What's Wrong With Potatoes [How Do They Agree With You?]


May 5, 2015
Potatoes are a bit irritating, probably a bit more than white rice. However, for me, they are less irritating than raw carrot, whole fruits, etc.


Mar 29, 2014
i cannot say it was 100% the potatoes but im quite sure it couldnt have been anything else
Green potatoes are definitely poisonous. I'd throw them out at the first hint of green, either in appearance or taste.

Some people are allergic/extra sensitive to nightshades. Those people are probably best off avoiding potatoes altogether.

The effect on blood glucose has a bit to do with how much potato you eat at once, and how strong your own blood glucose handling is (as well as what else you eat with it). Clearly variable.
Nov 21, 2015
Most people thrive on potatoes but not all.

1. avoid green
2. avoid ones with eyes
3. some say, avoid refrigerating them -- this increases alkaloids by stressing them out
4. avoid the skin and peel liberally
5. avoid ones that are rough looking, pitted etc.

Cooking in water and discarding the water probably helps.

It's easy to test if you are sensitive or not. Everyone is sensitive to damaged, stressed green or sprouted potatoes. In sufficient quantities (not all that large either) they can make you sick or dead. But if you do the above, and you are okay, then it's fine. You can go off them for a week, then challenge your body with them and see.


Sep 11, 2013
Yes, that @ecstatichamster.

There are so much people that are like, okay, I feel bad on potatoes, oh, I get a puffy face on it, oh and they contains starch and blabla toxins, so that should be the reason. And so everybody should limit them or just avoid them at all.

All those experiments you do on yourself, are just N=1 experiments. And I'm another N=1 experiment, and I don't think I could have made the improvements in my health without potatoes. And there are quite a lot of people, on this forum that notice similar things, not improving on high fruit diet, but finally making progress when they begin to staple potatoes.

So please, just don't generalise your bad experiences with potatoes to everybody. Some people feel good with this high orange juice diet, some people are better off with potatoes. I'm just saying, because if everybody keeps bashing potatoes here, I'm afraid that people will try (dogmatically) high fruit diets for years, without making progress, before finding out that you can very cheaply and easily improve your health with potatoes.


Nov 16, 2015
a few months ago i had some old potatoes sitting in the drawer in the kitchen which had started to go green and sprout but i decided to cook them up and eat them anyway. The next morning at work i broke down onto the ground from a writhing gut pain and started to experience a delerious fever with cold sweats and shaky limbs which lasted for a few hours.

i cannot say it was 100% the potatoes but im quite sure it couldnt have been anything else

Green potato=solanine. Solanine is no Bueno. Don't eat green potatoes. Problem solved.
Nov 21, 2015
Green potato=solanine. Solanine is no Bueno. Don't eat green potatoes. Problem solved.

it is as I said, not just green, but damaged, stressed or sprouted potatoes that contain high amounts.

And it is a fact that a lot of people don't do well with potatoes anyway. Even good low solanine potatoes.


Mar 29, 2014
Cooking in water and discarding the water probably helps.
Don't you throw away as much of the ketoacids and minerals with the water as you do of the toxins? I've lately been keeping the water to add to soups.


Oct 11, 2015
The potatoes that come in bags are absolutely digusting lol, anyone ever get those?


Mar 29, 2014
The potatoes that come in bags are absolutely digusting lol, anyone ever get those?
You growing your own? Or how else do you get yours home? I usually buy and store mine in the extra-thick paper bags - helps keep the light out, which is important. I seldom buy them in a clear plastic bag if there is a better alternative.


Oct 11, 2015
You growing your own? Or how else do you get yours home? I usually buy and store mine in the extra-thick paper bags - helps keep the light out, which is important. I seldom buy them in a clear plastic bag if there is a better alternative.

I'm not sure if they have these where you're from but I'm talking about the potatoes that come in 2-5lb plastic bags at the store, usually green giant or some other brand. They are always incredibly low quality...


Jan 10, 2016
I'm not sure if they have these where you're from but I'm talking about the potatoes that come in 2-5lb plastic bags at the store, usually green giant or some other brand. They are always incredibly low quality...

