Vitamin C In Your Nose To Stop A Cold


Oct 5, 2014
I think the idea that "the body can only accept 1 gram of C" or so is based on what hits the blood serum in a measurable way. Peat and others have often talked about how these measurements can be flawed. As far as C goes, it could certainly do good things on the digestive tract directly, so it would never need to hit the blood serum directly.

As far as dosing goes, I am currently taking 3 grams 3 times a day, so 9 grams a day total. I think it varies a bit from person to person as to what is best. The thing to look out for is bowel tolerance, as excess C in the digestive tract will draw water into the colon. This could even be beneficial (Vitamin C flushes can easily be found all around the web). So I don't doubt absorption can even vary from person to person.

I know it can vary in the same person at different times. When fighting off that last cold (successfully, I might add), I took 22 grams of C over the course of 5 hours. If I wasn't absorbing that much, I'm sure I would have had that "flush" quickly.
Cool. Thanks!


Jan 25, 2014
Do you think a xylitol nasal spray would also be effective, in its own way?

No idea. What would be the point?

I did try a nasal niacinamide spray. Very bitter, and it burned. Not doing that again.
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Jan 25, 2014
Wanted to update this..... I got some empty nasal spray bottles, and decided to make my own nasal spray, using Sodium Ascorbate and distilled water. Been using it regularly, it seems to hydrate the nasal passages, reduces inflammation, and helps to coat the throat a little bit. Overall, pretty pleasant, and probably a good defense against cold germs and whatever else is flying around the city I currently live in.


Sep 13, 2012
Wanted to update this..... I got some empty nasal spray bottles, and decided to make my own nasal spray, using Sodium Ascorbate and distilled water. Been using it regularly, it seems to hydrate the nasal passages, reduces inflammation, and helps to coat the throat a little bit. Overall, pretty pleasant, and probably a good defense against cold germs and whatever else is flying around the city I currently live in.
Great idea!


Nov 28, 2014
Wanted to update this..... I got some empty nasal spray bottles, and decided to make my own nasal spray, using Sodium Ascorbate and distilled water. Been using it regularly, it seems to hydrate the nasal passages, reduces inflammation, and helps to coat the throat a little bit. Overall, pretty pleasant, and probably a good defense against cold germs and whatever else is flying around the city I currently live in.
Thanks for the update. I keep meaning to try this. What quantities are you using?


Oct 21, 2018
You have any proof for this? My personal experience, twice now, is that if you take enough Vitamin C, the cold can be gone, and I mean gone, within a day. 3 grams wasn't enough, one of mine needed 12, the other, 23 grams. This also matched up with Cathcart's clinical experience, which was, the vast majority of the time, you can eliminate the cold. In about 10 percent of cases, you only get the suppression of symptoms, like you say.

everyone has said that vitamin C suppresses the symptoms and not actually fixing the issue.

let me explain why. When you get sick you experience symptoms like runny nose. Congestion. And even body aches. This happens because the body releases histamine and other inflammatory markers that help dilate blood and provide nutrients and white blood cells to all parts of the body.

Usually a strong response will cause more discomfort which is often a good thing. Now heres the thing vitamin C is known for lowering histamine so of course high doses will eventually eliminate this response. You dont want to over do it with vitamin C when you are sick. Its best to over do it when tou arent sick.


Sep 13, 2012
everyone has said that vitamin C suppresses the symptoms and not actually fixing the issue.

let me explain why. When you get sick you experience symptoms like runny nose. Congestion. And even body aches. This happens because the body releases histamine and other inflammatory markers that help dilate blood and provide nutrients and white blood cells to all parts of the body.

Usually a strong response will cause more discomfort which is often a good thing. Now heres the thing vitamin C is known for lowering histamine so of course high doses will eventually eliminate this response. You dont want to over do it with vitamin C when you are sick. Its best to over do it when tou arent sick.
Unfortunately a strong response can also kill you. It's called cytokine storm and it happens to young healthy people during something like the flu. Vitamin C can be lifesaving during acute illness.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Been happy with the results of the sodium ascorbate nasal rinse that @tankasnowgod posted in this thread. Anyone see any issues with adding methylene blue to the solution?

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
everyone has said that vitamin C suppresses the symptoms and not actually fixing the issue.

let me explain why. When you get sick you experience symptoms like runny nose. Congestion. And even body aches. This happens because the body releases histamine and other inflammatory markers that help dilate blood and provide nutrients and white blood cells to all parts of the body.

