What will we do when red meat is banned ? are we able to replace it completely ?


Jun 22, 2021
I find that I crave one serving of red meat a day - if I skip a day without it I begin to feel hypometabolic and ill

I know for sure that I become iron deficient without it as it's one of the only sources of iron


I read a post on here that said something along the lines of "the more dairy you consume - the more you crave red meat because of the arachidonic acid needed to process a different acid that was present in dairy"

I can't recall the specifics of the post but is this all that we require from red meat ? Iron and possibly AA ? I don't find too many posts on AA so I don't know too much about it


I see GATES and his crew are looking to cull cows and other livestock on a large-scale and I imagine they will ban hunting so people can't get their hands on red meat easily - if we are getting iron and AA from other sources will we be fine without it or is there more we require from red meat that we can't find elsewhere ?


Nov 14, 2013
The way we deal with this is to NOT LET THEM DO IT. The time has come to take our freedom back, leave this insane system they’ve enslaved us in and create our own.


Jul 25, 2013
Do not adapt to this system! The end goal is MUCH worse than feeling hypometabolic.


Jan 22, 2021
Why the worry about it? We have bugs and soy, as nutritious as meat but good for environment


Nov 17, 2020
I'm with you. I have to have my red meat or I don't feel well. I tried vegan a few years back, and it was a huge mistake.

We have to support local farms, start our own small farms, and fight back against legislation. I have a duck farm now and may be getting a couple goats in the future. I am not sure yet.


Dec 17, 2018
I find that I crave one serving of red meat a day - if I skip a day without it I begin to feel hypometabolic and ill

I know for sure that I become iron deficient without it as it's one of the only sources of iron

View attachment 32998

I read a post on here that said something along the lines of "the more dairy you consume - the more you crave red meat because of the arachidonic acid needed to process a different acid that was present in dairy"

I can't recall the specifics of the post but is this all that we require from red meat ? Iron and possibly AA ? I don't find too many posts on AA so I don't know too much about it

View attachment 32999

I see GATES and his crew are looking to cull cows and other livestock on a large-scale and I imagine they will ban hunting so people can't get their hands on red meat easily - if we are getting iron and AA from other sources will we be fine without it or is there more we require from red meat that we can't find elsewhere ?
Red meat is the major source of zinc in most people's diets. Some cuts of chicken and pork provide decent amounts. Nowadays not many eat meat in appreciable quantities anymore, and red meat is consumed even less than chicken which is most popular. So its hard to get enough zinc from white meats in general but more so now that meat consumption is much lower.

Low zinc intake is bad for everyone but especially for men, and developing adolescent males who need even more zinc to properly develop. Likely a major reason for the new generation being more feminized, especially in regards to behavior, voice, height, physical appearance is due to chronic low zinc intake in their most vital years. Low zinc intake also negatively affects intelligence and executive functions.


I mean if that happened in America, you’d get every normie gun toter and republican, which makes up roughly half of the populace, literally fighting with nothing to lose — alongside so many poor democrats (we already had some record breaking dem-to-repub voters this last presidential election). And remember, only 3% of the colonialists actually fought in the revolution.

There would be such a fall out in the military of cooperation and sabotage with the militias.

What people don’t see, is that the elites don’t have endless yesmen. They do have yes-middle-men, but not enough yesmen grunts. They have to get overwhelming majority participation/support, before they can make something happen their way — that’s why everything they want done, hasn’t happened yet. This is why advocacy and standing up for what you believe, is so important.

Anyhoo. If it did come down to it, just hunt pets lol.


Apr 8, 2016
If there can be mandates for an experimental mRNA treatment in the United States for millions of people then it is not inconceivable that red meat can be banned. The only thing that will save red meat from being banned is that it is very profitable for some large corporations.

As someone mentioned above, insects would be a viable substitute for red meat but eating insects would psychologically be difficult for me.


