Where Can I Get Real Whole Cistanche Natural Form >No Powders/Tinctures etc.


Sep 5, 2012
I'm looking for the real thing - as it appears in pictures, but must I order from all the way in China?


Feb 20, 2021
Dr Kang Formulas, the individual herbs listings. Need to know the Cantonese/TCM name.


Apr 19, 2017
I'm looking for the real thing - as it appears in pictures, but must I order from all the way in China?
Go to a TCM store and ask - it's usually located in Chinatown district of major cities. Copy the name/Chinese characters from the webpage at the link below. Use your cell phone to take a snapshot and show it to the shop assistants. The name is : 肉 蓯 蓉 { ròu cōng róng ).

The respective pronunciations of
肉 蓯 蓉 are given at the following link. When the webpage opens, just click the double arrow icon >> to access the respective sounds {click microphone icon} when the menu opens :


You can also get it from eBay but I think it costs more than from Chinatown retail outlets :

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Sep 5, 2012
Go to a TCM store and ask - it's usually located in Chinatown district of major cities. Copy the name/Chinese characters from the webpage at the link below. Use your cell phone to take a snapshot and show it to the shop assistants. The name is : 肉 蓯 蓉 { ròu cōng róng ).

The respective pronunciations of
肉 蓯 蓉 are given at the following link. When the webpage opens, just click the double arrow icon >> to access the respective sounds {click microphone icon} when the menu opens :


You can also get it from eBay but I think it costs more than from Chinatown retail outlets :

Here in Chicago, we have what is known as "Little Chinatown" on the northside in Uptown on Argyle street.
Yeh, I must learn a different pronunciation because the women I purchase Red Korean Ginseng from doesn't know of "Cistanche".


Apr 19, 2017
Here in Chicago, we have what is known as "Little Chinatown" on the northside in Uptown on Argyle street.
Yeh, I must learn a different pronunciation because the women I purchase Red Korean Ginseng from doesn't know of "Cistanche".
Take a snapshot of the 3 characters and show them to the people in the TCM store you come across in Little Chinatown. Sorry I can't help you on this as I don't live in USA, let alone Chicago! That will get you a quick response as most don't know about English, let alone Latin-based, names. You don't have to learn the respective pronunciations of the Chinese characters beforehand.

Cistanche is usually kept in glass jars placed on the store shelves and they are dark brown or inky black in color. Do ask the store assistants on how to prepare/cook the stuff. While you are there, ask them to also 'read your pulse rate'. They can easily do this from the hand and for free. From the scan/reading of the pulse, they can speedily diagnose the health of the major organs in the body and then fine tune the "recipe" by adding or subtracting certain ingredients.

You can a few TCM stores like
VINH HOA {in Argyle Street, Chicago} listed on this webpage :

Check out these images of the raw herb at the 2 links below :

1. https://www.google.com/search?q=肉+蓯+蓉&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi25LGuxqjvAhUzK7cAHYlpC1wQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=肉+蓯+蓉&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQDDIECAAQDDIGCAAQDBAeMgYIABAMEBgyBggAEAwQGDIGCAAQDBAYMgYIABAMEBgyBggAEAwQGDIGCAAQDBAYMgYIABAMEBhQvDpYvDpgtkdoAHAAeACAAbQBiAG0AZIBAzAuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=ejZKYLa_NbPW3LUPidOt4AU&bih=669&biw=1360

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Sep 5, 2012
Take a snapshot of the 3 characters and show them to the people in the TCM store you come across in Little Chinatown. Sorry I can't help you on this as I don't live in USA, let alone Chicago! That will get you a quick response as most don't know about English, let alone Latin-based, names. You don't have to learn the respective pronunciations of the Chinese characters beforehand.

Cistanche is usually kept in glass jars placed on the store shelves and they are dark brown or inky black in color. Do ask the store assistants on how to prepare/cook the stuff. While you are there, ask them to also 'read your pulse rate'. They can easily do this from the hand and for free. From the scan/reading of the pulse, they can speedily diagnose the health of the major organs in the body and then fine tune the "recipe" by adding or subtracting certain ingredients.

You can a few TCM stores like
VINH HOA {in Argyle Street, Chicago} listed on this webpage :

Check out these images of the raw herb at the 2 links below :

1. https://www.google.com/search?q=肉+蓯+蓉&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi25LGuxqjvAhUzK7cAHYlpC1wQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=肉+蓯+蓉&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQDDIECAAQDDIGCAAQDBAeMgYIABAMEBgyBggAEAwQGDIGCAAQDBAYMgYIABAMEBgyBggAEAwQGDIGCAAQDBAYMgYIABAMEBhQvDpYvDpgtkdoAHAAeACAAbQBiAG0AZIBAzAuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=ejZKYLa_NbPW3LUPidOt4AU&bih=669&biw=1360

'Just got a some real & "in the raw" from yes - Vin Hoa.
Now, is it safe to chew/suck on small bits like I do with ginseng, or better to make tea?
Any toxicity issues?


Apr 19, 2017
'Just got a some real & "in the raw" from yes - Vin Hoa.
Now, is it safe to chew/suck on small bits like I do with ginseng, or better to make tea?
Any toxicity issues?
Glad to hear that you succeeded in getting some of the raw stuff. I've never chewed or sucked the bits so unable to comment. I think making tea out of the bits sounds like a good way to start, though in TCM, the general practice is to simmer them for about 45 minutes.
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