Uncoupling The Soul - Wolf's Log


Mar 17, 2018
I'm relatively new to posting here, but have creeped for a while now. My rat's diet consists of 2-4 qts whole milk, some liver, good amounts of OJ, and organic pasta(import Italy). The pasta is made with a white button mushroom, onion, garlic, and cream/cheese/butter base. Coffee/Ephedrine is ingested every morning without fail. Protein shakes consist of a protein blend(Muscle Pharm Combat Protein(Costco)), small amount of either Coconut oil or heavy cream. Higher amounts of fat relative to protein in the shake blunt appetite. I weigh 210lbs at 6'4" and have a pretty muscular frame. My strength to weight ratio is pretty solid and I don't have too much of an issue farmer walking with 500 lbs. I can close a 2.5# CoC gripper pretty easy and need to get around to buying a 3#.I get a good amount of exercise in the form of short weight lifting sessions. I also go for walks and keep my heart rate low during the walk. I generally work as a tradesman so there's plenty of physical activity there as well. I really need to get back to school, but the issue of cash is ever present.
I supplement Glycine, Citrulline, Arginine, Vit C, Baking Soda, Pink Salt, L Theanine, Tyrosine, Creatine, and Taurine in the form of a water shake, sugar is added based on perceived heat. Niacinamide, B1, and B2 are generally taken in the morning with Biotin taken every day or so. B6 is taken at night as is Vitamin E. Vitamin A and D are taken at a 5:1 ratio along with some extra Taurine. Vitamin K is obtained via butter and food sources and is blended into my protein shake via capsule every now and then. If I'm in a romantic relationship chronic PDE-5 inhibitors at low dosages are taken(Icariin, etc.)
As needed:
Dessicated Thyroid(Temp)
Mucuna Pruriens(Sex/Motivation)

I meditate daily, practice bag breathing, and sit in a headstand for 10-15 min each day. I can reliably increase my temperature and begin sweating by either getting into a headstand or playing with my breath while meditating.
I practice hard style martial arts once per week and twice per week I train soft style. My IBS-D has completely disappeared, previous TBIs are no longer causing a haze in my thinking, and I am overall healthier.
I have no issues with hair loss, erection quality, sepsis, sleep, prolactin, etc. I have slowly but surely zeroed in on whatever underlying issues I've had and treated them. Anhedonia is probably my biggest nemesis as well as a general Nihilist attitude since accepting the fact I was gonna bleed out covered in vomited blood repeatedly helped cement that. I would have to say that my inability to enjoy life or find meaning in it is why I finally took the plunge and signed up on this forum.
Recently I have really begun to push my temps and caloric intake up. I've noticed greater hair length(body), a darkening of the hair I already have, and a greater resistance to submissions in grappling.
My pet rat likes to take Cypro(.5mg) at night along with 5mg Diphenhydramine and 1mg Odansetron. He also likes to take 2.5mg/2.5mg/<1mg Preg/DHEA/Prog in a liposomal SFA base scrotally throughout the day. His jaw is getting more pronounced and he's a calm little fellow now. 16mg/dose Niacinamide is also in that liquid. Now that his sinuses are clear and his body's retaining less water I think the rat needs to cut out the DPH and focus on his self. He also takes 1.25mg Selegeline sublingually and will take .25mg Rasagaline if he's really having to push himself.
Hello everybody,
Long time creeper here, very happy to finally be on board. I was introduced to Peat's ideas through forum links to some of his published work back in 2012. I had a firm disbelief in some of the concepts and heavily believed in others. It wasn't until I took the time to heavily research some of the underpinnings of his work that I understood his logic for certain concepts. 24 years old currently, Stateside, and have fully recovered my health utilizing Peat's methods. Back in 2012 I had a bout of the stomach flu that was treated with Ciprofloxacin. Coupled with the fact that I had to more or less live in the woods and subsist off whatever berries, etc. I could get my senior year of high school I fell ill. Sleeping in the woods in the middle of winter more likely than not added to the cumulative insult to my adrenals. Strangely enough the sickness manifested very slowly over the course of a year, finally culminating in a very bad fever in March 2013. Unknown to me the apartment I was staying at above an abandoned business was mold infested. A week after I got my very bad fever I noticed mold spores growing out of the floor. Turns out my consistent cleaning was keeping a massive mold infestation from growing. Long story short I got out of there.
Next I began to have bloody diarrhea which eventually progressed to bloody vomiting. Throwing up black despite how metal it sounds is pretty terrible. This continued for roughly 6 months until I got in touch with a local Chinatown and they treated me with various concoctions until we found what worked. Shi Quan Da Bu Tang. Edited to include small amount of fu xi, fresh ginger, and substituting dang shen for ren shen in later times once my digestion improved.
I took up more heavily the soft martial arts in this time, abandoning my hard styled stuff so my body could still get some form of exercise. I was also told that this was karmic punishment by certain TCM docs, God wants me to suffer by Christians, and that I was Hypochondric by medical professionals and my family. There was also a parasite infestation at one point that was cleared up with essential oils(nothing else worked).
Fast forward to Winter 2016. I am regularly taking Odansetron 8mg ODT to prevent vomiting and diarrhea and Benadryl 100-300mg because the dissociation helped me cope(turns out it did more than that). I go to my doctor and she tells me they're going to have to give me a spinal tap because my blood pressure is now regularly 95/60 and lower with a bpm of 30. My legs would randomly give out and I was beginning to lose feeling in my extremities. There was also mention of a bowel resection. Colonoscopy and Endoscopy revealed some ulceration but nothing clinically significant.
At this point I abandon all hope and heavily begin studying every aspect of assimilation of calories. I end up megadosing enzymes and drinking gallons of milk per day(Lactase helps). KCal average was about 10,000/day for about one month. I also heavily used butter, ate kale, and ate sweet potato. I jump from 160 lbs at 6'4" to 220 lbs. Muscle gained was roughly 70% of the total. Lifts jumped from 85->275 Bench, Bar->185 Squat(Can't squat for ***t), and 85->315 Deadlift. My farmer walk jumped to 455. I kept up this momentum and began to ingest milk regularly with lactase and making sure I got some form of protease with heavy protein meals. I also regularly drank large amounts of miso broth.
This is already a pretty long post, but I'll leave it at that for now. I apologize for my somewhat sporadic writing style, it has been a while since I've been able to tell this story in its entirety.


