Tufano On Randle Cycle


Aug 6, 2017
Internet's most controversial hypochondriac carnivore has released a new video that i must say is excellent. It is one of the few available that correctly touch on the randle cycle, and even expands on it with some original analysis.

It even includes a decently-length Ray Peat audio clip that he slightly botches in analyzing (maybe just oversimplification for length?)

In any case, this is a really good video with some refreshing opinion.



Sep 10, 2019
Saw this one yesterday. Definitely worth a watch. Frank is a very intelligent guy. For the past couple years he has made a lot of good arguments against wi-fi, vegetable oils, and grains that aren’t prepared properly before consumption among other things. His physique doesn’t lie. Nor do his hair, tooth and skin quality. His channel is a wealth of info. One of the last good ones left on that platform.


Jul 9, 2020
Yeah I saw it already. I'd give it a B+, maybe a A- if I'm being generous. He hits home on all the major points, but he's still being a stickler about the O6/O3 ratio thing, which is by far and large irrelevant. There's far more important "ratios" worth balancing, like the iron/copper/zinc, or the calcium/phosphate. In terms of PUFA, don't worry about "balancing it," just eat as little as humanly possible. Does Frank sell fish oil? I feel like major Paleo influences prop up this omega theory to boost their fish oil sales, and/or cod liver oil.


Aug 6, 2017
i don't believe he sells fish oil, probably something he has been speaking about for years and doing a reverse would bee too hard to justify, at this point at least. He has some health problems from being so stupid he did a cosmetic surgery where they sawed off his lower jaw and reattached it in the "correct" position. He REALLY ****88 up believing in that one.


Jul 9, 2020
i don't believe he sells fish oil, probably something he has been speaking about for years and doing a reverse would bee too hard to justify, at this point at least. He has some health problems from being so stupid he did a cosmetic surgery where they sawed off his lower jaw and reattached it in the "correct" position. He REALLY ****88 up believing in that one.
Yeah I don't know the full story about that one, but I did see him in one of his videos talking about getting that titanium removed from his jaw or whatever.


Aug 6, 2017
no-one is going to know anything but what he tells in his videos. Unless he is so famous some paparazzi gets interested and follows him around.


Jul 24, 2020
Yeah I saw it already. I'd give it a B+, maybe a A- if I'm being generous. He hits home on all the major points, but he's still being a stickler about the O6/O3 ratio thing, which is by far and large irrelevant. There's far more important "ratios" worth balancing, like the iron/copper/zinc, or the calcium/phosphate. In terms of PUFA, don't worry about "balancing it," just eat as little as humanly possible. Does Frank sell fish oil? I feel like major Paleo influences prop up this omega theory to boost their fish oil sales, and/or cod liver oil.

and someone else would give you a B- for those statements. What do you look like yourself? Truth is, no one has it all figured for all of humanity. So if you don’t have anecdotal progress with numbers and photos to back up your claims, you’re solely extrapolating from someone else’s ideas.


Oct 1, 2019
@Jessie @rei he does sell fish oil. Raw Cod Liver Oil [just saw it's not in stock, so technically he's not selling it at the moment ;) ]

He speaks in favour of fish oils in many videos, I sent him Peat's "The Great Fish Oil Experiment" in the past, but he hadn't answered to that.


Aug 6, 2017
damn, i had not heard anything in that direction, but i don't watch him much, mainly if the title sounds interesting. Thanks for bringing the facts up.


Jun 12, 2016
He didnt seem to understand that clip fron Peat because not 15 seconds later says some nonsense about omega ratios.

His physique doesn’t lie. Nor do his hair, tooth and skin quality.

Looks like roids and cosmetic surgery. At any rate doesnt matter to me, just saying if youre going to use that as a criteria I would question that assertion to be honest.


Jun 8, 2020
@Vegancrossfit in reference to the hyperglycemia thread.

