Waking Up Early


Oct 6, 2012

Watching this video on rituals of successful entrepreneurs most of them have the habit of making themselves wake up very early. The presenter wakes up at 5am.

Waking up early is often promoted as a way to increase drive, productivity, motivation, mental clarity and take charge of your life, ie increase dopamine which should have beneficial downstream effects on your whole metabolism.

I've always shunned the use of an alarm clock thinking it would be healthier to wake spontaneously, but perhaps it aint. Anyone experimented with intentionally waking up early and what was your experience?


Oct 1, 2019
Best is to sleep and rise with the sun. Intentionally waking up too early without being rested will give you great boost of stress hormones which will potentially help you accomplish things at the cost of your health.
Nov 21, 2015
Well Bill Gates was famous for getting up really late. I don’t think this getting up early is necessary for success.

I do enjoy waking up early but I only wake up on my own unless I have a travel schedule. It is low stress to wake up when you want.


Feb 21, 2017

Watching this video on rituals of successful entrepreneurs most of them have the habit of making themselves wake up very early. The presenter wakes up at 5am.

Waking up early is often promoted as a way to increase drive, productivity, motivation, mental clarity and take charge of your life, ie increase dopamine which should have beneficial downstream effects on your whole metabolism.

I've always shunned the use of an alarm clock thinking it would be healthier to wake spontaneously, but perhaps it aint. Anyone experimented with intentionally waking up early and what was your experience?

These guys like to find ways to toss themselves off about how great they are.

When you find health and a balanced routine you'll wake up whenever your body needs to.

Remember, being a billionaire is only possible via mass subjugation and exploitation of other humans. A million seconds is 11 days but a billion seconds is 30 something years - these people shouldn't be treated like paragons of virtue. They're more like addicts.


Oct 6, 2012
You know Peat has written plenty on the extremely damaging effects of learned helplessness and complacency with unsatisfactory life circumstances. I think having purpose, drive, self-directedness and ambition in life is very important, particularly for men, as these things are the antidote to learned helplessness. Successful entrepreneurs tend to embody those qualities more than others. They are definitely always high energy individuals so I think its worth analyzing what makes them so.

Some entrepreneurs use their energy for bad and some for good, I'm not interested in the morality of it here.
Nov 21, 2015
These guys like to find ways to toss themselves off about how great they are.

When you find health and a balanced routine you'll wake up whenever your body needs to.

Remember, being a billionaire is only possible via mass subjugation and exploitation of other humans. A million seconds is 11 days but a billion seconds is 30 something years - these people shouldn't be treated like paragons of virtue. They're more like addicts.

This is a sad and false view of the world.

Making money in most endeavors enriches everyone. The idea of someone who is rich being exploitative is completely false except if you are talking about hedge fund people. But most people who are rich have made the world richer.
Nov 21, 2015
You know Peat has written plenty on the extremely damaging effects of learned helplessness and complacency with unsatisfactory life circumstances. I think having purpose, drive, self-directedness and ambition in life is very important, particularly for men, as these things are the antidote to learned helplessness. Successful entrepreneurs tend to embody those qualities more than others. They are definitely always high energy individuals so I think its worth analyzing what makes them so.

Some entrepreneurs use their energy for bad and some for good, I'm not interested in the morality of it here.

I’m an entrepreneur and that’s how I am. I have drive and I always look at what I can do about something, and not how I’m being screwed over. That is super important.


Sep 6, 2018
The secrets are always the same of these successful motivators:
-Wake up early, always before anyone else.
-Work at least 12 hours a day, if possible 16 hours, always more than anyone else.

That is the key to success. It is somewhat funny.
Dec 18, 2018
Its Victim-Blaming.Abusers have an innate Eye for that type of disturbing Influence.
They know how to push Buttons,thats for sure.
This Forum is an sick example:people pay so,so,so much for Healthcare,but they dont get much out of it.
The slightly-above-average CEO-Superheroes have the deep-seated feeling that the World owes them a great Deal @ all Times.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Its Victim-Blaming.Abusers have an innate Eye for that type of disturbing Influence.
They know how to push Buttons,thats for sure.
This Forum is an sick example:people pay so,so,so much for Healthcare,but they dont get much out of it.
The slightly-above-average CEO-Superheroes have the deep-seated feeling that the World owes them a great Deal @ all Times.
People need to convince themselves that everything they sacrificed is “worth it”
Dec 18, 2018
Indeed.It is Stabilizing if you identify with the Aggressor.On the same Page then,it seems.
It all seems like Incel-Rage to me.making the males shy by curtailing them,and Women to Obey
some Phony Masters-Of-The-Universe-Incel-MBA-Pope.
Lots of Money-Grubbers i have seen have some deficiencies in their skull and want to take Nerdrage-Revenge
on the World.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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