Very High Blood Sugar. How To Correct It? How Long Does It Take?


Feb 20, 2013
RP recommends a low iron diet and he specifically recommends low iron diet for diabetes.
He also thinks that consumption of iron rich beef is a major cause of health problem for males.
There are several studies that showed big improvement in sugar control when they donated blood.
You can find out your iron storage from transferrin saturation index and ferritin.
He also recommends drinking coffee with iron rich foods to lower absorption.


Sep 8, 2013
I do not just consume sucrose. Most of my sugar is in the form of honey, lactose from milk, and lots of fruits. I will try to increase my consumption of OJ and see how that goes. Did not have such a good reaction last time.

I also wanted to add that I ran into individuals with Blood sugar readings of 130-145 and they had this for years and seemed to be fine. Never took any medications, ate what they wanted. I would have thought this was BS were it not for the fact that My friends family knew them and attested to that this has been the case for the past 20-30 years. However they all had one factor in common, Low PUFA diet and very high consumption of saturated fats such as Farmers cheese, sour cream (homemade), butter, and they also ate good amounts of Honey and lots of fruits.

For stress I try to eat before going to sleep. I noticed if i have a lot of farmers cheese loaded with honey, my morning readings are much much better. I am going to try to get up around 4 am and eat again. I did this once by mistake. I got up to use the bathroom as i had drunk a lot of water and then felt hungry so mixed up a huge bowl of farmers cheese, sour cream (all were the regular type full of saturated fats) and lots of honey. When i woke up 3 hours later my readings was 102.0 the best in months.

While I am eating a lot more coconut oil have not noticed any direct impact on sugar readings from consuming it. If i do not have milk, farmers cheese and honey, and lots of fruit, my readings will start to rise.

It would be good if more individuals with sugar issues join this thread as we can once and for all debunk this bad science that sates sugar not is good for you and that using crappy omega 3 will help you.

RP also seems to favor potatoes and so far my experience has been good with it. Though it has to be eaten with lots of butter and or sour cream plus salt to taste otherwise readings will spike.

Using red lights or any bright light is going to make it hard for me to fall asleep.

Perhaps the key is that I need more sugar or need to start taking some thyroid supplement as my cholesterol levels are slightly elevated. Thyroid uses cholesterol with sugar but maybe thyroid might not be functioning well

By the way thanks for the quick responses :D :D

P.S. while RP may not agree with using iodine. I have found that it helps a lot. I have been using lugols and it improved my pulse and energy levels.


Nov 9, 2012
saul42 said:
Using red lights or any bright light is going to make it hard for me to fall asleep.

To the contrary, it will lower stress and prepare yourself for sleep. I'm prone to insomnia and red light is one of several methods I use to reduce it. Only the blue component of light can disturb your circadian rhythm.


Sep 8, 2013
dez said:
Hi all

in your experience, how long does it take to see blood glucose levels stabilizing or reducing using RP methods
i have been following his advice for a month now

Hi Dez

I noticed changes in less than two weeks, by changes I do not mean that all was well. What I noticed was that despite eating a lot more sugar (honey, milk, cheese, fruits, sucrose) my readings were not going up but stabilizing. They should have gone up. Long story short I found RP by mistake because I was actually putting some of this stuff into practice like increasing my sugar intake after running into someone who cured themselves from diabetes by simply eating massive amounts of honey. So while doing more research on the topic i stumbled onto RP.

Now in 3 months i have noticed real results. Readings were in the 300 ranges fasting and HB1ac was almost 13.00. 3 months later at the doctors office fasting sugar was 114 but on my glucose monitor readings are usually in the 125-140 ranges, average is 130.00. Sometimes they fall down to 115 or lower and I suspect on these days its because i have eaten more sugar before going to bed, at leas that is what i have spotted from reading my notes. My Hb1ac 3 months later dropped down to 6.7.

So i have seen over a 50% improvement and without taking any medications. I have now added OJ and potatoes to my regime. When i eat potatoes though i usually take a walk 1 to 1 1/2 hours after the meal for 30 minutes and my readings in this case are almost always below 100. Without the walk the readings will be much higher but something in the potatoes is good for with the walk i get the best ever readings and the sugar spikes that occur are dropping. at frist 1 hour after the meal the sugar would spike to 210 ranges, then it moved to 180, then to 170, currently it is in the 150-160 ranges so things are getting better here and its only been 7 days on this potato regime. I eat as much as 9 potatoes a day now but always with a lot of butter and fair amount of salt.

I do not follow the RP protocol to the T. I did a few things differently before and continue to take what i need and what feels right to my body. The key thing is to be happy with what you eat. I notice that I like dairy and so sometimes i can go days with just milk and farmers cheese and some fruits and a bit of coffee.

By the way Coffee is good after a meal, it speeds the metabolism and helps lower your sugar, this is very good when you are eating potatoes or something that might cause your sugar to jump.

The big issues is the build up of pUFA in the body. No drug I know unless you are pumping yourself with insulin will lower your sugar from 200 to 100 or 94 in 30 minutes after eating 3-4 potatoes. But a simple brisk walk will do that after the meal. As the potassium in your body builds up and you get rid of the PUFA, the body starts to do a better job of using the sugar. If you could block your cells from using sugar then by logic you should be able to remove the blockage (PUFA's) and get back to normal eventually. However this will not happen overnight. It took time to get here, so it will time sometime and patience to get back to normal. However I am satisfied with my results so far. I am moving forward compared to those who are taking drugs to keep things under control.
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