Usually a strong response will cause more discomfort which is often a good thing. Now heres the thing vitamin C is known for lowering histamine so of course high doses will eventually eliminate this response. You dont want to over do it with vitamin C when you are sick. Its best to over do it when tou arent sick.
This was my experience with high dose ascorbic acid, then sodium ascorbate when trying to battle a cold last year. I started the same day I developed symptoms, working up to 20 grams a day broken into smaller doses. It seemed to manage my symptoms, probably due to lowering histamine as you pointed out, but I needed to dose every hour. I was mostly over the cold by day 4 or 5, then on day 7 I developed a pretty significant fever, which was probably a bacterial infection caused by the swelling in my sinuses. Two weeks after the start of the symptoms, I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, which I'd never had before. After a month, I was still fighting the infection. By that point, I'd taken over 500 grams of AA and SA. Once I ran out I didn't bother to order more, and things finally started improving over the next two weeks. I still take some vitamin c if I start to feel a little off, but only a gram or two a day.


Sep 13, 2012
This was my experience with high dose ascorbic acid, then sodium ascorbate when trying to battle a cold last year. I started the same day I developed symptoms, working up to 20 grams a day broken into smaller doses. It seemed to manage my symptoms, probably due to lowering histamine as you pointed out, but I needed to dose every hour. I was mostly over the cold by day 4 or 5, then on day 7 I developed a pretty significant fever, which was probably a bacterial infection caused by the swelling in my sinuses. Two weeks after the start of the symptoms, I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, which I'd never had before. After a month, I was still fighting the infection. By that point, I'd taken over 500 grams of AA and SA. Once I ran out I didn't bother to order more, and things finally started improving over the next two weeks. I still take some vitamin c if I start to feel a little off, but only a gram or two a day.
Vitamin C doesn't seem effective for secondary infections. I've heard this same story from many people. I'd try fresh crushed garlic for secondary infection.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
Vitamin C doesn't seem effective for secondary infections. I've heard this same story from many people. I'd try fresh crushed garlic for secondary infection.
I beat strep, or at least what seemed like strep, with crushed garlic years ago, but it altered my taste for garlic. I actually tried to use it last year and started heaving I then bought some Allimax, which was freaking amazing for my digestion, but it didn't seem to touch the infection.


Jun 20, 2021
This is realllllly interesting.

So, today, I felt the symptoms of a cold coming on (something nasty has been going around at work), and so when I got home, I started to load up on Vitamin C, to see if I could knock it out, as I learned from Cathcart and Pauling.

Well, I've taken 23 grams today, and haven't hit bowel tolerance, but the symptoms are gone. This indicates to me I had SOMETHING, but that I likely knocked it out.

Anyway, I was looking in Linus Pauling's book, and found something I used as a complementary strategy, but it might even be able to be used on it's own. Pauling credited "Braenden" with this nasal application method- take 3.1 g ascorbic acid, and dissolve in water. Apply 20 drops to each nostril- this increases the local concentration in the nose 1000 fold, and the local nasal tissues probably wouldn't be affected much by oral dosing.

I looked it up, and the entire theory and method is explained in one page, as a letter to the editor (of some publication)-

(I find it insanely humorous that the nasal application comes from someone who works in a narcotics laboratory)

Anyway, I did mix up a small batch, and applied some in each nostril. Also got the idea of putting some ascorbic acid powder directly in each nostril. I can tell it mixed with mucus, and coated a lot of my sinus passages. While not really swollen or congested, I could tell it opened up my sinuses. This is certainly something I will experiment with more.

Juuuuuust be wary about going out anywhere with white powder around your nose. I don't think most people will assume it's ascorbic acid.
Grapefruit seed extract 5 drops in 1 cup of water for internal use and nasal drops is very helpful for viruses, bacteria, fungus....

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I think a nasal rinse with either providone iodine or lugol's iodine would be a good way to treat infection if it was in the nasal or sinus area
. Fill a small shot glass (for whiskey) half full of purified water.

2. Add four drops of 5% Lugol's iodine (or nine drops if you have 2% Lugol's iodine) to the water in the shot glass. Stir well with a clean spoon.

