Trump Keeps Promise On Making America Great Gain: Pardons Multiple Army War Criminals


Jan 1, 2013
"President Trump congratulated Gallagher on his acquittal over Twitter.[28] Four weeks later, President Trump announced over Twitter he had directed the Secretary of the Navy to revoke Navy Achievement Medals given to members of the prosecution team that oversaw Gallagher's case.[29][30]"

Then after Gallagher was found guilty over the lighter charge and demoted, Trump pardoned him so he could be discharged with full army benefits.

Also pardoned by Trump was Clint Lorence, a war criminal condemned for 19 years. In addition to causing the death of 3 Afghan civilians, Lorence ordered his men to shoot a local 12 year old child, which they finally refused.

Edward R. Gallagher (born 1979 or 1980)[1] is a United States Navy SEAL Special Warfare Operator. From September 2018 to July 2019, he was under court martial for premeditated murder, attempted murder, obstruction of justice, and other offenses. He was acquitted on almost all charges on July 2, 2019, but was found guilty of posing for a photo with a casualty, considered the least egregious of the crimes. His trial included an unexpected confession from another medic who had been granted immunity, claiming he was the one who actually killed the casualty. Gallagher was sentenced to demotion from Chief Petty Officer to Petty Officer First Class and four months in prison, resulting in him being released for time served awaiting trial.

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Mar 29, 2016
Would be nice if we can have the details that form the basis of his acquittal. How do I know you're not basing your judgment on biased coverage by the mainstream media? Or media that you chose to listen to?
Dec 18, 2018
I watched a video of that piece of work,and he seems genuine.There is faked,Phoned-In genuineness
in the USA need to score higher in the usa than in other western societies to be recognized as an
Psychopath,30 instead of 25 in a measure i saw.Americans on average are held to a lower standard when it comes
to true mental health.I do believe he is guilty.and that it came to light at all was because is was so outrageously criminal,
a special kind of murderer,that even his comrades,who are unfairly loyal in these phony botherhoods became uncomfortable.

Excerpts from the potentially biased side:
Gallagher then text messaged a fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.[5]Another accusation was that Gallagher's sniper work during his 2017 deployment became indiscriminate, reckless, and bloodthirsty. He allegedly fired his rifle far more frequently than other snipers;[2] according to testimony, the other snipers in the platoon did not consider him a good sniper, and he took "random shots" into buildings.[1] Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1] Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.

Dec 18, 2018
Also,a phony Brother achieved immunity and then shifted the guilt on his own immune **** himself,im sure the new
phoned-in perp wasnt it,but took the fire off his non-immune-psycho-freind.they gamed the system.


Oct 21, 2013
The stuff the soldiers brought back from WW2... would I be imprisoned for just looking at their photos? The difference is not "it was a different era", the difference is it was a real war. With real Congressional approval and all that stuff. And a real enemy that had to be defeated.


Mar 29, 2016
I watched a video of that piece of work,and he seems genuine.There is faked,Phoned-In genuineness
in the USA need to score higher in the usa than in other western societies to be recognized as an
Psychopath,30 instead of 25 in a measure i saw.Americans on average are held to a lower standard when it comes
to true mental health.I do believe he is guilty.and that it came to light at all was because is was so outrageously criminal,
a special kind of murderer,that even his comrades,who are unfairly loyal in these phony botherhoods became uncomfortable.
I've tried to, but it's getting so hard to understand you. Do you always write this sloppily or are you just not a native English speaker? Who's the 'he' that's genuine?
Dec 18, 2018
I've tried to, but it's getting so hard to understand you. Do you always write this sloppily or are you just not a native English speaker? Who's the 'he' that's genuine?

I always write that sloppy. The "he" refers of course to the Person of interest at hand,Edward R. Gallagher,the war criminal in that story.Did you read the Initial Post of the OP?
Dec 18, 2018
The stuff the soldiers brought back from WW2... would I be imprisoned for just looking at their photos? The difference is not "it was a different era", the difference is it was a real war. With real Congressional approval and all that stuff. And a real enemy that had to be defeated.

It is already a 2 Decade long Genocide.You cant bring such Carnage for long years.


Mar 29, 2016
I always write that sloppy. The "he" refers of course to the Person of interest at hand,Edward R. Gallagher,the war criminal in that story.Did you read the Initial Post of the OP?
I did read the OP. He could be Trump. Why need to be ambiguous. Sloppy fine as long as you're understood by not being ambiguous. He could be Trump. Am not skilled at reading your mind.

Deleted member 5487

Us Politics Largely serves as Political Distraction for a hapless populace. While oligarchy factions fight over the reins of the US(dead corpse).