Jan 28, 2013
but not enough yesmen grunts
Thing is, with surveillance and drone technology, along with the long-term mental conditioning/mind control to conform that has gone on for decades, they need a relative handful of those "yesmen grunts" anymore. All they need is just enough people to push the paper (and buttons). The rest will be taken care of by the general masses policing themselves and each other whether it be out of belief, fear, or a desire to gain (relative) advantage within the system.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
We have to support local farms, start our own small farms, and fight back against legislation. I have a duck farm now and may be getting a couple goats in the future. I am not sure yet.

Beware the goats. If you're a softy like I am they will steal your heart. I once raised 2 goats with the intent of raising a herd to sell to Mexicans for meat. Once I saw how much they trusted me, I couldn't do that. 2 of the best pets I ever had. They followed me everywhere. They can be a bit high maintenance to raise, though.


Jun 7, 2016
Beware the goats. If you're a softy like I am they will steal your heart. I once raised 2 goats with the intent of raising a herd to sell to Mexicans for meat. Once I saw how much they trusted me, I couldn't do that. 2 of the best pets I ever had. They followed me everywhere. They can be a bit high maintenance to raise, though.
Goats are one of the only animals who makes friends with every other animal.


May 30, 2018
The factory farm supply chain for beef needs to go anyways. Support local pastured farms and neighbors raising cows, sheep, goats etc. I can only afford cuts like heart, oxtail, ground beef. Less than I was used to eating, but it feels more potent when high quality. Pastured chicken feet is a really potent animal food for me. Strongly stimulates my metabolism. Much more expensive than factory farmed, but also feels more potent in smaller amounts. I find I need fewer supplements so I my food budget hasn’t changed much.


May 30, 2018
Beware the goats. If you're a softy like I am they will steal your heart. I once raised 2 goats with the intent of raising a herd to sell to Mexicans for meat. Once I saw how much they trusted me, I couldn't do that. 2 of the best pets I ever had. They followed me everywhere. They can be a bit high maintenance to raise, though.
It’s definitely hard to slaughter any animal you’ve raised the first few times. But it makes you extremely grateful for every bite you eat. Interesting that hunter gatherers and pastoral cultures all have some kind of prayer to apologize for taking the animals life and give thanks for it. I find myself spontaneously doing the same. You become both the animal’s family and it’s predator when you practice animal husbandry. It’s humbling but it doesn’t feel wrong to me when you raise it respectfully and dedicate its sacrifice to living well and doing good.


Thing is, with surveillance and drone technology, along with the long-term mental conditioning/mind control to conform that has gone on for decades, they need a relative handful of those "yesmen grunts" anymore. All they need is just enough people to push the paper (and buttons). The rest will be taken care of by the general masses policing themselves and each other whether it be out of belief, fear, or a desire to gain (relative) advantage within the system.
There’s a reason we transitioned from firepower warfare to “hearts and minds” warfare. We won the bullet battles of Vietnam but lost the political war.


Jul 13, 2014
For me, lentils are the closest I can get to the satisfactory feeling I get from meat.

We know the ban on meat is coming so we have to prepare


Nov 18, 2019
If there can be mandates for an experimental mRNA treatment in the United States for millions of people then it is not inconceivable that red meat can be banned. The only thing that will save red meat from being banned is that it is very profitable for some large corporations.

As someone mentioned above, insects would be a viable substitute for red meat but eating insects would psychologically be difficult for me.
Insects are not viable - high PUFA much lower protein.


Jan 26, 2020
I think its the protein that's so metabolic. Chicken, eggs, seafood are as metabolic as meat for me. Milk&dairy just don't cut it, I digest milk pretty well but I've been thinking about caseins absorption. When I was drinking 3-4l of milk I still needed meat to get out of the stress state after physical work. Something like 150g meat seems to be the perfect amount per meal.

Low zinc intake is bad for everyone but especially for men, and developing adolescent males who need even more zinc to properly develop. Likely a major reason for the new generation being more feminized, especially in regards to behavior, voice, height, physical appearance is due to chronic low zinc intake in their most vital years. Low zinc intake also negatively affects intelligence and executive functions.
Add in eating zincy foods usually with foods that contain phytic acid that inhibit the absorption of zinc. Exercising, inflammation, diarrhea and other sickness, and never replacing the lost zinc. A period of supplementation becomes necessary for many to restore to sufficient levels.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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