Mar 17, 2018
Welcome. Interesting imagery of "uncoupling the soul".

Is there a reason you prefer Muscle Pharm Combat Protein?
It's a good price point for me. A sale leads to it being roughly 25 bucks for 5 lbs of whey/egg/casein. 65 servings at 25g protein per serving isn't bad.


Mar 17, 2018
Rat Edit: Melatonin USP grade added. Morning erections stronger and lucidity better. Experiment running Cypro 1mg with Melatonin successful. Balanced sleep without crazy hunger or energy keeping my rat up.
Regular Ephedrine/Caffeine in the morning with high fat and exercise is helping change my fat distribution.
Regularly exercising my jaw with double sided mouthguard while showering is helping keep my teeth clean and tightening up my face.
Allowing MP protein to sit after being blended leads to less gut irritation, resulting product is sweeter tasting.
Glycine @ 10g/day, Niacinamide 500mg, B1 100 mg, and R5p 10mg multiple times per day while sugar loaded is helping, DHEA/Preg/Prog protocol working(local increase in tonus of tissue), extra sunlight while driving has led to my left forearm having darker/longer hair, and finally, meditating every morning near moving water in the woods prior to work.
Odansetron @ 1mg every other day is balanced for my bowel.
Need to get a new blue light for UV exposure while at the computer and double red light output in room.
Reconciling Melatonin use is very difficult and I feel a compelling need to show human studies supporting the use of Melatonin. Gotta get a writeup going at least for personal reference. More or less a Suppversity edit with inclusion of more Aromatase related stuff and the necessity of Melatonin at night and meal timing.


Dec 7, 2015
Welcome @Wolf! I also really like your thread title!
Why the UV light at the computer? for vit. d.?
I take it you have read Peat's perspective on melatonin, but you have to experiment and find what works for you.
I'm curious as to what you mean by
"playing with my breath while meditating" - great that you can bring your temps up that way.
Also what kind of Italian pasta do you eat that is made out of wbm? Sounds great!
You seem really dedicated to optimizing your health and spirit, with the discipline to make it happen.


