Turpentine: Your Experiences Wanted, RP's Thoughts Shared


Jun 26, 2022
@OliviaD I was down with a high fever a year ago, which I trace back to taking an innocuous cocktail of industrial potassium citrate (to improve my zeta-potential to improve blood flow) and tetracycline (to kill bacteria I suspect causes my high BP).

My platelet count went down to the low border of range, as my eosinophil percentage jumped to 15% ( 3% is the high of range). I developed jaundice as my liver enzymes shot way up.

I had tachycardia as a result of high blood potassium, a result of a very acidic imbalance resulting from the fungal parasitic condition from using that cocktail. I was coughing a lot and I had cramps on my arms and legs, and once I struggles to rise awakened at night and just fell as I tried to raise myself up.

I used carbogen to raise my body's level of CO2 as my metabolism was well impaired that CO2 isn't being produced adequately to make enough bicarbonates to restore acid-base balance.

Later on, as I saw the results of my blood test, I began taking urea to lower my liver enzymes, which urea did a great job of. At the same time, I took turpentine, which is well suited for fungal issues, and my eosinophils quickly went baxk down.

I was able to both address the acid base imbalance and the fungal parasitic condition this way, and I was able to recover quickly. Because I was able to connect the dots and take appropriate action, I didn't succumb to rhe prevailing narrative of COVID that was rampant.

Turpentine comes from pine trees, and it protects pine trees from fungal rot that the forest damp environment fosters, so it is well suited to address my condition. And it is no surprise it is used for candidiasis, which Jennifer Daniels recommends using for.

I was forrunate to have bought a Carbogen unit, but even without it, I think I would do well taking baking soda or soda water.

n.b. Industrially produced potassium citrate is made from molds, fungus. Tetracyxline is an antibiotic that can make bacteria turn into cell wall-deficient forms, which makes them assume more fungal characteristics, and evolve into more virulent forms that are called fungal parasites.
Wow - I'm glad you saw my reply, and that you got yourself better You were very sick! Looks like you found yourself some turpentine, that is good I am familiar with it. Jennifer Daniels seems to promote it for a general 'feel good' tonic Her protocol is very poorly written, it is kind of strange. She seems to promote it as a general feel good tonic, and I see people stating they use it for parasites. It makes sense that it would mainly be an anti-fungal if that is what the tree uses it for. I suspect I did not notice any difference because my problem wasn't fungal. Although, I am not a tree :)


Mar 15, 2022

Do you have any info on downsides/risks and benefits of terpentine? Do you still use it?
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