What Is The Best And Safest Way To Chelate Heavy Metals Out Of The Brain?


Jul 2, 2017
lil somn simple ..


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Jun 7, 2018
Try to safely get rid of amalgam fillings if you can, imo. Some people seems fine with them though, and I have occasionally heard of problems from poor extraction (sorry this is unhelpful and fearmongering - just go to a reputable person I suppose).

I don't have much to say on chelation beyond the fact the body is literally designed to chelate and remove these metals and toxins. Once you have a balanced diet,eating to cravings with regular (tolerable) movement and exercise and sunlight you'll start to chelate naturally. Vitamin A / K / D will allow proper calcium and therefore magnesium metabolism (ideally from diet) which will do a huge amount for clearing your liver and allowing better digestion and overall detox. If you must supplement vitamin D then do it slowly (I'd say 2-4kiu with a fatty meal) so as to allow cofactors to naturally build in line with vitamin D through diet.

People talk about chelating copper but it's pointless. The ONLY reason you're copper toxic is because you're not properly metabolising copper. That means working on ceruloplasmin and cofactors (by "working" I simply mean adding sources of these into your diet and eating to craving). The same goes for iron.

There's no point manually chelating as the issues will just recur. Doing the above will give slow but continuous improvements and you'll likely see a good change within a month or two. The more stuck in desperation you are the further away you are from health.

I think it's important to make these comments as all of these protocols can be a terrifying and complex process, and they can also rid you of essential minerals. Your body is more complex, but also more intelligent than any human consciousness and any study. As soon as you start looking into "protocols" and losing your intuition for what your body is asking for you're essentially moving away from health.

Reading studies and accumulating knowledge is useful to an extent as it can provide a framework for your intuition, however beyond eating whole, digestible foods you're essentially just clutching at straws. Jumping from protocol to protocol and creating fear after fear from studies that demonise food A and food B are the reasons people stay sick.

Do what truly feels right to you. I would absolutely advise against chelation.

Other members have said this but these forums probably create more health problems than they resolve. I'd say they're only useful if you're in a state of mind akin to the above about health and the human body.

Hi, I see the point that this protocol may take away essential minerals as well. What would you recommend for preparation for amalgam extraction? And post extraction procedures.


Mar 27, 2018
I wonder if some dentists do partial removals, letting the hole remineralize bit by bit. That would be a wise but expensive practice

No, it wouldn't, because 99% of people are in a resorptive and osteo-catabolic osteostatic state.
For the 1% that are in a osteo-anabolic state the removal of the filling would introduce bacteria into the pulp, increasing the risk for a root canal or pulpotomy.


Mar 27, 2018
Hi, I see the point that this protocol may take away essential minerals as well. What would you recommend for preparation for amalgam extraction? And post extraction procedures.

If you have amalgams extracted, you are risking the introduction of bacteria into the pulp, as well as endocarditis and jaw infections.

That being said, replacing the amalgams with composite may be beneficial if done correctly.

If you have the money, extract the tooth and get a zirconium or porcelain implant.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
If you have amalgams extracted, you are risking the introduction of bacteria into the pulp, as well as endocarditis and jaw infections.

That being said, replacing the amalgams with composite may be beneficial if done correctly.

If you have the money, extract the tooth and get a zirconium or porcelain implant.
When you use a Bio-dentist that employs ozone in his procedures, the risk of that is either greatly reduced or eliminated.


Jun 7, 2018
@SOMO What was your procedure for extracting amalgams for yourself? What do you mean with composite done right.i keanwhich aspects would you look for or which composite brands and procedure


Mar 27, 2018
@SOMO What was your procedure for extracting amalgams for yourself? What do you mean with composite done right.i keanwhich aspects would you look for or which composite brands and procedure

I went to my general dentist, I told him I don't like how the dark amalgams look (I did not mention anything about Mercury, because I did not want him thinking I'm some anti-heavy-metal conspiracy kook, for I am of sound mind and body and believe everything the doctors tells me is good and correct.)
The amalgam replacement, if performed at all, should be performed by ideally an Asian or Jewish dentist, for they have aught have ample experience performing rapid oral vivisection - and make no mistake, this procedure ought be performed rapidly, for every precious second that the pulp chamber is exposed is another opportunity for germs and spores to enter the tooth and take root. Additionally, radiant energy shall be applied to the composite filling cement to "cure" it (UV Curing) and provide additional sterilization and tempering against the elements. After the vivisection and chiseling of the tooth are complete, one must rinse with Lister's Liquid, or regular Listerine (not the crappy Alcohol-Free one) to eradicate any lifeforms left on the tooth. For good measure, one must take the blue mold of one loaf of bread and rub it with some vigor into the filled tooth, but 7 days of Amoxicillin should suffice.

Spin around twice and mutter a prayer, and if good graces fall upon you, the tooth will heal with as much fortitude as a rock that has been drilled into can have.