Mar 17, 2018
Welcome @Wolf! I also really like your thread title!
Why the UV light at the computer? for vit. d.?
I take it you have read Peat's perspective on melatonin, but you have to experiment and find what works for you.
I'm curious as to what you mean by
"playing with my breath while meditating" - great that you can bring your temps up that way.
Also what kind of Italian pasta do you eat that is made out of wbm? Sounds great!
You seem really dedicated to optimizing your health and spirit, with the discipline to make it happen.
UV/Full Spectrum for vit d and all the other associated benefits of light.
Reverse breathing, abdominal breathing, compression breathing, etc. to get my body pressurized similar to the Vaslalva(Valsalva pressurizing throat leads to difficulty being choked).
I eat an organic brand Aldi sells.


Mar 17, 2018
Update: It seems as my metabolism gets more and more revved up my demand for Calcium and other hard minerals increases, Glycine decreases, B(Niacinamide, Thiamin, R5P) stay the same, Protein increases, Carb increases, Fat decreases.
I had to do a round of Azithromycin, and Amoxicillin to knock out some lingering bacteria from when I was sick forever ago. Megadosing Kyodophilus and eating sourdough seems to have changed my gut biome for the better. I would rather do several small rounds of antibiotics coupled with heavy amounts of probiotics than to end up with C. Difficile(sp?). Stools are consistently better.
Looking back on my personal logs I see that the addition of R5p caused a pronounced decrease in facial water retention.
My rat noticed the DHEA/Preg/Prog/Nia combo keeps muscle on their frame and prevents atrophy despite not taking heavy jobs or working out.
Cypro/Sele/DPH/Oda/Ras have been stopped by my rat and only sele will be taken every now and then for the effects on motivation. Cypro is incredibly restorative, but can really slow things down.
Zhi he shou wu, organic, will be the next plan of action as I plan to work all summer and go back to school fall. Here's to a dirty blond ending up with black hair in the middle of summer due to strange herbs.


Dec 7, 2015
@Wolf - thanks for the information! Will be looking into that mushroom pasta and Valsalva breathing. I learn so much on this forum!


Mar 17, 2018
Split dosing of B1, Biotin, Niacinamide, and R5P help me get through these 16 hr days remodeling this 8000 sqf house.
Transdermal DHEA/Preg/Prog continue to keep my muscles in halfway decent shape and stop the typical wasting I experience as I work more than I eat protein.
I need to pick up more protein powder and make it a staple along with a coffee mug.
I keep getting comments about how young and healthy I look. I use aggression and anxiety as determinants of my daily DHT:Test:Est ratio. Being ultra calm despite high stressors is nice.
I finally ran out of my 1kg bag of Glycine and picked some more up along with some taurine. Finally ordered "clean" he shou wu from mountainrose.
PEA/Sele are gonna have to make a comeback for my rat.
/End update to log.


Mar 17, 2018
Continued dosing of B1/Niacinamide and so on and so forth are going well. Muscle tone has remained as has strength of body. Grip has gone up quite a bit.
Strangely enough endotoxin/high serotonin symptoms have appeared these past few days despite no crazy changes to my rats diet. Diarrhea/nausea/false fatigue suck. Giving em odan and cypro at 1/1 and seeing what happens. 4 cypro helped the acute occurrence a few days ago that also was accompanied with a fever. Possibly stress or God hath freed up my tissue serotonin/estrogen to cripple me.
Playing around with higher/lower SFA:ethanol ratios and noticing the differences in absorption of the cream. I will try adding 5%-30% DMSO once I throw in T3, andro, x-DHT, and liquid K.
Its been something like 3 months or so of no-fap, which I credit to the scrotal application of the cream. Meh.


