Update so far...


Jul 9, 2013
I've now been back on the "Peat Way" for 2months and seem to be doing well so far. In my previous attempt (a few years ago), I gained weight VERY quickly but this time I've at least managed to stay the same and am hopefully improving my metabolism.

The biggest difference: I learned to drink milk! I had previously avoided milk, thinking that I couldn't digest it. This time I started with dry powdered milk, which in small amounts was OK. So I moved to regular and experimented with a few different %fat contents and brands. I now have a local grocery store non-fat that is great! It took about 2 weeks for me to lose the "burps" after having it in coffee.

Thank you to the person who posted the tip about adding a little sugar when drinking plain milk - it REALLY worked. I also find that pouring a cup and leaving it on the counter to warm up a bit greatly improves how my stomach receives the milk. I also like a cup before bed, warmed with sugar, tumeric, ginger and cinnamon - it's almost egg-nog!

When I gained weight previously, I was eating a lot of cheese and cottage cheese (eek, lactic acid). I reserve these for "treats" now or when I need a meal substitute and there's nothing else.

So here's my morning routine:

Make 3 cups of coffee

Blend 1 cup coffee, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons gelatin (green can), honey, pinch of salt. Fill thermos. Repeat for 2nd thermos. Repeat and drink the 3rd "latte" while getting ready.

Boil 2 eggs

Add 4 cups of milk + sugar to a travel container.

Grab 3 carrots from the fridge.

Pack 2 thermos' of coffee, milk, orange juice, eggs, carrots in lunch bag. This combo lasts me throughout the work day and doesn't even require refrigeration (I work in an office though, which is cold enough).

Dinner- I'm still trying to perfect. I've had a shrimp a couple of times, I like Applegate Organic Grass-Fed beef hotdogs. I bought a can of smoked oysters in olive oil from Trader Joe's last night so will get brave and try those soon. I bought calf's liver but couldn't make myself cook it yet (though I have made chicken liver pate in the past and liked it). Sometimes I'll just have some Hagen Daaz vanilla/chocolate and call it "dinner." I really dislike lengthy meal preparations, so this meal is one area to work on.

I've been nibbling a Cynomel throughout the day, but haven't managed to get my temps up yet. I still run at 96.x for first half of cycle, and 97.2-4 for second half. I'm not doing pregnenalone or progest-e right now, thinking that I should adjust my diet / thyroid first. Would you guys agree, or do you think it would help to add those?

Supplments: Vit E, Vit K (MK7), Magnesium Oxide, Aspirin (baby, chewable), B6-B12 (sublingal), Biotin (sublingal),Niacinamide (time release).

Good things noticed so far: clearer skin, I think an 'ankle' might be slowly starting to emerge from one 'cankle', I was walking on sand and noticed that my flat feet might be getting a little less flat, period shortened duration by 2 days, I was out in hot weather and actually broke a sweat.

Confusing things: Hair gets greasy fast.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share finding so far.



Mar 6, 2013
This is encouraging Mariange. Thanks for sharing!
Unfortunately I don't have much to offer as I am new at this too. I'm still juggling my temps.

I don't have the quote but I think RP does mention to eat the heavier meat meals more in the middle of the day as opposed to the evening meal. This has helped me alot with bloating.

I'm curious about which brands of supplements you use?


Jul 9, 2013
I actually purchased the current supplements previously and while they're probably OK, I'm planning to uses the references / recommendations here on the forum when it's time to restock. So I'm not withholding info - just don't want to bog you down with stuff that I'm planning to rotate out anyway.

I had a neat realization yesterday while walking down the stairs - my "clicky" ankle, which has been clicking and cracking for years, was Completely Quiet. Wow!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Mariange, :welcome

Sounds like you are on the road to health! Congrats!


Jul 3, 2013
London/Shropshire, England
what do you mean by 'flat feet getting less flat'? What is this scorcery? I've never read or heard anywhere about flat feet and it being some kind of issue.

Mine are weird, in that they have a really high arch, almost like a stiletto :rolling


Jul 9, 2013
I think the term I've seen is "ligamental laxity" to describe some of the physical hypothyroid issues, especially in feet, ankles and knees.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this is the reason so many people (especially women) suffer knee injuries running. If you watch a road race, it's crazy how many knee braces you'll see going by.

I've always had almost a full half-size difference in size between my left and right feet. The right one needs a larger size because it's flatter. So seeing the emergence of a bit of an arch on the right is exciting!


Apr 17, 2013
mariange said:
I actually purchased the current supplements previously and while they're probably OK, I'm planning to uses the references / recommendations here on the forum when it's time to restock. So I'm not withholding info - just don't want to bog you down with stuff that I'm planning to rotate out anyway.

I had a neat realization yesterday while walking down the stairs - my "clicky" ankle, which has been clicking and cracking for years, was Completely Quiet. Wow!

Oh my gosh, I always had that too!
And I realized just now reading your post that I haven't heard my ankles crack lately when going up the stairs either! I wonder what causes that and what fixed it?


Feb 7, 2013
tomisonbottom said:
mariange said:
I actually purchased the current supplements previously and while they're probably OK, I'm planning to uses the references / recommendations here on the forum when it's time to restock. So I'm not withholding info - just don't want to bog you down with stuff that I'm planning to rotate out anyway.

I had a neat realization yesterday while walking down the stairs - my "clicky" ankle, which has been clicking and cracking for years, was Completely Quiet. Wow!

Oh my gosh, I always had that too!
And I realized just now reading your post that I haven't heard my ankles crack lately when going up the stairs either! I wonder what causes that and what fixed it?
Did you drink milk before Peat? What about protein - at least 80 g daily?
I didn't drink milk and I'm sure I was seriously calcium deficient, along with a host of other deficiencies. ;)
Doubful I was getting 80 grams of protein either.

Ray Peat said:
A protein deficiency is a clear cause of osteoporosis, and bone density corresponds to the amount of protein consumed. Milk protein, especially, protects against osteoporosis, independently of milk’s other important nutrients.
Bone Density: First Do No Harm


Apr 17, 2013
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't eat enough protein or calcium, that must have been what did it!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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