Warburg, Blass And Koch: Men With A Message

Cliff Myles

Apr 27, 2016
Reference threads:
Dr. William Frederich Koch USA/Brazil, Drs. Erich & Dieter Reinstorff, Germany - Continued Research

Dr. William Frederich Koch USA/Brazil, Drs. Erich & Dieter Reinstorff, Germany - Discussion Thread

William Frederich Koch And Glyoxylide

Politics: The Koch Treatment - Congressional Record, 80th Congress

Warburg, Blass and Koch: Men With A Message.

A collection of excerpts with bibliography, by
G.A. Freibott
International Association for Oxygen Therapy
Priest River, ID, USA

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality)." 1

"The scientists from Franklin to Morse were clear thinkers and did not produce erroneous theories. The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."2

" But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That the prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily." 3

"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." 4 These quotes are the frank opinions of the Father of Alternating Current; a two time Nobel Laureate; and a nineteenth century German philosopher.

Warburg, Blass, Koch and Tesla were men whose truths are becoming evident in today's world of science. These were pioneers and scientists of the highest magnitude. This abstract uncovers, postmortem, the discoveries of these men and their contributions to future scientific studies.

Otto Warburg, won his first Nobel Prize in 1931 for the oxygen transferring enzyme of cell respiration and his second Nobel Prize in 1944 for his discovery of the hydrogen transferring enzyme. His discoveries are quoted above and as follows: "But, even for cancer. there is only one primary cause. Summarized in a few words, the nine cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." 6

" Because no cancer cell exists, the respiration of which is intact, it cannot be disputed that cancer could be prevented if the respiration of the body cells would be kept intact." 7

Dr. F. M. Eugene Blass, an Oxidation Specialist and engineer/designer of the Pennsylvania Steel-Coke ovens, clinically verified Warburg's foundational work. Returning to the United States in 1925, cured of his cancer and armed with the knowledge of the Institut fur Sauerstoff-Heilverfahren, Blass adamantly represented the German Kneipp/Nature Cure and Oxidative therapies.

To illustrate: "The recognizable results of an insufficient oxidation either because of a lack of minerals or oxygen or because of the presence of foreign matter in the bloodstream are the symptoms which bear the imposing nomenclature of modern "dis-ease". The different kind of parasites, which are the "germs", commonly blamed for the creation of these various symptoms find food and lodging, in the diseased soil which accumulates in the body but, logically, are not the cause of disease. A clean habitation will not tolerate such hospitality and normal vital fluids constitute the best insurance against sickness." 8

"OXIDATION is the source of Life, It's lack causes impaired health or disease, it's cessation death." 9

Dr. William F. Koch., MD, Ph.D., a well published pathologist and medical school professor, presented his co-practitioners with "a study of the phenomena of the free radical, the double bond, and its alpha placed hydrogen atom in the pathogenesis and correction of neoplastic, viral and bacterial diseases."10 Quotes to illustrate further: "'Oxidation has several positions of control in its process in line with our postulate. The first is the potency, of the FCG (functional carbonyl group) which must start the process by dehvdrogenating the fuel. When this carbonyl group is not free, as when the hydrogen it removes from the fuel is not taken away by some electron acceptor system, then oxidation is blocked. And for this oxygen is essential as the ultimate electron acceptor in aerobic organisms. So lack of oxygen has two steps in blocking oxidation or hindering it." 11

"Our postulate provides for the polymerization of the carcinogenic toxin as it develops to the cancer producing stage, and this provision is based upon the chemical and clinical circumstances that stare one straight in the face. Atrophy precedes neoplasia. If one answers that the neoplasia is a reaction to the atrophy stimulus as hay fever is to the pollen stimulus, one must still offer a mechanism for the reaction. The simplest mechanism that could be involved is that the toxin produces both changes, and this mechanism we have already explained as due to block in energy production and transfer. Recovery from the states caused by the carcinogenic agent, be it virus or chemical, is therefore a satisfactory support to the contention, since the same agency accomplishes the corrections of all states, atrophy, pregrowth toxic state, cachexia. and the turnifactions." 12

"After the pathogen, be it a virus, carcinogen, or some allergen has made the pathogenic integration, the need for oxygen in the diseased cells is all the more imperative, and removal of all sources of the pathogenic amines is the prime consideration. And not until a good dispersion of the tissue colloids is had, and a good oxygen supply is present in the cells should the reagent be given. For if it does not have a molecule of oxygen at hand to combine the free radical formed by each dehydrogenation, there will be no curative progression of oxidation, and the reagent is given in vain. This also applies to the free radicals produced by the use of the reducing agent." 13

"The best proof of the correctness or practicability of any postulate in medicine is doubtless the curative value of its application." 14


