Urgent Wish List For Depression And Anxiety Meds For 20 Year Old


Apr 19, 2017
I think you can supplement some B12, those are probably all really important for a vegan. I don't want to say more than 500 mg of B1. Brewer's yeast would probably be really good for a balance of the other B vitamins as it's a whole food source.


Jul 13, 2014
The precursor 5a-DHP converts into allopregnanolone with almost 100% efficiency as it is the the only pathway through which it can be metabolized downstream.
say i took 100mg pregnenolone orally, how much allopregnanolone would that create in the body, compared to say 5 drops/5mg 5adhp. Im geussing you get more from the 5adhp because its so efficient in the conversion? @haidut?


Jan 3, 2014
@SQu I wouldn't try stop her smoking tobacco at the moment in my opinion.

I agree.

I think you can supplement some B12,
Brewer's yeast has this too? Not as easy to find as it once was, but worth looking I think.

So, many of the measures we're taking are helping a lot. She's eating better, and more, cooking herself nice vegan meals but has added back egg. Milk and cheese seem to disagree and she's against it ethically. I have told her that declining digestion is a meaningful warning sign and that cravings are meaningful calls by the body for what it needs (she is getting cravings ... for pizza!)

Sleep and mood are much better. (I give her magnesium glycine taurine and pregnenolone at night; B1 , B3, P5P about 10-20mg, and biotin in the morning). Tulsi tea is really great, I have it sometimes too and I just love that theanine-like anti-anxiety effect.

She needed nearly a month of rest which doesn't surprise me. Now we need to keep it up when she goes back to the stress of studying. She got very good marks this last year, but we need to keep her health up to the challenge.

She had blood tests, just came in, doc says fine, I don't have a copy. We'll see doc early Jan and I'll be able to see for myself her vitamin D and thyroid levels etc.

Meantime, holiday at the beach, walks, sun, outdoors, and relaxing, for everyone.

She says she feels like the way she was. was a dream. (And not a very nice one, you can tell).

the challenge is to keep all this up at a distance next year.

But encouraging progress and I'm cautiously hopeful and relieved.

Thanks again!


Apr 19, 2017
I agree.

Brewer's yeast has this too? Not as easy to find as it once was, but worth looking I think.

So, many of the measures we're taking are helping a lot. She's eating better, and more, cooking herself nice vegan meals but has added back egg. Milk and cheese seem to disagree and she's against it ethically. I have told her that declining digestion is a meaningful warning sign and that cravings are meaningful calls by the body for what it needs (she is getting cravings ... for pizza!)

Sleep and mood are much better. (I give her magnesium glycine taurine and pregnenolone at night; B1 , B3, P5P about 10-20mg, and biotin in the morning). Tulsi tea is really great, I have it sometimes too and I just love that theanine-like anti-anxiety effect.

She needed nearly a month of rest which doesn't surprise me. Now we need to keep it up when she goes back to the stress of studying. She got very good marks this last year, but we need to keep her health up to the challenge.

She had blood tests, just came in, doc says fine, I don't have a copy. We'll see doc early Jan and I'll be able to see for myself her vitamin D and thyroid levels etc.

Meantime, holiday at the beach, walks, sun, outdoors, and relaxing, for everyone.

She says she feels like the way she was. was a dream. (And not a very nice one, you can tell).

the challenge is to keep all this up at a distance next year.

But encouraging progress and I'm cautiously hopeful and relieved.

Thanks again!
That's great news, SQu! I'm so happy to hear that she's making steady improvement and that the depression is like a feeling in the past, that's a great sign. It is basically like a bad dream where you feel helpless, but once you regain some control you feel really powerful and relieved. she is very lucky to have such a supportive mom like you, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I would also like to recommend estroban or something along those lines (A, D, E and K2) since she's not eating a lot of foods that would naturally contain those nutrients. I have found them to be key to my own nutritional issues and estrogen dominance.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
say i took 100mg pregnenolone orally, how much allopregnanolone would that create in the body, compared to say 5 drops/5mg 5adhp. Im geussing you get more from the 5adhp because its so efficient in the conversion? @haidut?

