
Jul 13, 2014
Though Alex Jones has many critics in alt media, InfoWars has done solid job analyzing “SPARS” exercise document from Johns Hopkins, which, like Event 201—If not more--predicted what is happening now and what is yet to come.


He breaks down the "SPARS 2025-2028" document which details the horrors of what the post-'vaccine' scenario will be soon i.e. encephalopathy, and how governments will impose even more draconian medical control over their citizens.

This 2017 Johns Hopkins document details plans for Big Pharma global domination. "This document is the holy grail. The key to defeating the globalist."

you can download the actual PDF here, i will also post some quotes below:

"After showing no adverse side effects for nearly a year, several vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms" - page 60

"As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge" - page 59

"As the investigations grew in intensity, several high-ranking officials at the CDC and FDA were forced to step down and withdraw from government" - page 67

"Nearing the end of 2027, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge." - page 60

"Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms" - page 59

"That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing Corovax." - page 59

"the fact that the majority of US citizens willing to be vaccinated had already been immunized, the negative publicity surrounding adverse reactions had little effect on nationwide vaccination rates." - page 59

"As these cases emerged, patients began filing for compensation under the PREP Act. Due to lingering uncertainties over possible links between vaccination and reported neurological symptoms, their compensation requests were placed on indefinite hold, pending further data analysis" - page 61

"This cohort, many of whom adamantly supported the Corovax vaccine initially, quickly took to social media to publicize their issues." - page 61

"Today, nearly five years since the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus made its global debut, there remain human cases in 14 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia" - page 66

"As the pandemic tapered off, several influential politicians and agency representatives came under fire for sensationalizing the severity of the event for perceived political gain." - page 66

"President Archer’s detractors in the Republican Party seized the opportunity to publicly disparage the President and his administration’s response to the pandemic, urging voters to elect “a strong leader with the best interests of the American people at heart." - page 66

"Archer served as Vice President under President Jaclyn Bennett (2020- 2024), who did not seek a second term due to health concerns." - page 2

"CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) identified the following priority groups for immunization: children aged 1-18, young adults 19-22 with chronic respiratory conditions, and pregnant women." - page 34

"To determine how to best distribute limited doses of Corovax to members of priority groups across the country, the US government resorted to new, controversial tactics; notably, having healthcare providers access patients’ electronic health records (EHRs) to determine the number of individuals in high-risk populations receiving care in particular areas."

@haidut would be great if it gets a mention in the next danny roddy webcast :thumbsup:


Mar 17, 2020
Wow, this is absolutely shocking. It seems like this is all some social experiment.


Mar 30, 2020
More by the same author/project lead, here.

I feel like most governments have done the exact opposite of the recommendations in this document, so I'm not sure people should conclude this simulation is the outline of some grand plan. It is startlingly similar to current events in many ways, though.

Best practices for public health authorities to communicate risk in an emergency,44,6568 endorsed by the Expert Working Group on Medical Countermeasures Emergency Communication Strategies, 2014-2016
  1. Incorporate communication experts, insights, and goals at the outset when developing emergency management policies. Embrace communication as an essential part of front-end decision making rather than the mere function of sharing policy decisions at the back end.
  2. Conduct pre-event communication planning that identifies potential threats or hazards, outlines risk-reduction approaches, recognizes the resources needed to implement them, and spells out the responsibilities of principal actors.
  3. Build pre-crisis partnerships and alliances with other stakeholders to coordinate communication resources and activities, enlist their help in better understanding and reaching target audiences, and establish trusted links that can be activated during the crisis period.
  4. Accept the public as a legitimate partner in managing an emergency. Recognize the public’s right to know the risks that it faces and protective actions that it can take, and plan for the prompt sharing of this information so that people can freely carry out their own informed decisions.
  5. Listen to the public before and during the emergency. Find out what people know, think, or want done about risks, and use this information to inform communication and emergency response planning. Acknowledge people’s concerns, even if they do not conform to scientific risk assessments. Put yourself in their place and adapt messages.
  6. Communicate with honesty, candor, and openness. Be truthful to foster credibility with the public and the media. Relate the truth as it is known, even if it may reflect poorly on the agency, and be frank about the potential severity of any crisis. Promptly make information accessible. Convey information uncertainties, strengths, and weaknesses.
  7. Accept uncertainty and ambiguity. In an emergency, acknowledge the dynamism of the situation and the potential need to act before all the facts are known. Be prepared to explain the fluidity of conditions and the measures being taken to fill in the knowledge gaps. Address differing scientific perspectives and international variances as needed.
  8. Communicate with compassion, concern, and empathy. Recognize the human dimensions of the emergency, acknowledge people’s distress, and extend genuine sympathy and understanding.
  9. Respect the unique communication needs of diverse audiences. Be mindful of differences in cultural background, immigrant status, education, technological adeptness, hearing and seeing abilities, and other factors that influence information uptake and processing. Use clear, non-technical language and graphics to clarify messages, and use multiple language translations where appropriate.
  10. Meet the needs of the media and remain accessible. Plan to work diligently with the media before and during an incident knowing that members of the public often rely on news outlets to learn about a crisis or risk.
  11. Convey messages of self-efficacy. Provide detailed information to the public on how to reduce any potential harm and what can be done to help others. Protective messages can reduce material harm and enhance morale by restoring a sense of control over uncertain and menacing conditions.
  12. Monitor public responses and update communication efforts to meet people’s evolving information needs.


Mar 30, 2020
I found that document yesterday, but had no time to read it. I appreciate the summary.

It's actually remarkably easy to read, like pulpy sci-fi or speculative fiction. I found myself fascinated some of the characters despite only having a few sentences about them. Really interesting, I wish they had gone into a bit more detail about how the simulation was run.


