US Supreme Court Case: West Virginia vs EPA - Congressional Power To Delegate Authority About To Be Taken Away?


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
Good catch Charlie. How do we get the fibbies and ciababies from doing their dirty tricks.
I do not want carbon free anything. global warming is not true.


Jan 25, 2014
@charlie ....

In the more conspiratorial world........ This topic has reminded me of a weird blurb in one of Fulford's reports back in March-

Finally this week, we will update what we know about the death of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Our source says “There is a Gag order in place. Watch what comes out in the MSM in the next week or so. A spin story is being prepared.” One such spin story says he was poisoned and saved by the white hats. It appears they need to keep him “alive” in order to ensure a conservative majority in the Supreme Court for the upcoming tribunals.

I was a bit taken aback when I read that, and hoped that it wasn't true. Well, publicly at least, it isn't true. That was around the time Thomas was hospitalized with "flu-like symptoms," and was released shortly thereafter.


So, either Fulford was just wrong (which wouldn't seem to be the first time), or there is a gag order in place (that is working really well). But with the big rulings last week, and potential big ruling that this thread is about, it would seem Fulford was right about the importance of the Supreme Court, which we are already seeing play out.

FWIW, the Supreme Court Building is still closed to the public, as you can see on their website-



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jan 25, 2014

An incredible 2 week period. Now THREE major Supreme Court decisions, with the overruling or Roe now a distant second.

I still don't blindly "Trust the Plan," but if the "plan" with Trump and his team was to deliver a more conservative/patriotic court than we have seen in over 50 years, and gut Federal Overreach from the bench (and general government overreach, as seen in the Gun Control ruling about NY state gun laws), it seems to be working. And it will also have much more long term impact (at least 50 years) than anything Trump would have done with a second term (which would be ending in about 2 years). Of course, a second term isn't an impossibility, considering the Grover Cleveland route.

Maybe the entire "4D Chess" meme isn't BS.

@charlie .... is this what you were thinking with "The Deadly Wound?"
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Nov 18, 2019

An incredible 2 week period. Now THREE major Supreme Court decisions, with the overruling or Roe now a distant second.
Awesomeness!!! So great ? thank you for posting @tankasnowgod. Some hopeful news…


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@charlie .... is this what you were thinking with "The Deadly Wound?"
Yes. That is exactly what I am thinking and is the reason I made this thread.

Donald Trump said several times right after he got elected that we had to do this carefully, and lawfully. I think he was alluding to what is happening right now with Supreme Court.


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
Now how do we get the nuclear weapons away from the crazies in dc and stop supporting ukraine. ukraine us the most corrupt nation on earth. which is saying alot but zerolynski had mansions all in the us and europe. how did he get that money because he was a poor comedian.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Nov 18, 2019
This is amazing. I must say I am shocked and am starting to have hope restored. Was seriously losing hope even though I trust Divine. This is such good news along with Roe and EPA decision. Thank you for sharing!


May 3, 2015
I wonder why SCOTUS have started their run just now...?

They didn’t accept any cases to do with election fraud in December 2020 or January 2021.

Has something been dismantled that has given them confidence to go ahead?

Was there a major demonic stronghold over Ukraine which has been destroyed?

Or was there something supernatural about the Kazakhstan uprising in January this year?

@tankasnowgod posted Antifa chanting: “George Soros where’s my money?”

Do you know any more about this? Has Soros moved his focus from the US to Ukraine or were his chief organisers arrested?


Oct 2, 2018
It sounds nice in a country we were supposed to be in.

Not in one where nearly all legislators serve AIPAC, where the people who get to Congress' steps and who rally show up with pocket money, financed by fifth columnists (especially now that anti-abortion rallies are gone) and making one's voice heard only happens when it's not drowned out by noise from well-funded operations that has everything to do with bringing this country down.

The rule of law is always called upon but how it is used is very spotty because prosecution depends on who wields the money and thus wields the stick.

When a group has been making money hand over fist in what is immoral and hide under legality, with impunity , and getting pardoned when they should be shot for treason and for economic sabotage, it makes a mockery of any legal structure in place.

Any attempt to rearrange the chairs is a futile exercise, and any victory celebration is just as empty as getting a trophy for merely showing up.
I am 100% sure based on previous history, that the cabal that runs the Fed will be looking for ways to blackmail, bend or kill any or all of SCOTUS and then place the blame on a patsy like a pro abortionist, or other terrorist actor they can manipulate. If they can’t get their way by bribery and manipulation, then the knives come out. That’s how they play the game.


Jan 25, 2014
I wonder why SCOTUS have started their run just now...?

They didn’t accept any cases to do with election fraud in December 2020 or January 2021.
As far as I remember, there was only one, the Texas case against other states. I understand why they passed on that one, it would have opened up a whole can of worms. Plus, do you really want to set a precedent where, say, a state like California can sue Florida over the results of a Gubernatorial or Senate Race?

Trump didn't bring any cases to the Supreme Court.
Has something been dismantled that has given them confidence to go ahead?
Well, we just had three MASSIVE cases decided in a two week period that just so happened to fall between Flag Day and Independence Day. It points to either a coordinated effort, or divine providence..... or both.


Jan 25, 2014
I am 100% sure based on previous history, that the cabal that runs the Fed will be looking for ways to blackmail, bend or kill any or all of SCOTUS and then place the blame on a patsy like a pro abortionist, or other terrorist actor they can manipulate.
Well, first of all, it would be too late. They generally like to do these things before decisions like this come out.