I buy these. You just have to give them a sniff first to make sure they're OK. The other trick is to dig out a bag from the bottom of the pile. Don't pick a bag from the top where it's been exposed to the light and drying out all day.


Mar 29, 2014
I'm not sure if they have these where you're from but I'm talking about the potatoes that come in 2-5lb plastic bags at the store, usually green giant or some other brand. They are always incredibly low quality...
I don't know the brand, but we do have potatoes in plastic bags in the supermarkets, and on the rare occasions I've bought them they seem to have a slightly higher likelihood of being green and inedible, or to rot more quickly. They really should be stored in the dark, and not in sweaty plastic.


Oct 24, 2013
Green potato=solanine. Solanine is no Bueno. Don't eat green potatoes. Problem solved.

haha yeah thanks i came to that conclusion , i was just pointing out the fact there can be a significant time frame between when you in ingest the source of the solanine and when the symptoms occur


Apr 26, 2014
Most people thrive on potatoes but not all.

1. avoid green
2. avoid ones with eyes
3. some say, avoid refrigerating them -- this increases alkaloids by stressing them out
4. avoid the skin and peel liberally
5. avoid ones that are rough looking, pitted etc.
I thought refrigerating potatoes increased their sugar to starch ratio, which presumably would be a positive.
Jan 24, 2014
I LOVE POTATOES!!! I wasn't able to eat them for a very long time due to severe gut issues...now that that chapter is over, I'm back to enjoying all kinds of potatoes. They are delicious and VERY nutritious. Did I mention that I LOVE POTATOES!!!


Jun 12, 2013
I LOVE POTATOES!!! I wasn't able to eat them for a very long time due to severe gut issues...now that that chapter is over, I'm back to enjoying all kinds of potatoes. They are delicious and VERY nutritious. Did I mention that I LOVE POTATOES!!!

Me too. After the pau 'darco and Zpac, my digestion has been good. Like I said in another post -
I do well with my homemade french fries. They only cook about five minutes. But no problems with digestion that I'm aware of.


Mar 29, 2014
I thought refrigerating potatoes increased their sugar to starch ratio, which presumably would be a positive.

Really? The last batch of spuds I bought were much sweeter than usual. I've bought this variety before, and had it be much more starchy/floury. I was wondering why - maybe they got colder in the ground or post harvest? (Bought in the heat of summer, but I don't know when harvested.)


Feb 22, 2022
I've known people to say they don't like potatoes, and then I've realised they didn't know to avoid any green bits. The slightest greening makes them poisonous and disgusting - it wouldn't surprise me if that would make someone throw up. It seems some people are sensitive to them even when not green.

The starch and fibre can feed more bacteria, leading to more endotoxin than simple sugars (unless the potatoes also promote improved peristalsis, getting everything moving out faster?).

The starch breaks down to glucose. New potatoes may have a little more sugar and a little less starch in them too, but still mostly starch/glucose I think. A large feed of starch can increase blood glucose rapidly, stimulating larger insulin release than a similar amount of sugar, which only gives ~half as much glucose. So for people whose blood sugar regulation system is overburdened, potatoes may lead to bouncy blood sugars. This insulin response can also lead to more fat storage. I think these effects probably vary depending on state of the body and activity, timing, etc. I expect the effects would be different in conjunction with weight-training than with web-surfing. Some people clearly do better without or with less starch.

The benefits of potatoes include useful protein and keto-acids, potassium and other minerals to help metabolise the carbs, reasonably high calorie density, taste, cost, easy to grow, easy to store (but must be kept in the dark to prevent greening), easy to cook, encourage salting, ...

I'm with pboy oon the point that whether they are an improvement in your diet or not depends on what the alternative would be, as well as your own state.

I seem to start feeling off if I go more than 2-3 days with no starch. So far I haven't tried going longer than 3 days, but maybe I'll persevere with it at some stage.
I usually feel good in the hours after eating potatoes. But they do give me gas, so they may be causing me increased endotoxin or serotonin problems the next day or two - I don't know. I think potatoes serve me better than other available starchy foods. I usually eat them either boiled with butter melted over them, or as chips baked in coconut oil, or sometimes mashed with milk and butter. Usually 3-4 times/week.
Well said
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