Apr 9, 2015
Update: It seems as my metabolism gets more and more revved up my demand for Calcium and other hard minerals increases, Glycine decreases, B(Niacinamide, Thiamin, R5P) stay the same, Protein increases, Carb increases, Fat decreases.
I had to do a round of Azithromycin, and Amoxicillin to knock out some lingering bacteria from when I was sick forever ago. Megadosing Kyodophilus and eating sourdough seems to have changed my gut biome for the better. I would rather do several small rounds of antibiotics coupled with heavy amounts of probiotics than to end up with C. Difficile(sp?). Stools are consistently better.
Looking back on my personal logs I see that the addition of R5p caused a pronounced decrease in facial water retention.
My rat noticed the DHEA/Preg/Prog/Nia combo keeps muscle on their frame and prevents atrophy despite not taking heavy jobs or working out.
Cypro/Sele/DPH/Oda/Ras have been stopped by my rat and only sele will be taken every now and then for the effects on motivation. Cypro is incredibly restorative, but can really slow things down.
Zhi he shou wu, organic, will be the next plan of action as I plan to work all summer and go back to school fall. Here's to a dirty blond ending up with black hair in the middle of summer due to strange herbs.
Interesting regards the probiotics. Which ones do you feel are beneficial?


Mar 17, 2018


Mar 17, 2018
Continued dosing of B1/Niacinamide and so on and so forth are going well. Muscle tone has remained as has strength of body. Grip has gone up quite a bit.
Strangely enough endotoxin/high serotonin symptoms have appeared these past few days despite no crazy changes to my rats diet. Diarrhea/nausea/false fatigue suck. Giving em odan and cypro at 1/1 and seeing what happens. 4 cypro helped the acute occurrence a few days ago that also was accompanied with a fever. Possibly stress or God hath freed up my tissue serotonin/estrogen to cripple me.
Playing around with higher/lower SFA:ethanol ratios and noticing the differences in absorption of the cream. I will try adding 5%-30% DMSO once I throw in T3, andro, x-DHT, and liquid K.
Its been something like 3 months or so of no-fap, which I credit to the scrotal application of the cream. Meh.
Calcium intake was poor due to higher ingestion of OJ in comparison to milk. Rectified by adding Ca Carbonate to OJ and letting "digest".
I assume the acids in the OJ were irritating my stomach.
Starting up PEA and EGCG once more along with upping some of the E "destroying" vitamins like B2/B1/Aspirin. Studying some higher order stuff and need motivation. I'm thankful that this forum allows me to diversify the stuff that I am exposed to, such as carnivorous pineapple.


Mar 17, 2018
Testosterone-attenuated stereotype and hyperactivity induced by beta-phenylethylamine in pargyline-pretreated rats. - PubMed - NCBI
Testosterone pretreatment (1.0-4.0 mg/kg) attenuated, in a dose-response fashion, the induction of stereotyped behavior and hyperactivity by pargyline (0.25, 4.0 mg/kg) and beta-phenylethylamine (8.0, 16.0 mg/kg) in preubertal, male rats. The dyskinetic movements induced by pargyline and beta-phenylethylamine were proposed as a possible animal model for tardive dyskinesias. Attenuation by testosterone of these effects suggested an hormonal involvement consistent with the reported predominant occurrence of tardive dyskinesias in women and in the elderly.

Strangely enough I experienced very little over-stimulation from PEA today prior to working out and in a split dosage of 45/45mg with EGCG and an maoi-b. Entirely different from 4 months ago when 20mg would have my whole body drastically heating up and my thoughts would be racing. Possible attenuation of stress hormones because I average 5g-20g Glycine/2g-8g Niacinamide/.5g-1g l theanine per day? The high amounts of dhea(dht) I split dose transdermally have built up in the tissues?
Also noted was calm confidence and zero fear of rejection in dealing with the opposite sex(went well).


Mar 17, 2018
Histamine increase from PEA attenuated with L theanine. Tyrosine at 500mg 3x daily is too much. No subjective catecholamine stimulation, but a relaxed sort of intensity. Backing down to 1 in the AM is helping.
B2 is still hit or miss(endotoxin? liberating tissue serotonin/estrogen?), but it is slowly becoming less of an issue. Getting plenty of sunlight now that, due to romantic issues, I am no longer working in a multimillion dollar house remodeling. I blame androgens.
I still need to pick up some idealabs supps, but am waiting until school starts and I need to start studying chemistry intensely. Will likely be getting some type of bloodwork then as a monitor to see baseline.


Sep 20, 2015
It's remarkable that you can keep track of all the crap you take and stay motivated to do it. What nihilism?
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