Because the LCFA inhibit glucose oxidation, do you think they should be eaten to keep blood glucose up? Or will the M- and SCFA produce intermediates that also inhibit glucose oxidation?

During this process you of course want to be working on glucose oxidation so you can switch back and not swing from hypoglycemia to hyperglycemia. I think returning fasting and daily BG to a more normal glycemic level then try dropping the fats for more carbs could be helpful for someone who is hypoglycemic. Of course supporting PDH with B1 and Mg is important here. And the rest of TCA and ETC. This is a pretty good link for micro requirements:
Mitochondria Need Nutrients - Hormones Matter

This is of course confounded by the stress hormones so making sure to eat frequently and keep stress low, etc will be important.


Jul 24, 2020
It’s not so much eating frequently per se but more simply remaining in a fed state so that you’re not transitioning to a state of stress in the absence of glucose (and insulin). Albeit having moderate sized meals may avoid energy surges and rollercoasters. Well that’s up to you to figure what’s convenient and leaves you energized through your day. Some do well on OMAD some do well on multiple meals. No rules here.

I do not pay too much attention to the nature of fats as systematic reviews consistently look at calorie counts as the main driver of glycemic abnormalities. I single out fat excess myself because I think that glucose oxidation is favorable over free fatty acid oxidation (less stress hormones...) until proven otherwise. So quantity over quality for a start. Apparently unpopular here...


Jul 9, 2020
@Jessie @rei he does sell fish oil. Raw Cod Liver Oil [just saw it's not in stock, so technically he's not selling it at the moment ;) ]

He speaks in favour of fish oils in many videos, I sent him Peat's "The Great Fish Oil Experiment" in the past, but he hadn't answered to that.
It's a shame he didn't reply. I remember when the Weston Price Foundation (Mary Enig I think) threw a shade at Peat over the "essential fatty acid" thing. It was funny, because they didn't really know how to address his points. They just said he seemed "confused," lol. Frank would probably have some half-**** shallow reply such as that.

and someone else would give you a B- for those statements. What do you look like yourself? Truth is, no one has it all figured for all of humanity. So if you don’t have anecdotal progress with numbers and photos to back up your claims, you’re solely extrapolating from someone else’s ideas.
Wait....Stop! What dose looks have to do with anything? If looks were any real indication of health then Rich Piana wouldn't be dead at the age of 46. I have plenty of anecdotal progress. Pictures not so much, I've never had a weight issue so there's never been a need to document anything. Also, I think in this day and age, everyone is extrapolating ideas from other people.

No one has it "all figured out," but there's clearly people who've made much greater headway then others, or people that are "ahead of their time" so to speak. Peat for example, is far more relevant then "doctor" Berg. The former has made significant contributions in their respected field, the latter is just a recycled echo chamber for useless keto crap.


Oct 1, 2019
He didnt seem to understand that clip fron Peat because not 15 seconds later says some nonsense about omega ratios.

Yes, that was weird, that part had absolutely no relation to anything that was said by Peat or by him. Why would the omega ratio solve the problem?


Nov 1, 2019
I watched all of the videos of tufano till I stopped being carnivore and I dont think he's "that" healthy.
His skin has its good and bad times like everyone else but he uses good shooting techniques to look better.
He bleaches his teeth regularly.
He had a double-jaw surgery.
He had a gyno surgery which I think didnt do a good job because he still has some.
There was a time he was active on reddit /steroids or smth where he asked about steroids which makes me think that he could indeed be using steroids but im not assuming anything.

Last but not least, he has been constantly complaining about his sleep issues for YEARS. He has said that he couldnt sleep for 1-2 days straight for various times. He is probably over exaggerating everything but again idk. I loved Tufano back in the time, but I just dont trust the man anymore.
Apr 22, 2019
Puts vitamin D3 on his balls, uses lots of iodine transdermally, has an LDL of like 450, and is one of the most pessimistic, victimizing, cynical, depressed YouTubers I've seen. His live streams paint a completely different picture from his packaged videos.