Jul 13, 2014
this link to Alex Jones feature should work better:

Last edited:


Mar 30, 2020
It's a shame this forum often eschews sensibly discussing interesting texts like this and their context in favor of reactionary posturing and loud hand-wringing; and also that many people here seem to have had their minds made up by Alex Jones instead of actually reading the text in question and coming to their own conclusions.

The project lead in this study has made a number of recommendations for how to handle pandemics in the past, they've mostly been ignored, but are also very sensible: governments being truthful, admitting their faults wherever they can to inspire trust, letting people make their own decisions, prophylaxis with readily-available medicine or treatment with antibiotics if possible is even implied in the simulation - things that people on this forum might normally think were a good idea unless Alex Jones told you otherwise.

Thanks for sharing anyway, @ddjd.


Jul 13, 2014
Two drugs named "Kalocivir" and "VMax" are rushed and fast tracked by the FDA with mixed results and side effects. Video goes viral of a child vomiting immediately after taking one of the drugs. Thus, reinforcing the idea that an upcoming vaccine is *the only real solution*.


Mar 15, 2018
It's a shame this forum often eschews sensibly discussing interesting texts like this and their context in favor of reactionary posturing
Yeah, my posting is certainly reactionary since it's easy to follow basic names and sources if you're not an idiot edging over vaccine larping.


Mar 30, 2020
Yeah, my posting is certainly reactionary since it's easy to follow basic names and sources if you're not an idiot edging over vaccine larping.

Is your issue that I posted another document from the same research team? What constitutes "vaccine larping" and "edging"? I'm sorry about my post, I meant it to be more generalised but I realise the timing of it must have made it seem like it was specifically about you; it wasn't and I didn't mean to offend.

Two drugs named "Kalocivir" and "VMax" are rushed and fast tracked by the FDA with mixed results and side effects. Video goes viral of a child vomiting immediately after taking one of the drugs. Thus, reinforcing the idea that an upcoming vaccine is *the only real solution*.

It ends up not being the only solution though, and despite high uptake in the end, there are severe costs (isn't that what your thread title suggests?) - it's not painting a picture of vaccines as the only way out of the simulated pandemic. The "expired" (not really) antibiotics in chapter 16 are used as effectual treatment, and EpiGirl's reporting of adverse vaccine side-effects in chapter 17 eventually overshadow pro-vaccine media coverage, so more people become aware of the dangers of vaccination and alternatives are more widely used. As more of these things become virtually apparent, the simulated people start suing the government, and in chapter 20, public trust in both "big pharma" and government response to crises is totally eroded and the simulated CDC and FDA both end up being investigated. This seems reasonable and the eventual realisation that these organisations are full of corruption and profiteering is surely going to be beneficial to the population at large. Isn't that understanding of the system what people on here complain the masses are missing?


Jul 13, 2014
“early case fatality estimates were inflated” with the CDC estimating SPARS IFR of 4.7%, and the WHO saying 14-15% and over 50% for people over the age of 64. Later studies would provide a more accurate estimate of only 0.6%


Mar 15, 2018
This seems reasonable and the eventual realisation that these organisations are full of corruption and profiteering is surely going to be beneficial to the population at large. Isn't that understanding of the system what people on here complain the masses are missing?
Admitting that they've been dumping money onto media larping for over a full year to **** with people and screw over small western companies years before actually doing it means they're good people?


Mar 30, 2020
Admitting that they've been dumping money onto media larping for over a full year to **** with people and screw over small western companies years before actually doing it means they're good people?

I didn't say anything about them being good people, and I made no assertions about their funding or intentions. I'm just trying to engage with the text and it seems to me that the recommendations listed by this team in this document and elsewhere haven't been followed at all by governments or the media at large.

I apologise again, I really didn't mean for my initial post to seem like an attack on you, I should have been much more considerate in my wording or not posted it at all.


Mar 2, 2021
It's a shame this forum often eschews sensibly discussing interesting texts like this and their context in favor of reactionary posturing and loud hand-wringing; and also that many people here seem to have had their minds made up by Alex Jones instead of actually reading the text in question and coming to their own conclusions.

The project lead in this study has made a number of recommendations for how to handle pandemics in the past, they've mostly been ignored, but are also very sensible: governments being truthful, admitting their faults wherever they can to inspire trust, letting people make their own decisions, prophylaxis with readily-available medicine or treatment with antibiotics if possible is even implied in the simulation - things that people on this forum might normally think were a good idea unless Alex Jones told you otherwise.

Thanks for sharing anyway, @ddjd.
Lumping us all in together like that reveals a certain loftiness that you have of your own mind. In other words, you think you're smarter than the rest of us.
I've been coming to this board for several weeks and I see plenty of intelligent souls here with open minds and not at all like you pejoratively posit.


Mar 30, 2020
Lumping us all in together like that reveals a certain loftiness that you have of your own mind. In other words, you think you're smarter than the rest of us.
I've been coming to this board for several weeks and I see plenty of intelligent souls here with open minds and not at all like your pejoratively posit.

I don't really think that, and can only apologise again, I shouldn't have posted it at all. I'm sorry.


Mar 26, 2014
@CreakyJoints i think people will appreciate your apology. Remember everyone is on edge and defensive from the relentless media and government propaganda push. I think you could have expressed it better but didn't see any malice in your post. You've apologised enough.


Mar 2, 2021
We're never going to back to normal because it wasn't normal before the pandemic. The hoax of "germ theory" is going nowhere and long before this current drama there were countless men women and children that have suffered from the voo-doo medicine of the western doctors.
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