What do we know untill now about autism solutions,treatment?


Oct 7, 2020
why would that cause anxiety?

I dont think anyone has control over, or knowledge of their own receptors, densities, localized densities. Ray doesnt believe in traditional receptor theory.

My hunch is that everyone with any form of autism has digestive damage (on-top of all the other peat issues). Just look at the ingredients in processed foods, binders in everyday medicine.

Titanium in pills, Aluminum in baking powder, Inorganic forms of iron and other minerals in supplements (some are absorbed, some are like eating a rock.) Gums, Chemicals we absorb through soaps. Fluoride in the water, micro plastics in fish. Glyphosate in wheat/soy. Food colorings made from aluminum.

Until we have tech that lets us observe our own landscape conventionally, and accurately the common persons terrain, we can't make any accurate moves on those planes. Focusing on receptors is a good place to spike interest, but otherwise a holistic look at chem’s may be better to work with. That's how I started.

Digestion, wellbeing, and metabolism/temperature/heartrate are things we can control and easily measure.

I look at serotonin antagonists as things that seperate the mind from the body, like painkillers for pain. It's a lot easier to figure out a better route of healing when you aren't in a fog 24/7; which I was for year's.
Interesting tell me more about Serotonin Antagonists separating the mind from the body do you mean that they make the physical body changes less influenced by the happenings in the mind and the mental state of the person and what benefits you have noticed from taking Serotonin Antagonists?


Sep 19, 2016
I think they work by blocking the receptors in the gut that sense irritation and respond with brain fog, constipation, diarrhea.

Whether it's for the best or not is subjective. There's not enough information for me to be convinced of how they specifically work.

I don't know for example if it allows more damage to occur, or for bacteria to translocate into the body, or different parts of the intestine where they shouldn't be.

But I do know from observation what I’ve stated in the last post. It removes the mind temporarily from the body’s irritation signals that it sends which cause the fog, and allows you to better think about a better solution. Mine was gelatin and avoidance of the aforementioned, and it's been working out quite well.


May 31, 2020
United Kingdom
You're remarkably organised for someone with such diagnoses.
That being said, when I took Jordan B. Peterson's personality test, my industriousness came back as 0.

In my case, I've found that an excess in serotonin is my biggest enemy. When serotonin is high, I'm unable to think; feel, and focus on anything. My eyes are wide open like something out of Clockwork Orange, rather than sharp and focuses.

Lowering stress hormones (cortisol; estrogen; serotonin) seems to provide the most benefits in reducing autistic symptoms, as those hormones tend to antagonise the hormones you want more of (dopamine; progesterone; 5 alpha reductase, etc.).

I wouldn't recommend you continue with Ashwagandha due to its notorious ability to desensitise the 5-HT1A receptor, which is important in signalling the body to stop producing more serotonin. If anything, Ashwagandha will likely make your symptoms worse in the long-run.

Lactobacillus Reuteri ATCC 6475 also seems to improve sociability among autistic people, likely due to an increase in oxytocin, although I find the effect diminishes after a few weeks.

One interesting thing that might interest you is that an extended fast completely vanquished all symptoms of autism, which could be due to a reduction in inflammation and modulation of the microbiome.

My focus still remains on trying to keep serotonin low and dopamine high, although during the winter I almost always fall into "estrogen dominance", which makes me go from summer Chad to winter autist. Sun beds help quite a bit, but one thing I've noticed is that when these changes to my personality take place every year, my bowel movements almost halt completely; a huge indicator that serotonin is most definitely something to blame for the changes.

Once a month I smoke cannabis as it gives me the dopamine I need to allow me to think about what's going on in my life, as I am normally unable. When high, I let my body take over, which allows me to find stiff areas in my body to free up via mobility exercises and stretches.

One thing I'm certain about is that symptom lack of physical expression and psychological problems go hand-in-hand. Stress is not just hormonal, but physical, and the most beautiful thing I have discovered is that you can treat psychological issues with physical movements.

Psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich was the first to bridge psychological issues of the mind with physical issues, terming the concept "body armor". His student, Dr. Alexander Lowen took Reich's work a stop further, developing Bioenergetic Analysis; aimed at finding where stress holds within the body so that it can be released with exercises.

This has worked wonders for when I feel stiff; something typical in autism.

Tl;dr: Freeing up muscle tightness can drastically reduce stress hormones, which seem to be a primary cause of autistic symptoms.


