagnosed with Coeliac disease.

I've been gluten free since.

I think the low cortisol was due to undiagnosed AI disease and overall bad health.

I am probably feeling about 50-60% of what I imagine normal to feel like. Which is an improvement from the previous 20%.

I however still have a fair bit of brain fog. Lack motivation quite a lot. Overall tired most of the time, but still able to function.

I've been reading rays work and I'm overwhelmed and not sure where to start. Plus, reading genuinely exhausts me.

He says sugar is good, but how much sugar. Caffeine is good, but how much? Any diet advice would be awesome.

Which supplements are essential? I have just started taking 1,000mg B12, B100 complex, high dose vit C, whole food multi vitamin and an essential amino acid complex.

My current afternoon temperature is 36.4 Celsius or 97.5 Fahrenheit.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome to the forum Paulwmather. :welcome

Congratulations on making so many improvements on your own already!

If you use one of the free online nutrition calculators like www.cronometer.com that can give you an idea if you are regularly missing any key nutrients. I like to look at how things average out over several days to one week because we do not have to get 100% of every nutrient each day.

Generally it's preferable to get our nutrition from food rather than supplements. Here is a link to the general dietary guidelines and many people seem to alter this somewhat to fit their unique situation. I think it's good to be flexible and not view it as a set of rigid rules you must follow exactly.
Ray Peat Diet, Food Choices, And General Guidelines

If you don't mind sharing what you typically eat that would be helpful.


Jan 6, 2015
other guys may help better than me ...

but may you please give some details of what your nutrition was around your teen years that you started feeling exhausted?

He says sugar is good, but how much sugar. Caffeine is good, but how much? Any diet advice would be awesome.
i think as much as you crave it.
Which supplements are essential? I have just started taking 1,000mg B12, B100 complex, high dose vit C, whole food multi vitamin and an essential amino acid complex.
i think add taurine to them , and b vitamins are great i think keep supplementing them and give it time to work.and maybe high dose vitamin c is not necessary,if you cant get it from foods just 200-300mg is enough probably.
i believe you already checked your diet to have enough fat soluble vitamins.

and also want give your attention to check and se if you have enough manganese in your diet or not.

these are my experiences,hope it helps you! :)


Jul 8, 2016
The 'Peat way' isn't like other health forums on the internet that say eat X at X time in this dose. For sugar, eat as much as you need, which could range from huge amounts to not too much. No supplements are essential, but many are beneficial to specific needs that you have, you will see lots of talk about specific supplements on the forum.

Same with caffeine, start small and work your way up. Maybe you are not in a health position at the moment to tolerate caffeine, but in the future you might.


Jul 29, 2016
He says sugar is good, but how much sugar. Caffeine is good, but how much? Any diet advice would be awesome.
I typically have 8oz. oj, 4 servings of fruit and 1 starch per day (white rice or boiled potatoes work for me). I rely less on pure sugar, I may have some in coffee. Green tea sits better with me than coffee. Everybody is different, experiment with it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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