If I had but a few more shekels, surely would I opt for gold or silver fillings or crowns ("caps" as laypersons tend to call them,) but a goodly alternative is composite.

Also if you have dental insurance, make sure to ask your dentist what kind of filling material they bill for
Composite is a general term that refers to many compounds, some of which are estrogenic plastics similar to BPA. So even the term "composite" can refer to a toxic filling. Indeed, they don't release a miasma or mal-aria into the mucosa, as quicksilver does, but some are wont to note that the materials therein cause a feminization of the male and reduced gonadal function.

Composite is a general term that refers to many compounds, some of which are estrogenic plastics similar to BPA. So even the term "composite" can refer to a toxic filling.

The composites you should ask your dentist for are ZOE (Zinc-Oxide-Eugenol, especially if you have tooth pain/sensitivity) Porcelain/Ceramic, Silica/Silicates, Glass/Glass Ionomer (with or without fluoride).

Ask your dentist if they can bill your insurance for the D2330-D2391 fillings instead of D2140-D2161 amalgam fillings. If you need a crown, ask them to bill D2750, a Zirconia crown or Zirconia/Composite/Porcelain filling (D2330 - D2394)
These are all "Composite" dental codes your dentist can bill:
-D2330~35: Front Teeth Fillings
-D2390: Composite Crown - Front Teeth
-D2391~94 - Back Teeth Fillings

Sometimes a tooth needs to be extracted and one OUGHT to get an implant.
Extracting a tooth and not inserting an implant is a bad idea because it will cause your jaw to collapse inwards towards the hole therein made by the removal of the old calcium apatite crystal.
Put simply, the implant itself be billed to insurance in 3 steps:
1. Placement of the Implant (D6010)
2. The implant itself (D6056/6057-6064)
3. Crown, the part that is visible when you smile (D6065)

IF getting an implant,insist on Zirconia implant with Zirconia Crown or Porcelain Crown, and ask the office to billing D6010/6011/6040 + D61999 and write a report for why Zirconia (as opposed to Titatnium) was indicated.

Also ask the dentist for their private/office fee for an implant (D6010) if Zirconia isn't covered by your dental insurance.
After getting the implant, ask for a D6065 (Zirconia/Porcelain) crown and ALSO their private/fee for D6065/crown.If you're just getting a crown, and no implant ask for fees for D2750 - Porcelain-Ceramic Substrate Composite Crowns.
I would also get the fees for D6056+D6059, because it might be necessary instead of D065 depending on factors that I won't go into. If they bill D6056, they can also bill D6057 (Zirconia) or D6058 (Porcelain).
Some dentists/prosthodontists/oral surgeons will refuse to use Zirconia, because of Dental Dogma. If your dentist is not willing to put in a Zirconia implant, find another dentist who will.

To anything the dentist or staff is not sure will be covered, ask them to bill D1999 (b/r) along with the claim and write a report for why Zirconia was used instead of the Big Pharma approved materials and include pre-op/post-op radiographs (yes, you HAVE to take x-rays if you want your dental insurance to cover any procedure. This is not optional and non-negotiable.)
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Jul 27, 2022
Just because it can chelate some heavy metals like aluminium doesn't mean it does mercury: i've found nothing on that regard.

"A major advantage of DMSA is that, lead is not redistributed to the brain and other vital organs after its therapy in rats intoxicated with lead [18,84]. Animal studies suggest that DMSA is an effective chelator of lead concentrated in soft tissue but it is unable to chelate lead from bones [142]."
Chelation in Metal Intoxication

"After prolonged exposure of rats to lead in drinking water, repeated doses of DMSA resulted in extensive reductions in blood, brain, liver and kidney lead levels, although bone lead levels were not significantly affected"

So there you go: so much for DMSA redistributing lead to the brain or leaching it from the bones.

Ray wrong this time.

Cheers. so what's used to chelate lead from bones? does ALA do this or something else? or does it take ongoing rounds of chelation continually in phases over time to counter the natural redistribution from bone

edit: seems ALA works for bone lead reduction https://www.researchgate.net/public...one_metabolism_in_lead-poisoned_juvenile_rats . After 40 days, 3 rats from each group were taken for the measurement of lead in the blood and bone. The rats in lead group were then randomly divided into four groups, lead control group and three lead groups with different concentrations of α-lipoic acid [30, 60 and 100 mg/(kg·d)], with 5 rats in each.
Results: Circled digit oneBlood and bone lead contents in each α-lipoic treatment group were significantly lower than those in lead control group (P<0.05).

so alpha lipoic acid probably effective at ~ human 300mg daily spread out over course of a day 4 hours a dose 50mg each. i saw some concern it might redistribute into the brain (like the DMSA concern which doesn't show it in the rat study), but it was from injections into the blood. which is theorized to work differently by binding to glutathione in the liver or some ***t. orally maybe doesn't show this either?

also that study says DMSA does result in significant reductions in the brain. any reason this wouldn't apply to humans too?
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