Good information at times but is definitely obsessed with vanity and being socially included.

I haven't watched much in the last 4 months from him but maybe things have gotten better for him.


Mar 29, 2013
I watched all of the videos of tufano till I stopped being carnivore and I dont think he's "that" healthy.
His skin has its good and bad times like everyone else but he uses good shooting techniques to look better.
He bleaches his teeth regularly.
He had a double-jaw surgery.
He had a gyno surgery which I think didnt do a good job because he still has some.
There was a time he was active on reddit /steroids or smth where he asked about steroids which makes me think that he could indeed be using steroids but im not assuming anything.

Last but not least, he has been constantly complaining about his sleep issues for YEARS. He has said that he couldnt sleep for 1-2 days straight for various times. He is probably over exaggerating everything but again idk. I loved Tufano back in the time, but I just dont trust the man anymore.

I’ve only seen a handful of videos from this guy and I got to say, he’s one of the cringiest “health gurus” out there. He’s this delusional narcissist, conspiracy nut job, and charlatan, which when it comes to helping people recover their health is probably the perfect trifecta of slime.

Last year he was like, “OMG guys: too much iron is bad! Here’s everything you need to know. I’m an expert on iron overload now. Nobody on the internet knows more than me. Why don’t I have more views than Mikhaila Peterson? I was carnivore before her and I am so much prettier. Buy my supplements.”

Then he discovers the basic human need for copper a few months later and is like, “Guys. Copper. We apparently NEED this. I know the intricacies of copper because I’ve been googling this for a couple days. Why is youtube censoring me? Nobody has info like this! Don’t they see I have a whiteboard in my mother’s basement? Also other carnivore people are idiots because I figured out I need more copper to sleep! Never mind it’s copper Glycinate and that it’s probably the Glycinate that’s helping, I’m pretty sure it’s copper, because again, I’ve googled this for a couple of days.”

This dude wouldn’t bother me except that I think based on the comments he gets, that he probably does a lot of young, naive people a lot of harm with his “advice.”

I’m also suspicious that he’s been on TRT for quite a while and has been lying about it, and that side effects have been responsible for a number of his recent symptoms, including insomnia. That’s purely conjecture, but for what it’s worth he definitely seems like he’s gone full Charlie Sheen.


Aug 6, 2017
I agree with some of what you said but you are being way too harsh on the whole. Tufano certainly has some pretty good overview videos like the one i posted, no-one else semi-youtube famous really touches on many subjects he "presents for the layman" with decent whitebord drawings etc. And even if this video was criticized because he went into his trademark omega3/6 ratio talk and it's not peaty, but as long as you are not ready to "come out" saying PUFA is bad, it is the best approach and has some validity. Overloading omeag6 without omega3 makes you much more damage. The point is that if you are going to eat foods that contain pufa prefer ones with a better ratio.

damn, i had not heard anything in that direction, but i don't watch him much, mainly if the title sounds interesting. Thanks for bringing the facts up.
Also i made a hasty comment previously in response to boris and cannot edit it any longer. He does not sell fish oil, he sells cod liver oil. While it can be problematic in of itself, it can also be a life saver depending on your vitamin status. Not optimal, but a very reasonable option unless you are ready to go full peat.

Fact is that the world we live in is so sick that just like at the height of the saturated fat and cholesterol craze you were ostracized if you did not circle jerk with the mainstream opinion, today same happens if you dare to say anything more than "overconsuming omeag6 alone" is bad, it's the limit after which you start to get targeted, and if you dare to suggest there is no evidence for EFA, delusional people start calling you delusional. So again, keep some perspective before completely crucifying him.
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2018
Ray advises to eat saturated fat with starch... so it is all fats that block glucose use? Or just PUFA

Also, is there a good ratio to aim for in a meal to avoid this?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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