And second...... what makes you think they didn't already try and maybe even succeed in this? Did you not hear the rumors (based on one of the Podesta emails) that Scalia was murdered so that Obama could appoint a Justice (that Cocaine Mitch actually stood up and blocked)? Or, the Fulford report I posted earlier in the thread about Clarence Thomas?

When you think of all the things that had to go right over the past 7 years at this point, from Cocaine Mitch blocking the Obama nomination, to the longshot Trump win, to Trump nominating 3 Justices in one term (all confirmed with a razor thin Senate Majority), to all these cases coming up in this two week period (apparently, with another potential big one on the horizon), I don't think it's pure "hopium" to believe that there is some sort of alliance or White/Gray Hats or "good guys" out there.


Jan 30, 2021
As long as elections are bought and paid for, I honestly don't see any difference coming down the pike. What I see as "good," if one can label things good or bad, is that I could FINALLY choose a STATE to live in that at least comes close to enforcing what I believe to be right. But I am so "between" the tenets of both parties that it is going to be exceedingly difficult. A state that allows me medical freedom may also allow total destruction of the environment and further the death of the planet. And one that attempts to keep the human animals from destroying their nests, may well decide it has the right to dictate my medical decisions. I'm glad I'm not young and have no offspring who have to live through the next decades.


Aug 17, 2016
As long as elections are bought and paid for, I honestly don't see any difference coming down the pike. What I see as "good," if one can label things good or bad, is that I could FINALLY choose a STATE to live in that at least comes close to enforcing what I believe to be right. But I am so "between" the tenets of both parties that it is going to be exceedingly difficult. A state that allows me medical freedom may also allow total destruction of the environment and further the death of the planet. And one that attempts to keep the human animals from destroying their nests, may well decide it has the right to dictate my medical decisions. I'm glad I'm not young and have no offspring who have to live through the next decades.
I feel similarly.
I'm near the indian river in FL. There is a stupidity issue with the people. The waterfront people regularly have their lawns sprayed with glysophate to look like golf courses. They look down upon the old "hippie" locals that xeriscape or leave their yards wild. The glysophate flows right into the river with every rain. The "haves" repeatedly attempt to have the "hippies" fined for not keeping up their lawns.
They are aggressively stupid.
There is the stupidness but that is the facet that runs deep on both "sides." No discernment; just sides. Both "sides" gravitating to the stupidest parts of each platform.
There is a general "social contract" pleasantness in chicago (at least up until I left at covid start). Most everyone loves to plant the parkways--buying trays of plants, a little gardeining outfit with a small tool set. Whereas in Florida (at least in the less populated areas), the theme is 'every man for himself.'


Jan 25, 2014
As long as elections are bought and paid for, I honestly don't see any difference coming down the pike.
Maybe that's because you really don't understand Supreme Court decisions, or how many rules and "laws" have been put in place by unelected bureaucrats within the executive agencies. The next 50 years or so are going to be radically different in this country. Especially the next 5-10, as many of these "laws" are struck down or removed. A good example is the Obama/Biden war on Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen. Congress never passed any law regulating these (as they are obviously not toxins). All of those regulations come from the EPA. Essentially, Executive Fiat. Scalia talked about it in the clip I posted above.
A state that allows me medical freedom may also allow total destruction of the environment and further the death of the planet. And one that attempts to keep the human animals from destroying their nests, may well decide it has the right to dictate my medical decisions.
Not sure exactly what you mean by any of this.

Really, you have total medical freedom in EVERY state. There are people walking around in each state that have never had any vaccine or pseudo-vaccine in their life. No medical procedure is required in any state. It's a free country. However, every state and the Federal Government regulates the medical profession, under the authority they get from the commerce clause. They regulate what drugs can and can't be sold. They license who can and can't be doctors and nurses. And, they can also make certain things necessary if you want to take their benefits. Like if you want to send your child to a public (aka government school), they can say they need to be "vaccinated" with X, Y, and Z to take advantage of that "benefit." Having said all that, I tend to agree that a lot of this regulation goes too far, and I would prefer the states that have fewer regulations in this regard.

Even with Abortion, the government is only regulating what doctors can do. And if you truly understood the difference between public and private, you would know that you could privately arrange an abortion at any time you wanted, even minutes before birth, if you did so completely privately (not that I am recommending any such thing). Although most people don't know this difference, and that's a huge issue, since private rights have been under attack for at least 90 years, and really, probably since the beginning of this country and even before.

As for the destruction of the environment, this is a huge multifaceted issue. I would tend to think most regulation would be best accomplished locally, by people who truly understand the area, not some bureaucrats at the EPA. One thing I do know is that a lot of the "green energy" technology are actually more harmful to the environment than things like coal and oil. Many such "alternative fuels" run at an energy deficit, meaning they use up even more coal and oil than if those sources were used directly. Electric cars are not only wildly inconvenient, but far more damaging to the environment as a whole than gas or diesel powered cars.

Michael Moore made a documentary "Planet of the Humans" that basically exposed a lot of the con about the "green energy" industry. Rush Limbaugh, of all people, actually praised the movie for exposing the fraud and hypocrisy of the environmental and green energy movement, although he disagreed with Moore's depopulation solution. So, I don't think the issue of the environment is really a political or "party" issue. I think a lot of it is more disagreement on the "solutions" to the problem, and that many of the "solutions" actually make things worse.
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