TSH is 0.77, still considering taking thyroid



My bloodwork shows my TSH at 0.77. My FT4 came back at 1.01 (ref 0.70-1.70). No test for FT3. The bloodwork prior to this (3-4 months ago) showed a TSH of 1.01. I think my Iodine and Selenium supplementation brought my TSH down. I am not on any thyroid medication. Symptoms are very cold hands (that freaks people out by the way, as soon as I touch anyone.) and feet majority of the day, fatigue, etc. The usual hypothyroid symptoms. I don't actually feel the cold hands and feet anymore, I've gotten used to it. A few years ago a doctor diagnosed me with Raynaud's syndrome and I actually believed it was a circulation issue. The first few days I took selenium I warmed up and my hands were a normal temperature for the first time. It felt amazing, and that was enough to convince me it's a thyroid issue and not a circulation issue. It didn't last for long, unfortunately. Peat eating helped a little but not enough, but I guess maybe some days I can almost feel fine.

Also probably important but I took anabolic steroids for about a year and came off two years ago, and since then my symptoms got worse. Also, I have chronically low serum Estrogen since using anabolics (single digits.) I actually hope that somehow my estrogen will rise through thyroid supplementation. I know estrogen is bad but I pretty much don't make any anymore and that's probably worse. But technically my tissue estrogen could still be high, who knows.

Should I consider thyroid supplementation at 21 years old (male) with a TSH of 0.77? I know TSH is pretty garbage... My morning temperatures are pretty low, and can take many hours before coming up to 98... I've seen as low as 96 in the morning, and even after eating it can take 3-4 hours to rise. I really believe I have an issue with T4->T3 conversion, but I should probably get bloodwork for FT3. My mother also suffers from the same symptoms.
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Apr 5, 2016
TSH doesn't looks ok. FT4 close to middle of range good. Would be interesting to see FT3 to see where it's at in the range.

The fact that your mom has similar symptoms could be genetic and environmental if you're living in the same area.

Keep it simple I assume you're young, don't get too elaborate with hormones/supplements.

Good food is king.


Jun 10, 2020
What is your cholesterol? You could do a search on bioenergetic.life for "thyroid cholesterol" or "thyroid TSH" to see more of the connections Peat has made between those things.

Usually high cholesterol indicates low thyroid function, because that means the cholesterol isn't converting into the protective hormones, a conversion which thyroid increases. However, I've heard Peat say that for people with low cholesterol, supplementing thyroid can normalize it. I have a feeling this is less common than thyroid lowering cholesterol, though.


What is your cholesterol? You could do a search on bioenergetic.life for "thyroid cholesterol" or "thyroid TSH" to see more of the connections Peat has made between those things.

Usually high cholesterol indicates low thyroid function, because that means the cholesterol isn't converting into the protective hormones, a conversion which thyroid increases. However, I've heard Peat say that for people with low cholesterol, supplementing thyroid can normalize it. I have a feeling this is less common than thyroid lowering cholesterol, though.
Cholesterol is always normal for me. I'm actually pretty nervous about using thyroid hormones because of my past experience taking steroids. It took me so long for my testosterone, LH, FSH, etc. to come back to 'normal.' But at the same time, I have days where my hands and feet are so cold that they almost hurt. I'll usually get at least a day maybe two per week where my hands feel normal and those days I have good motivation and memory.

I have tried so hard with eating peaty, and it just doesn't seem like it's enough for me. Thiamine helped in the beginning, along with the other B vitamins but the effect was transient unfortunately. You know, interestingly enough, when I was on high dose Testosterone I never had a single issue. Obviously I felt amazing with having high T and DHT but even beyond that, I never had any 'hypothyroid' issues. Coming off, however, put me in a place significantly worse than before... even after my hormones recovered 80-90%.


calcium, prolactin, vitamin d?
My prolactin is below the middle of the reference range. I've been taking tocovit also (after my last prolactin test) so I wouldn't be surprised if prolactin is even lower now. Vitamin D is good, I get a lot of sunlight but not these past few weeks since the seasons are changing. Calcium if you're referring to serum levels I haven't tested in a while but my intake should be adequate.


You might want to consider thyroid supplementation.
I have absolutely been considering it, in fact I already have T4/T3 I just haven't taken it yet because I'm really trying to make sure it's the smartest decision.
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