Vitamin E Tooth Ache. K Depletion?


Oct 28, 2019
Vitamin E gives me tooth ache. I assume this is due to it depleting vitamin K. Has anyone else noticed this?


Oct 11, 2016
I don't think it is from Vit K depletion. People get sensitive gums from progesterone too.


Sep 6, 2018
Considering VIt E gives me progesterone like effects on the gonads and penis, I would not be surprised on this.


Sep 6, 2018
One of my tooth starts to ache, supposedly is treated like 10 times on the canals and has no nerve, after I take around 600mg of calcium carbonate the ache lowers to negligible or zero. This is yet not very clear but it is my experience.


Oct 11, 2016
Do you know why this happens? Having a really severe experience of this currently.

I would try to do a good job cleaning your mouth with oil pulling and brushing and rinsing and get more fat soluble vitamins instead of simple carbs for a while. Slow down on the vitamin E too... And perhaps try it topically (and/or a different E source).

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I would try to do a good job cleaning your mouth with oil pulling and brushing and rinsing and get more fat soluble vitamins instead of simple carbs for a while. Slow down on the vitamin E too... And perhaps try it topically (and/or a different E source).
Are you saying it’s the vitamin E in the progesterone that is causing the sensitivity?


Jun 19, 2017
Do you know why this happens? Having a really severe experience of this currently.

I'd say this is because progesterone lowers stress hormones (cortisol, serotonin), which often keep pain at bay. @lampofred had mention this for progesterone in some other thread.


Jun 19, 2017
One of my tooth starts to ache, supposedly is treated like 10 times on the canals and has no nerve, after I take around 600mg of calcium carbonate the ache lowers to negligible or zero. This is yet not very clear but it is my experience.

Did you have pain increasing from cold? Calcium carbonate, it seems, treats such type of tooth ache, according to a homeopathy manual.
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Jun 19, 2017
I am just off a pretty severe tooth ache : Tooth #18, capped, nerve is present. Come to think of it --- thanks to this thread --- , this was triggered by progesterone, which I applied to the gums at night for a week or so before the ache. Regardless of the trigger, it was a real infection without swelling, luckily.
To palliate the pain immediately, which came mostly at night, I've sucked on two dried clovers. Clover has eugenol and was very helpful with immediate relief but not (immediate) treatment.
I didn't have access to pharmaceutical antibiotics, so for two weeks, I used herbal ones: oregon grape root, calendula tops, and garden sage leaf as tinctures.
Despite absence of swelling the infection had a definitely hot, pulsating, and pressure feeling. Hence, at the end, I thought pyrogenium 9ch would help. I took it 1x per day at night. The first night pain increased greatly (a good sign typically when using targeted remedies) but calmed down with sage and clover. The next night, the pain was almost nonexistent. The third day/night, no pain.

During the course of the two weeks of tooth pain I was swishing with baking soda, which was very soothing. I was also swishing with MB and using red light on the tooth/cheek right after but didn't notice much change from this procedure.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I'd say this is because progesterone lowers stress hormones (cortisol, serotonin), which often keep pain at bay. @lampofred had mention this for progesterone in some other thread.
Sorry I’m not following. Stress hormones blunt nerve pain for tooth sensitivity? That would mean the pain i am feeling in my mouth right now is always there, but I just don’t feel it because I typically have high stress hormones?


Feb 13, 2016
Sorry I’m not following. Stress hormones blunt nerve pain for tooth sensitivity? That would mean the pain i am feeling in my mouth right now is always there, but I just don’t feel it because I typically have high stress hormones?

Sharply lowering serotonin used to do that for me, and eating beef would make it noticeably worse. RP says doing things to strengthen the heart will help that kind of pain. My guess is that it has something to do low serotonin/high progesterone liberating estrogen from tissues combined with low GABA, calcium deficiency, high phosphate, high iron, low B6, low tryptophan to niacin conversion. But that all just converges into the general low thyroid/low vitamin D/bad intestinal bacteria/high PTH.

Maybe the root of the issue is a metabolism that is stimulated beyond capacity (not enough CO2 because of too much reliance on fat oxidation/fermentation) causing calcium to be leeched from teeth. Or maybe progesterone liberating estrogen from tissues is causing the growth of bad gut bacteria which in turn cause inflammation.
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Jun 19, 2017
Sorry I’m not following. Stress hormones blunt nerve pain for tooth sensitivity? That would mean the pain i am feeling in my mouth right now is always there, but I just don’t feel it because I typically have high stress hormones?