Jul 3, 2019
I don't have a link on me but I recall a discussion that serotonin antagonists could treat autism symptoms


Jan 25, 2014
Idkk mann i heard stories that some people that took cypro got anxiety issues from it... now idk what to believe anymore. Lower the Serotonin may be a meme tbh.

The only person knows the cure here but doesnt want to tell us i guess would be @haidut for sure ?

Anyway... usually people who suffer from autism also have damaged gut and bad bacteria in their microbiota and an fecal transplant may be a solution for this, Also antibiotics and such.. ///

Another thing that can help i think could be NMDA antagonists that could inhib action of glutamate (such as Memantine) this + NAC could be helpful since nac can increase BDNF.

Also exposure is underrated i thing but without a healthy gut, hwalthy neurotransmitter, exposure is like hiding all the trash under the bed.

I've taken cyproheptadine on and off, but have taken it at higher doses regularly for the past 4-5 months. I've been using doses in the 4-8mg per day (divided doses) range, and haven't noticed any anxiety from it. If anything, the opposite. It's absolutely been one of the "tools" that I use to get through this insane, hellish time. I've found it incredibly helpful You could also use something like the 4mg dose for a few days or to to "push" through the initial zombie like feeling in the morning, then cut back to 1-2mg or so. If there is any risk of sides, that would help to minimize them. Peat even recommends that "loading dose," apparently.

I also used ritanserin during this time, it was another lifesaver. It was a pretty old bottle, no idea where you would get it nowadays.

The No Starch diet that Hans mentioned in this thread also helped me a lot- My Starch Free And Zero Fiber Experiment

I think the biggest benefit to "low carb" is cutting starches, and all the bad food that are based around them (sometimes, the starch being some of the "least bad.") The No Starch diet is almost a weird marriage between carnivore and fruitarian, and it seems to work well, if you can figure it out.

You could also try higher dose vitamin D. That seems to be helpful for me, as well. Vitamin D Lowers Gut Serotonin But Increases Brain Serotonin

And can't tell if your male or female, but regardless, Progesterone (along with DHEA) has been another great tool for me, and lots of other guys are having success with that combo. If a female..... well, it will obviously be great, too.



Jan 25, 2014
Also..... here is the most detailed cyproheptadine testimonial on the forum, from someone who took it for a year-



As @haidut said, most diseases, and autism is no stranger to that, are caused by endotoxins and subsequent excessive serotonin production.

So, to get rid of the condition, get rid of the causes: sterilise your gut as much as possible.


Nov 10, 2018
Ty for this! Can you give me like a resume of it? Or interesting things? I will read it but a bit later
There’s a lot of information it’s hard to synthesise it

One thing you need to understand is there is no cure for autism. There are things you can do to ease and improve symptoms, but it’s part of who you

I highly recommend going on an elimination diet (carnivore?) and getting rid of any potential intolerances or immunogenic foods. Grains, dairy can all cause issues. Supplement a high quality b complex, zinc, magnesium, and possibly look into TMG for methylation

when you improve in symptoms you need to start focusing on social relationships. You can research and learn about body language/social cues but you need to put yourself out there, practise and spend less time on the internet. This is extremely important at your age
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Oct 7, 2020
There’s a lot of information it’s hard to synthesise it

One thing you need to understand is there is no cure for autism. There are things you can do to ease and improve symptoms, but it’s part of who you

I highly recommend going on an elimination diet (carnivore?) and getting rid of any potential intolerances or immunogenic foods. Grains, dairy can all cause issues. Supplement a high quality b complex, zinc, magnesium, and possibly look into TMG for methylation

when you improve in symptoms you need to start focusing on social relationships. You can research and learn about body language/social cues but you need to put yourself out there, practise and spend less time on the internet. This is extremely important at your age
Why NTs vs people with ASD seem to perceive the world in a different way and often NTs mistake those with ASD for psychopathy or something else?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Chelation therapy?
Yes. One should look into NBMI or Emeramide. Dr. Boyd Haley found that the NBMI was eliminating the mercury in the brain, NBMI is the best chelator of Hg out there right now, and that people with autistic children had results that ultimately had FDA going after him, since they were saying their kids were cured. Do a search on him and his compound if you are not familiar with it. There are also at least two FB groups that I know for Emeramide/NBMI/Imirimix, different names for the same compound.
Also, although silica is looked down upon by a lot of Peaters, OSA found in waters from blue zones and other foods, etc., has the ability to chelate aluminum from the brain, and autistic people have had success with consuming water with high OSA. Check out Dennis Crouse's work:
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