“Unusual” Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Jun 8, 2020
Like the title says, my dad has an unusual cancer. The tumor is spreading into his scrotum, in the sentinel lymph node, and they just found some squamous cell carcinoma on his skin. He also keeps showing pseudomonas in his urine and they keep giving him cypro.
He is consulting with UCSF and has decided to go the rad, chemo, and surgery route. He had cancer contained in his kidney that was fully removed in 2012.
He has the classic case of metabolic dysfunction- T2D, high BP, chronic kidney disease, muscle wasting, etc. These are “controlled” with medication. His diet isn’t great; he goes to sleep really late because he watches tv all night; his hands and feet are pretty much always cold and he wears a blanket to his neck when it’s ~70F in the house. So clearly hypothyroid even though his tsh is ~1.6. He spends a lot of time in the sun so he has that going for him. He had a great social and fairly good physical life with bocce ball and bowling but with CV that’s obviously greatly diminished.
I want to support him as best as possible during this. I got him to take ancestral supplements male optimization and thyroid, some collagen, and energin. These have brought his hemoglobin up and he has more energy.
@haidut mentioned a woman with S4 lung cancer having success with pyrucet. I would like to have him try this but was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on dosing- amount, frequency, and should he use it locally or the navel or even by mouth? Because it will hopefully suppress FAO should we watch for anything especially blood sugar related? He takes glyburide for his T2. Should we be concerned about increased hypoglycemia risk? Any issues with his one kidney and CKD?
I know no one can truly give medical advice on a forum, but if anyone has any other thoughts/ ideas I would be incredibly grateful. He won’t make drastic changes to his diet or lifestyle so that has been challenging for me. He does have a suprapubic catheter which allows him to finally sleep through the night.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Lots of questions and will answer with caveat, I respond from memory. First I don't think hypoglycemia will be any greater problem. From what I remember Glyburide is excreted by liver primarily. Getting Pseudomonas frequently could mean it is resistant to Cipro (and therefore all quinolones usually) so cultures are necessary. Of course he is severely debilitated and I would do whatever I could to make him comfortable. I don't see anything magical and would be surprise pyruvic acid would do much for anyone.
If he gets MABs and other chemo, I would focus on keeping him infection free. You know his prognosis already. Hope that helps, just what I would do for my father.


Jun 8, 2020
Lots of questions and will answer with caveat, I respond from memory. First I don't think hypoglycemia will be any greater problem. From what I remember Glyburide is excreted by liver primarily. Getting Pseudomonas frequently could mean it is resistant to Cipro (and therefore all quinolones usually) so cultures are necessary. Of course he is severely debilitated and I would do whatever I could to make him comfortable. I don't see anything magical and would be surprise pyruvic acid would do much for anyone.
If he gets MABs and other chemo, I would focus on keeping him infection free. You know his prognosis already. Hope that helps, just what I would do for my father.
Thank you!
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