I don't think that the progesterone "trigger" can happen on a healthy tooth.


Jun 19, 2017
Thanks @lampofred for elaborating! Makes sense to me.

Or maybe progesterone liberating estrogen from tissues is causing the growth of bad gut bacteria which in turn cause inflammation.

This what might have happen for my tooth. Am thinking so because aspirin and activated charcoal were helpful (i forgot to mention in my post above) in dimishing the ache gradually.


Sep 6, 2018
Did you have pain increasing from cold? Calcium carbonate, it seems, treats such type of tooth ache, according to a homeopathy manual.
The tooth aches from cold but only a bit. Again this has no nerve and has been treated on the canals around 10 time so far.

Seems this is very strange, while the dentist keeps insisting that I need more hypochlorite cleanings I only get serious aggravated from when they do that, so I have avoid going back because it only brings me huge headaches and I become useless for like 2 days straight.
I actually feel really bad after they do that, not that I improve with this tooth.
I get instant huge headache one the hypochlorite is inserted inside the tooth, at first the dentist did not believe me, but after many times this happening she admitted that she sees how I get aggravated form it instantly and how if she cleans it on the stop the fain is going down quickly, yet as I have said before I still get to feel bad after this intervetion of constant cleaning on my tooth, even the mechanical action hurt slightly, but the hypochlorite bring in the massive pain and headache.

I do not even know what to do really, the tooth is still sensitive to percussion so it cannot be closed permanently only temporary, so I just avoid eating on that side or on that tooth which is the first premolar on the left side.


Jun 19, 2017
The tooth aches from cold but only a bit. Again this has no nerve and has been treated on the canals around 10 time so far.

Seems this is very strange, while the dentist keeps insisting that I need more hypochlorite cleanings I only get serious aggravated from when they do that, so I have avoid going back because it only brings me huge headaches and I become useless for like 2 days straight.
I actually feel really bad after they do that, not that I improve with this tooth.
I get instant huge headache one the hypochlorite is inserted inside the tooth, at first the dentist did not believe me, but after many times this happening she admitted that she sees how I get aggravated form it instantly and how if she cleans it on the stop the fain is going down quickly, yet as I have said before I still get to feel bad after this intervetion of constant cleaning on my tooth, even the mechanical action hurt slightly, but the hypochlorite bring in the massive pain and headache.

I do not even know what to do really, the tooth is still sensitive to percussion so it cannot be closed permanently only temporary, so I just avoid eating on that side or on that tooth which is the first premolar on the left side.

Apparently, "treated" root canals is a huge source of infections.
The headache looks like an allergic reaction.

I'd continue with calc. carb., MB+red light and make sure that my liver work really well (not overburdened with other clean-up tasks).


Sep 6, 2018
Apparently, "treated" root canals is a huge source of infections.
The headache looks like an allergic reaction.

I'd continue with calc. carb., MB+red light and make sure that my liver work really well (not overburdened with other clean-up tasks).

I would think also that is allergic reaction.

Strangely enough I do not think I have had it before on other teeth and since this tooth issue no other tooth was worked on.
Another strange thing is that while I have other issues with other teeth the dentist just does not want to treat the other teeth and she wants it to fix this one that has this root canal issue. And so for like 8 months now she is avoiding fixing simpler issues with other teeth. I do not quite know how logic this is because the other cavities are a stress on my body anyway and they are not new, they are actually very old.

Where to apply the MB? Or just to take it orally?
My liver is actually not that good the TGP(ALAT) is rather high, which maybe is even because of these teeth issues?


Jun 19, 2017
Where to apply the MB? Or just to take it orally?

I diluted a drop or two of Oxidal in a bit of water and swished the mix in my mouth for about 10-15 minutes. Then I swallowed the mix. I used the red light either when I was swishing or right after, pointed to the affected tooth. I did it once per day. One might want to do so at night because oxidal does stain a bit the inside of the mouth (which passed in an hour or so for me) .

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
The sensitivity was on the left upper part of my mouth affecting my gums and teeth. I’ve been taking pretty large doses of progest e for several years off and on and never experienced something like this. I did have a very bad month of eating, but am happy to report the sensitivity is gone today. I drank a lot of harmless harvest coconut water yesterday, had mushroom broth with coconut oil (16oz bottle states it contains 10% the dv of magnesium), took topical k2 and aspirin and when I brushed my teeth this morning, I had no pain or sensitivity.
The estrogen/endotoxin/stress hormones cascade explanation appears to be very true.
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