3. In each nostril, add one dropper-full of the iodine/water mixture and then gently sniff it into the nasopharynx region at the back of the nose.

When you add the iodine + water into your nostrils, this mixture will turn into vapour, which will further act to destroy any incoming virus that you breathe into your nose for several hours.

Similarly, when you breathe in through your nose, the iodine/water vapour will also move to help disinfect and give enhanced protection for the nasopharynx, throat, and lung regions as well.

This extra protection against COVID-19 infection would be particularly useful if you go into a crowded outside area or an infected environment.

t's important to follow these directions carefully since full-strength Povidone-Iodine (also known as Betadine) is too strong and can be irritating.

Dilute 10% Povidone-Iodine by one-tenth so that it is 1% strength. To do this, add 10ml (2 tsp) of the 10% solution to 100ml of water. This will make the solution diluted enough to use as a mouth rinse or gargle.

Squirt 1 tsp of the 1% solution into one nostril and sniff this to the back of your throat. Spit it out immediately. Repeat with the other nostril. Use this nasal rinse twice in each nostril.

After performing the nasal rinse, gargle at least 2 tbsp of the diluted solution for at least 30 seconds. DO NOT SWALLOW THIS RINSE. If you are iodine allergic or intolerant, or if you cannot find any Betadine, you can substitute hydrogen peroxide. (Hydrogen peroxide should also be diluted. Add 50ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 100ml of water to dilute.)

You can use Listerine or Scope afterward to freshen your mouth. These products also have some virus-killing effects.

Repeat this rinse 2-4 times a day for prevention, or up to 6 times a day with acute infection.


Aug 10, 2018
2. Add four drops of 5% Lugol's iodine (or nine drops if you have 2% Lugol's iodine) to the water in the shot glass. Stir well with a clean spoon.
Please do not use a metal spoon.


Oct 13, 2017
bad vibration, not microbes... if you keep thinking about "takes hold" in your proteins... like the frogs that received red light within the hour after killing dose of x rays

fractal Fourier transforms (FFTs) hypnosis directed energy weapons part of the splitting of the sexes psy op, they also killed peat with them (they caused allergic cascade from celery/bacon/food)

endotoxin makes it worse because the ai uses it as a reference point


Dec 28, 2021
Okay so I did try a variation of this, unfortunately I'm a bit chaotic in my approach, but anyway.

So my GF has had a pretty nasty cold for almost a week, which pretty much cleared up a few days ago. I didn't notice catching it, but I've been feeling a little woozy from staying out in the sun a lot, which is understandable because I'm naturally sun sensitive and summer is just about starting where I live.

Yesterday morning I woke up at a friends cabin, feeling a little unwell waking up because it was freezing cold in the old house. Now it felt like maybe I'm catching a cold, but after eating a lot of potatoes with some butter and lots of Coke and orange juice I felt good that night. This morning however I was really congested where it hurts swallowing, and a sour feeling in my nasal cavity/sinuses.

So my chaotic approach is that I took half a 100mg tablet doxycycline, 500mg naproxen, a bit of zinc sulfate in hot sugary tea. I know naproxen is not that good for me but it just a terrific symptom reliever so I didn't care.

Anyway ....I did an isotonic, 3.1% ascorbic acid solution in what's like a watering pot for your nose, made specifically for rinsing your nose with isotonic water. Needless to say the amount solution in this is far greater than 20 drops and boy o boy. It felt like when you eat too much wasabi on your sushi. Kind of extreme but the sour icky feeling went away almost instantly. Mood is up and I feel energized, but I can still feel some congestion in my left nostril and far back the nasal cavity.

Anyway, it might be the naproxen that kicked in about the same time, because I did feel a small mood boost shortly before the ascorbic acid blast through my nose. Or it did give me some other rush like feeling which will wear off shortly. I will however give an update later in the day.


Dec 28, 2021

Seems like the mood boosting effect might have been from the Naproxen, maybe even the doxy, who knows. While the ascorbic acid solution in my nose did give some relief and pretty good symptom mitigation, it sure didn't cure my cold, and I didn't feel like it had the same effect the succeeding attempts (mostly in terms of my fatigue and mood). I did the nose rinse with the solution a few times both days since the initial starting of symptoms. Maybe doing it with a dropper instead would allow me to dose more frequently without fear of hurting the mucous membrane, and would be more effective.
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