1. Nicola Tesla, Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World, Modem Mechanix and Inventions,
July, 1934, pg. 2.
2. lbid
3. Otto Warburg, The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, 1969, pg.16.(Translation by Dean Burk, National Cancer Institute.)
4. Arthur Schopenhauer, International Tesla Society Journal of Power and Resonance, Vol.5, No.4,19W, pg. 40.
6. Otto Warburg, The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, 1966, pg.6.
8. F.M. Eugene Blass, Oxygen-Therapy-Blass: It's Development into a Complete Uniform Treatment of Disease, Oxidation News Vol. 1, No.1, 1990 pg. 3.
9. F.M.Eugene Blass, Oxygen Therapy: Its Foundation,-Aim and Results, 1927, pg. 1.
10. W.F.Koch, The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases, 1961, 1967. Front Cover.
11. lbid.p.24. 12. W.F.Koch, Survival Factor in Neoplastic and V-uM Diseases, 1961,1967, P. 2S7.
13. W.F.Koch, Neoplastic and Viral Parasitism, Their Basic Chemistry And Its Clinical Reversal.(An Introduction to Free Radical Therapy 1967 ppg. 41-42.
14. W.F.Koch, Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases, 1961, 1967, p. 257.
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Feb 1, 2016
Thanks for all these posts. Have you ever seen any solid evidence that proves proteins from animals are harmful and proteins from plants benign?
Cliff Myles

Cliff Myles

Apr 27, 2016
Quote doorknobrob: Thanks for all these posts. Have you ever seen any solid evidence that proves proteins from animals are harmful and proteins from plants benign?

A: In the Koch Therapy, Koch discovered that animal protein interfered with the efficacy of his reagents, and that vegetable proteins did not.
Therefore, he prescribed a diet free of animal proteins very similar to that of Gerson's, (as well as eliminating the use of "perfumed" soaps and bath gels,
deodorants, lotions, cremes and colognes as well as fluoridated toothpaste). Both Koch and the Reinstorffs prescribed that this diet and regimen be adhered
to for several weeks prior to the start of the therapy and continuing 3 to 6 months thereafter as necessary.

I know of no requirement to remain on this strict vegetarian diet after the healing effect has been accomplished. But I would tend to reason that
much of our diet of processed and fast-foods as well as chemically loaded body hygiene products today could cause a recurrence after the successful
conclusion of a Koch therapy.

In addition to that, many other insidious substances and processes have crept into the vegetable and animal food chains over the last decades accumulating in the human body, such as Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup).

Just look at was published by the EPA and suddenly removed again just yeasterday: EPA Using Industry-Funded Research to Determine if Glyphosate Causes Cancer
We're shoveling sh*t against the tide !
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Feb 1, 2016
Thanks. I appreciate the link.

Personally, I tend to think the success of vegetarian diets has alot to do with the low fat content as well as having high fiber. Maybe there is some difference between animal and veg protein in terms of electron spin? (or some other nano-molecular effect... not my area of expertise!)
Cliff Myles

Cliff Myles

Apr 27, 2016
Everything Koch researched and used in his treatments were on the molecular level. One main reason that he was persecuted so severely.
No one back at that point knew or even began to understand anything about molecular medicine outside of the laboratory. He was decades
ahead of his time. The world started to wake up to this type of treatment with Linus Pauling, but by that time Koch had passed away and his
enemies were glad he drifted away into oblivion in the Ameica.... BUT NOT IN GERMANY - where the toughest cancer cases are still being cured
by his reagents that are manufactured there.


May 5, 2015
@Cliff Myles

About vegetarian diet: Didn't Koch describe cures from cancer with a single in injection in some people without really modifying their diet? Is the diet change really necessary, or is it only in more advanced cases that it's mandatory? I mean, have you seen anywhere that he says it's impossible for his reagents to produce a cure without a vegan/vegetarian diet? I understand that it may be helpful, but from the things you posted written by Koch, he didn't seem to push it so much as some of the doctors following his therapy are.
Cliff Myles

Cliff Myles

Apr 27, 2016
In a few cases Koch did manage with one or two injections, but that was back in the 20's and 30's when processed and junk foods weren't around, and agriculture was still done with manure and compost, rock powders, blood and bone meal, with very little commercial fertilizers and few insecticides available - things were naturally more "organic" as basic foodstuffs back then, that you yourself cooked from scratch without all the chemical additives and preservatives industry introduced during and after the second world war. Even animals were fed on natural feeds and grass back then, not fattened with hormones and chemicals as they are today. Fish and clams etc. came from unpolluted streams and oceans. The air was cleaner, the volumes and types of pollutants were not as rampant as today.

As commerce and agriculture progressed into the 40's and beyond, Koch found it more difficult to control his therapies without excluding animal proteins and discouraged them from use along with fruits and vegetables that had been chemically sprayed or grown in poor, increasingly depleted soil laced with chemical fertilizers.

Both Drs. Reinstroff who continued his work in Germany, as well as all practitioners there that currently treat with Koch's reagents also experienced increasing difficulty in the 60's and beyond, finding a need for an animal-protein-free diet in order for the therapy to be more effective. One reason they also insist on as much organic food as possible, and the peeling of fruits and thorough scrubbing of vegetables that are not organic.

Now in our present time we have the increasing problem that the insecticides are no longer ON the food, but INSIDE the food due to GMOs and difficult to remove herbicides, insecticides and other chemicals. You can't just "wash it off" like you used to... it's embedded right IN the food chain !

Reinstorff coined this dilemma that we face as "Civilization's Damage", that inhibits Koch's therapies. It takes more effort and more reagent to accomplish nowadays what was a lot easier back in Koch's time.

- CM
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