What Hormones Are Involed In Penis Growth & Size?


Feb 12, 2016
I notice if I take K2 (applied to the testicles) my penis hangs a little lower and fuller


Oct 15, 2016
I don't know. But I believe it's related to
some sort of microbial action and possibly lowering local inflammation. When I had very bad constipation and endotoxin, my member would shrink drastically.

Could be related to cleansing. But the effect happens while the starch is still in my system, before I go, so I believe there is something else going on.
I don't do much juice or refined sugar anymore. The information on gut microbiome I've been reading lately has me thinking it's probably good to have a variety of fibers in the diet, both plant and animal. So right now I make no attempt to avoid them. I eat mostly roots, fruits, and tubers. Occasionally I'll have a traditional muesli.
Ok, do you notice the effect from hot cooked potatoes or does it come solely from resistant starch like cooled potatoes (which I guess is the kind of resistant starch you eat) ?


Jun 23, 2015
Came back with some science, it seems that the foolproof way to increase penile lenght is using an extending device:
Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results. - PubMed - NCBI

Unfortunately, those devices seem to be expensive and may have side effects, so, unless you're really insecure about your.. erhm.. size, I wouldn't risk it! Just my 2c
I think on average guys would be more concerned about girth though haha


Mar 18, 2017
With the many hormones bodybuilders take, I've heard none of them claim to have grown. Perhaps after a certain time, some qualities of the tissue no longer "listen" to growth signals, or listen so much and no more. Else, after all this time of experimentation with numerous hormones and precursors, someone would have found the pathway(s) to consistent growth.

If this is true then how come mens penis shrink when estrogen takes over and woman's breasts shrink with test & DHT and grow with estrogen?...if the tissues aren't responsive after a certain age then shouldn't the penis and boobs just stay the same throughout life?

James IV

Ok, do you notice the effect from hot cooked potatoes or does it come solely from resistant starch like cooled potatoes (which I guess is the kind of resistant starch you eat) ?

Any starch to some degree will make it appear larger in all states. For whatever reason, it seems like the "chewier" and more fibrous the starch is, the more pronounced the effect. When i eat a muesli that's like sticks and cardboard, the next morning it's pumped up like a overfilled balloon. Could be something to the K2 being produced by the gut bacteria. Dunno.
I don't eat the muesli too often though. It seems like there is a point of diminishing returns concerning my total health.


Mar 7, 2017
Came back with some science, it seems that the foolproof way to increase penile lenght is using an extending device:
Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results. - PubMed - NCBI

Unfortunately, those devices seem to be expensive and may have side effects, so, unless you're really insecure about your.. erhm.. size, I wouldn't risk it! Just my 2c

These devices are wildly impractical needing 4-6hrs per day minimum to see any results, and can't really be worn under clothing. Manual exercises are just as effective.

This guy used induced-priapism to create most of his gains with injections (chemical PE):

Chemical Penis Enlargement

Divocup Penis Products

He also takes T, so that might also have an effect.

DHT + Jelqing is probably the most effective and safe way to increase size, but the first step must be optimizing blood flow, which can be restricted due to high estrogen and low T.:cool:


Sep 12, 2015
If this is true then how come mens penis shrink when estrogen takes over and woman's breasts shrink with test & DHT and grow with estrogen?...if the tissues aren't responsive after a certain age then shouldn't the penis and boobs just stay the same throughout life?
I talked about growth.

With the men: the change in penis size is temporary and involves no permanent loss of penile tissue.

With the women: a good browse of Breast Nexus will reveal how few women achieve appreciable glandular growth (glandular hyperplasia vs hypertrophy vs adiposity) with estrogenic substances. And if they grow, it could be that their tissues were still "listening." In the studies I've read, other hormones were necessary with the estrogens: IGF-1, prolactin, etc..
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Sep 12, 2015
Well, most of the hormones bodybuilders take tend to be based on testosterone, not DHT. Testosterone mainly causes muscle growth, much more so than DHT. And they tend to inject them, not use them transdermally, and also use very high doses.

The study posted by Tubzy used transdermal DHT in the range of 12.5-25 mg per day.
Tubzy's study concerns growth in men with micropenis, so they were looking at change from very sub-standard to nearer standard, but none went from average to mule (did any achieve even average size?). This again suggests that the tissue listens to a point, then goes deaf. And many 'builders use DHT relatives.
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Aug 3, 2016
Would probably try hormone(dhea/progesterone/test/dht etc not all at once) or vitamin creams first.
If no difference, maybe try various peptides in liquid or injections.


Jan 25, 2014
Tubzy's study concerns growth in men with micropenis, so they're looking at change from very sub-standard to nearer standard, but none went from average to mule (did any achieve even average size?). This again suggests that the tissue listens to a point, then goes deaf. And many 'builders use DHT relatives.

While the study may have limitations, it's still an actual study, and not anecdotal evidence about what you've heard or haven't from the bodybuilding community.


Sep 12, 2015
While the study may have limitations, it's still an actual study, and not anecdotal evidence from the bodybuilding community.
But again, it doesn't address the issue with which I'm concerned: the limitations of growth. What studies have taken men of average or above average size and induced permanent phallic growth of length and girth using hormones? Same with women: what studies have taken women with poor, empty, tubular, and atrophied breasts - or women with <A cup button breasts - and filled them with active, permanent gland and fat?


Jan 25, 2014
But again, it doesn't address the issue with which I'm concerned: the limitations of growth. What studies have taken men of average or above average size and induced permanent phallic growth of length and girth using hormones? Same with women: what studies have taken women with poor, empty, tubular, and atrophied breasts - or women with <A cup button breasts - and filled them with active, permanent gland and fat?

I don't know. Maybe none? Why not hit Google Scholar and Pubmed?


Mar 18, 2017
Got it. Well, you could always get some DHT or something close and run your own experiment.

There's this guy on YouTube he's injecting igf-1 into his fat pad right above his penis & applying DHT gel to his penis, while doing jelqing and pumping routine. he claims that he had about a half inch of growth within a month... he doesn't tell you where he got his igf-1 and how much he is using though. Maybe I can ask him though.... he says the HGH he's injecting helps him heal within the same day and builds new cells hand veins.


Mar 8, 2015
Progesterone !!!!

Yes i know it is a female hormone, but in SMALL doses it will have a good effect. I use ProgestE for over 2 years now and it benefits are fantastic (general health). I have stopped using it in that time and i always notice my fella tends to deflate a little in general size when flaccid.

The key is to use a small amount. So one drop per day is 3mg progesterone. This is the amount i seem happiest on.

Certainly worth experimenting with as it isn't that expensive. I am still on my first bottle after 2 years.
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