What I Can Do With Periodontitis?

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Hello all, I am 20 years old guy with some health problems including periodontitis. I am curious, what I can do against this? I am using k2, calcium, magnesium and vit. D. Could I do something more to cure or stop it? Thank you for every information.


Mar 1, 2017
High doses of Vit C and oil pulling with coconut oil may help. So may taking a break from fluoride toothpaste, since fluoride is somewhat harmful to gums. I don't remember the exact reasoning, but it is all explained in this book by a chemist who worked on the manhattan project and managed to keep his teeth into his 80s or so http://www.rexresearch.com/judd/goodteeth.pdf

It's a short read, over half of the book is just references.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Listen to some podcasts from Dr Hal Huggins DDS. He recommends brushing with a 50/50 baking soda/salt mix and swishing a strong salt solution through the teeth. That will kill anything growing in you gums. Oil pulling is probably also good.


Feb 27, 2017
High doses of Vit C and oil pulling with coconut oil may help. So may taking a break from fluoride toothpaste, since fluoride is somewhat harmful to gums. I don't remember the exact reasoning, but it is all explained in this book by a chemist who worked on the manhattan project and managed to keep his teeth into his 80s or so http://www.rexresearch.com/judd/goodteeth.pdf

It's a short read, over half of the book is just references.
I used oil-pulling (raw sesame OK, OO - made my joints hurt, CO best) I brushed with bicarb of soda mixed with a little colloidal silver and oregano oil or sage oil or thyme oil and sea salt. I also dropped some oil in the CO. Brushing initially felt like I was rubbing my gums with sandpaper but there was no damage, it was just the gums shrinking as they had been swollen. Be prepared to think your gums are receding, they are returning from inflammation to their already receded state.
Peating has helped my teeth - I no longer get so much tartar. I think it's the calcium. Nowadays, I brush with magnesium oil, 2 squirts on my toothbrush. Not advised if you have mercury fillings - neither is hydrogen peroxide. I have a couple left in my upper jaw. I just don't brush until the upper teeth until I've rinsed the brush.


Mar 1, 2017
Brushing initially felt like I was rubbing my gums with sandpaper but there was no damage, it was just the gums shrinking as they had been swollen. Be prepared to think your gums are receding, they are returning from inflammation to their already receded state.
Can confirm, my gums "receded" and revealed more of the teeth too after starting to take better care of the gumline. It took several weeks or months before brushing the areas I had been overlooking didn't cause wounds, pain or bleeding, but now the bums feel very solid and healthy.

Listen to some podcasts from Dr Hal Huggins DDS. He recommends brushing with a 50/50 baking soda/salt mix and swishing a strong salt solution through the teeth. That will kills anything growing in you gums. Oil pulling is probably also good.
I've read plenty of rumours about baking soda being abrasive enough to damage teeth and the gums. Is this a legitimate concern or just a false narrative by Colgate Internet Defence Force?


Feb 27, 2017
I've read plenty of rumours about baking soda being abrasive enough to damage teeth and the gums. Is this a legitimate concern or just a false narrative by Colgate Internet Defence Force?
I didn't use it for ever and the consequences of pockets and gingivitis are much worse. To be honest. You don't need to do much actual brushing like you would with Colgate. To start, I brushed all my teeth for about 30s and then stuffed the paste into the pockets. You really don't want to brush to much with this stuff - the shrinking hurts!
I used to get bleeding gums from fluoride toothpastes (and still do, if I'm stupid) I doubt any damage is more than a minor side-effect. Use CO swilling, get a specialist soft-bristle brush (nothing in the store, even those labelled soft are really soft) perhaps you can get a baby's toothbrush - some are really soft but most are not.
I don't need to clean my teeth very often now. Mostly just CO swilling. Water piks are good, too I believe but I've never used one. I personally, would stay away from electric brushes and bad brushing techniques - I have abrasion damage at the gumline for using the dentists' suggestion of brushing for 2 mins twice a day for 40 years and it still did squat for my rampant plaque.
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