What could be causing this pitting edema after vax, (pic) blood tests fine


Mar 22, 2022
41/m boosted in Nov, but this started after my second dose. I'm a pretty skinny dude so this was really apparent. I'm talking actual pitting edema which stays for a minute +

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I thought I figured out what it was. I was eating a lot of sausage, an organic, preservative free kind. When I stopped, the edema went away in a few days.

Pretty easy, I thought.

But I was like, what the heck was in the food that was causing this?

For MONTHS leading up to this I was doing regular urine and blood tests. Edema is produced by 3 things: 1) kidney issues, 2) venous insufficiency, 3) heart issues.

My urinalyses were fine. Protein negative.
My CMPs were fine. Creatinine was anywhere from .97 to 1.07. eGFR was anywhere from 86-102.

I don't think I have venous insufficiency because it's both ankles.

I'm wondering if it's heart issues because of pfizer and moderna, but the fact that diet changes it confuses me.

It's not sodium. I can eat a LOT of salt and be just fine. BP is fine, if anything it's very low after the 3rd dose.

So recently the edema started again. I can press on my leg and it makes a large pit which stays there for minutes.

What have I been eating? Tacos (made myself) using ground pork and natural ingredients. I thought it was the flour shells, because I hadn't used wheat in a long time, but when I made the tacos again using corn shells instead, that happened again.

The other bizarre thing is my pee is super foamy when I eat meat. I've had lots of urine tests and they're all fine. Foamy urine is regularly kidney concerns when protein is in the urine. I've had 4 urine tests, including one where I took the cup home and waited until I had foam in my pee, got that sample, and tested it. Normal. The thing is, when I fast the foam goes below. So they doctor says "everything is fine!" and I say "well my urine was normal!" So I took the container home. I waited until It was foamy, got some, and had it tested. Normal.

The foamy urine and the edema still has me worried about kidney stuff but everything was aright. I had a kidney ultrasound which was normal, too.

Can diet really cause this much edema? I mean this is crazy.


Nov 18, 2019
I can’t imagine food would cause this unless the underlying system is struggling. Heart problems are sometimes seen in edema around the ankles: think of those heart and circulatory patients getting all of that lower leg ankle swelling when they fly on an airplane.

Have you taken a d-Dimer test to see about microscopic clotting that could cause inflammation and swelling?


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
A mild case of heart failure?
did you check troponin? coagulation markers? platelets, ESR, D-Dimer, fibrinogen.
Also track eGFR and although not likely, liver markers


Mar 22, 2022
I can’t imagine food would cause this unless the underlying system is struggling. Heart problems are sometimes seen in edema around the ankles: think of those heart and circulatory patients getting all of that lower leg ankle swelling when they fly on an airplane.

Have you taken a d-Dimer test to see about microscopic clotting that could cause inflammation and swelling?

A mild case of heart failure?
did you check troponin? coagulation markers? platelets, ESR, D-Dimer, fibrinogen.
Also track eGFR and although not likely, liver markers

bnp 17 0-99
d-dimer 150 < 150-243
troponin 3 0-15
hscrp .59 0-3

eGFR was fine while measured from creatinine (serum) AND Cystatin-C. It was 86-102 when measured from blood and 117-130(!) when measured by Cystatin.

Platelets (CBC?) are normal.

Like, I thought it was my kidneys because my urine is foamy, but protein neg and eGFR regular.

I thought it was heart because I'm light headed when I arise but all blood markers are normal.

There are a lot of people who are doing badly from the vaccine who have completely normal blood labs. Maybe I'm one of them.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
bnp 17 0-99
d-dimer 150 < 150-243
troponin 3 0-15
hscrp .59 0-3

eGFR was fine while measured from creatinine (serum) AND Cystatin-C. It was 86-102 when measured from blood and 117-130(!) when measured by Cystatin.

Platelets (CBC?) are normal.

Like, I thought it was my kidneys because my urine is foamy, but protein neg and eGFR regular.

I thought it was heart because I'm light headed when I arise but all blood markers are normal.

There are a lot of people who are doing badly from the vaccine who have completely normal blood labs. Maybe I'm one of them.
That is good that all the lab stuff is normal. I would still wonder if the heart is not quite as strong as it should be. Maybe look into long covid symptoms and see if there is anything that is similar to your situation.


Nov 18, 2019
bnp 17 0-99
d-dimer 150 < 150-243
troponin 3 0-15
hscrp .59 0-3

eGFR was fine while measured from creatinine (serum) AND Cystatin-C. It was 86-102 when measured from blood and 117-130(!) when measured by Cystatin.

Platelets (CBC?) are normal.

Like, I thought it was my kidneys because my urine is foamy, but protein neg and eGFR regular.

I thought it was heart because I'm light headed when I arise but all blood markers are normal.

There are a lot of people who are doing badly from the vaccine who have completely normal blood labs. Maybe I'm one of them.
Hey thanks for sharing. Hmmm… ? maybe like @Dolomite said above - even with normal labs, maybe the heart is not as strong? You might be correct, normal labs but body is not happy. You might also work on supporting your liver.

You can always start inverting your legs to improve circulation and reduce the swelling which should help whatever the origin.

Lay with your back on the floor and your sitting bones against the wall and your legs up the wall. Support your head with a low pillow if your neck is strained laying on the floor. Start at 5 or 10 min and build up to 20 or 30 min. Another bonus of this pose, it lifts overall vitality.


Nov 18, 2019
PS @ironfist:

Edit: forgot to mention that if it is not possible to have the sitting bones against the wall - just move a little away from the wall until the legs are comfortable.


Sep 22, 2021
Since all your major organ markers are fine I’m wondering if it’s something less to do with major organs and more a biochemical imbalance. Women often deal with edema. Hormones usually do it for us and the vax throws off hormones. The other possibility is gut flora. Gut flora imbalances can cause edema and food effects them directly. Just a thought.


New Member
May 20, 2021
We both took a experimental drug so your numbers are labile. Your looking for a fix for a drug that we know nothing about so work on your inflammation and when you get a flare you’ll know.


Since all your major organ markers are fine I’m wondering if it’s something less to do with major organs and more a biochemical imbalance. Women often deal with edema. Hormones usually do it for us and the vax throws off hormones. The other possibility is gut flora. Gut flora imbalances can cause edema and food effects them directly. Just a thought.
Please elaborate on this if you can.
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