What do you guys know about DEPRESSION?

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
depression is a product of both physiological imbalances (which we or our environment are responsible for) and our thoughts/beliefs. I doubt that it's possible to have either/or. this is actually not just true for depression, but for any "mental disorder". First, nobody is really responsible for the thoughts they have because our thoughts do not belong to us....we don't formulate our own thoughts, they're something we receive. What matters is how we react/respond to those thoughts (which is also not something we do out of thin air). Physiologically, i would focus on blood sugar regulation and . There is no one hormone or one system to target for every person.

I would add...

‘See, your mind is not your brain, it is the echo that follows one beat behind the biochemical and biophysical actions in the body and brain. Your mind is the receiver that amplifies and gives context to everything going on in your body and in the environment.’ - T.S.Wiley

Just like the pancreas secretes insulin and the colon secretes faeces.

With any mental disorder I think it's very important to understand exactly what is happening in the body. When I first experienced panic / anxiety attacks (which is accompanied by intrusive thoughts) I spent a long time feeling ashamed and terrified I had gone mad. Years later when I understood the mechanism / physiology and triggers etc. it was very empowering and gave me great relief. Which eventually lead to them being totally eliminated from my life. But I think our actual thought process is very much linked to our environment and programming as a child. Anxious parent anxious child.

You almost have to become very skilled at not reacting to each thought. Stepping back and analysing thoughts. Or letting thoughts just come and go.

People with mental issues cannot be relaxed about their nutrition and skip meals, cannot miss out on sleep and, as you said must balance every corner of one's life.

"Depression and anxiety have a lot of symptoms below the neck, just as many physical illnesses have mental effects. We need to talk about mental health exactly as we talk about physical health. No one is 100 percent physically or mentally healthy" – Matt Haig


Mar 29, 2014
Welcome UpandDown.
I would start with the basics; diet. Blood sugar balance. Then your lifestyle; sleep, exposure to quality light, movement and detaching yourself from what the mainstream consider to be healthy. Then beyond that there are many other tools.

The b vitamins can be very significant for some people. B6, B1 and niacinamide specifically. It would depend on your situation as to whether dosing one individually or as a complex would help. Diet changes would usually be enough to not make supplements necessary.

have you tried taking your waking temps and heart rate?

I would try that first, and after breakfast. Maybe you are low in thyroid.

When you say, "take thyroid", what are you saying? Is this a prescription drug like synthroid or is it a supplement?
Don't take anything until you've read more widely about what it means and what effects to expect - you have to be ready to notice what's going on, and preferably to avoid overdosing. Read Peat's articles on his site about thyroid, and read quite a few threads here too.
Have your thyroid hormone levels been tested? If so, you can bring your numbers here if you want. Peat's virews on 'normal' range differ from most drs, so just having your dr say they are normal doesn't mean much here - the numbers are important.
Personally, I recommend making sure nutrition is in place first, otherwise thyroid supps can cause more stress than help. Sometimes changing diet makes a big difference in itself, or if that doesn't help enough, you then have a better base for supplementing thyroid. If you do start with either NDT or some combination of T3 and T4, I'd recommend starting with a low dose, and incrementing after 3-4 weeks depending on what happens. Monitoring waking temps and resting pulse is part of asssessing whether you need it and when you have enough.
The tyromax product that Haidut has recently started selling seems pretty potent, from reports here so far. If I were starting thyroid supps from scratch now, I'd consider starting with one drop daily. Or maybe two if TSH was particularly high. For anything with T3 in it, split doses through the day are likely to be more useful than a single daily dose. T4 has a longish half-life; T3 is much shorter.
T4 and T3 supps are prescription meds in many countries, and it seems you have to be a long way off to get a prescription from most drs. NDT may be easier to get.

Hey what are the pre cursors for preg to work? I took preg and felt like absolute ***t. Like even more massively depressed and like nothing was right in thr wodldw.scared the ***t out of me.
Quite a few people have had trouble with too much pregnenolone, esp if thyroid metabolism is slow. It might be really helpful, and you may be one of them, but not everyone finds it great. Just so you know to watch for whether it serves you well or not. You can take one dose every few days - doesn't have to be daily.

You can get ideas here, but no-one knows exactly what you will need - we all react a bit diferently to things - so there's no getting around watching for how you respond to the changes you try. Don't persist with things that don't serve you.

Good luck.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Depression stems as a symptom from biological malfunctioning.

Simplest way to reverse depressive episodes:

- A non-inflammatory diet w/ T3/caffeine
- A serotonin antagonist, like cyproheptadine. (4-24 mg per day)

T3 can be found here. I recommend NDT, specifically their Thiroyd product.

Caffeine can be found here. If you don't mind taste, the powder is cheaper.

Cyproheptadine can be found here. Shipping is a flat rate of $25 as of 1/17/2015, so buy in bulk.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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