Nobody knows for sure as every person metabolizes it differently and it has to jump through 2 hoops before it becomes allopregnanolone. You can look at the human studies on schizophrenia that used 400mg daily and see how much was basal allopregnanolone, and how much allopregnanolone increased, and from there extrapolate what a lower dose like 100mg would achieve. But this is still very guesstimating work as pregnenolone metabolizes differently depending on the dose.


Feb 18, 2018
Update would be interesting.

I'd also like to point out a thread that westside created where Ray the man himself said that Vegans could be healthy, but you certainly have to know what you're doing. In general, avoiding all wheat and most other grains besides white rice and potatoes. Eating a pound + of leaves everyday is a must, and drinking potato protein is probably very helpful. The easiest compromise for someone who is an ethical vegan would be to have them add onto their diet some milk from happy grass-fed cows/goats, and with the addition of that, I see no problem of someone living a very healthy vegetarian Peaty life.

Also, just from reading this thread, it sounds like your daughter is self-inducing stress through unhealthy competition with herself and/or her peers, instead of viewing learning as an incredibly enriching experience, where she gets to discover the mysteries of life. Just that simple mind shift could change a lot, and I could see something like shrooms or LSD helping with that whole perspective change.


Jan 3, 2014
Yes it is time for an update. From my observations I think you can be healthy as a vegan if, big if, you take the time to manage your diet carefully and eat regularly, which she's not consistently doing; and even more importantly, understand what irritates the gut and how important it is not to irritate it. She tends to undercook her greens and likes beans and pulses, which I do think is a result of getting a lot of your info from certain internet sources. But this is all because she wants to do it for herself, so there's a limit to what I can contribute. I just hope that soon she sees what I can see: that undercooked veg and beans is harming her gut and contributing to depression.
Recently I found a supplement for her that combines theanine, a mg chelate, one or two other things that I'll update on this post once I'm home and can check the label. It's not perfect but it's good and has the virtue of being just one thing to take, seeing as she is far away from home, and tastes ok. She found that very helpful.
Then the bad news. She's been seeing a therapist who thinks she needs chronic depression meds urgently. (On top of Concerta, another thing I was dead against, that happened anyway, about two years ago she started on that.) She went to the doctor for flu (yes regular physical health collapses are also part of the picture) the doctor knows the therapist and her opinion; and my daughter walked out with a script for an SSRI. Which she's taking, along with the supplement I mentioned.
Frankly I've been devastated, too devastated to update here. I'm still reeling. I'm truly worried about the damage it might do. But my daughter is her own person making her own choices now and it's so frustrating to not be able to get through, and to have to see her make the choices I can see so clearly are damaging. I'm one of the few parents who can really be a conduit of genuinely helpful information and much of it I have been motivated to learn to try and help shield my family from some of the medical and cultural insanity that prevails, but when the tide of popular health ideas is flowing so strongly in the opposite direction my voice gets drowned out .
To sum up I think the advice here is valid and works and has helped. I think an irritating and perhaps overly low calorie restricted diet is very much against her. I think the noise of current health fads is a big problem. I think she wants to and has to find this out for herself. I'm glad she is taking the supplement and hope it mitigates the damage. I think restricting diet for ethical reasons is laudable and yet becomes a self created obstacle amongst so many unavoidable obstacles, to health. One that she cannot actually afford and I think that goes for many people. She's not alone in her cohort, far from it. Personality comes into it too and hers can be extreme, intense, driven, perfectionistic. She's talented, dynamic and therefore challenging. On the upside she has recognized at least some benefits of my position and I can only hope this helps her. Also while marijuana has just been decriminalized for personal use and growing your own, in this country, she has already decided it's not a great idea and I can only hope and pray it stays that way.
Alywest, meatbag, and all other helpful contributors to this thread, thank you. Your advice works. The rest is out of my hands.
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Jan 3, 2014
I could see something like shrooms or LSD helping with that whole
I agree and it is an ongoing topic for discussion. I have lisuride, but I did see a warning (somewhere on this forum) against taking along with an SSRI. Serotonin syndrome I think was the danger. Except if taking very low dose. Which would be the case. But hard for me to manage from a distance.
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