Whats sad is to see people support and spend time on Bernie/Warren yet they don't know that Pelosi passed PayGo throught the senate. Which means they will have to cut something else to fund medicare for all. So it will never happen.

We could see some UBI come around 2024 when the quality of life for most is just miserable. This will provide cash flow for local lords(land lords), banks, and debt collection agency.

Gender/women equality/pay equality/ race/ LGBQT are smokescreens for lost economic opportunity due to globalization, automation, decaying infrastructure, loss manufacturing...etc.

I will say the Us Political Class and corporate media/education do a fantastic job in controlling the population. They're so good, it's frightening to see people accept debt-peonage and wage slavery(salary) as long as they have an Xbox/TV and enough money for drinks at the bar.


Mar 29, 2016
I don't want to be partisan and to side with a protagonist just because that's whom side Trump sides with. But there is a lot of trial by publicity going on in this country, and this has been shaped very much by a mainly dishonest media environment. What happened to Justice Kavanaugh is atrocious, and the perps could have gotten away with their farce. I know it would be hard to decide for myself which version is one I would go with, but at least I'd like to hear the two sides of a story. It's not just for news, but for my personal situations as well. I can't be that naive to not check facts for myself by thinking I can trust everything one party says.

If I didn't spend time in the heartland in the USA, and just kept myself in a cocoon in a major coastal city, as I eventually did end up before heading back to the Philippines, I would only be exposed to the side that the coastal cities are exposed to. I've had a bumper sticker for Barack Obama in my work in the South Bay area in LA, where I stood out among Republican co-workers because of it. And this was due to my disillusionment with all the presidents before him. Barack was another major disappointment. I became an Independent, as many have. As many would feel as well, Trump did not come across as some WASP to me, and he was as genuine as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama was pretentious. And he was his own person as GW was a sock puppet. And when I see him take a beating from a press unrelentingly with mischaracterizations and false portrayals and malicious narratives, i just know it is pure evil in how a large cabal of opportunists, sycophants, and carpetbaggers would gang up on a man who could just enjoy his retirement but instead dared to bring hope and change to many who felt betrayed by their own leaders. It's a thankless job, but someone's gotta do it. That's the spirit I admire. That's the spirit that stood up against the putative impossibility of standing up to the pure evil that has taken hold of a country founded by pioneers. Escaping the tyranny of the Old World. I mistrust this evil and their scheming ways. What they report has to be thoroughly deep-bleached and fact-checked. And that habit has to embedded in us if we are to survive this long and dark maelstrom.

Half this country are zombies. They never got this habit. They sway to the visceral tune of their pied piper.
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Dec 18, 2018
I concede that the U.S.A. as the new Rome is a special case.
Here in Europe we have an aggressive demarcation of whats what.Party Lines,if there is enough choice,
are an useful indicator of different traits in different People.I believe that politics is actually,if not acutely misery-driven,foremost value-based,
and value hinges upon perception.Which is embodied in what is called Personality.Its Cognition,and the I.Q. testing measures predominantly the visual Field,and Personality ones more sublime Fields of recognition and Perception.The usa has two choices,two viable parties,and it seems,because of inherent mechanics involved with that,its as worthy as a single one,like China.I never understood american talk like "they are all the same".But,more often than not,they do are.
The enemy dissolved the meaning of left and right successfully,and without elemental Orientation,there can be no
successful movement.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
So cool. Every Lib in the U.S. wants to find something bad Trump did.....they don't care about other Presidents, i.e., the Greatest liar "keep your doctor" Obama. Granted this is a site for scientists and those interested that some desperate soul has to try and influence us that we are worse off with Trump. Trump beats young kids.....
Let's keep this a place for scientific interests....and remember we are a lot better off with Trump in office...funny how Wall Street took off with Trump and Wall Street expecting a stock market collapse with the next Dem President....but here we go, the desperate posting on Ray Peat who attempt to divide us with their rhetoric and sad ignorance.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I don't want to be partisan and to side with a protagonist just because that's whom side Trump sides with. But there is a lot of trial by publicity going on in this country, and this has been shaped very much by a mainly dishonest media environment. What happened to Justice Kavanaugh is atrocious, and the perps could have gotten away with their farce. I know it would be hard to decide for myself which version is one I would go with, but at least I'd like to hear the two sides of a story. It's not just for news, but for my personal situations as well. I can't be that naive to not check facts for myself by thinking I can trust everything one party says.

If I didn't spend time in the heartland in the USA, and just kept myself in a cocoon in a major coastal city, as I eventually did end up before heading back to the Philippines, I would only be exposed to the side that the coastal cities are exposed to. I've had a bumper sticker for Barack Obama in my work in the South Bay area in LA, where I stood out among Republican co-workers because of it. And this was due to my disillusionment with all the presidents before him. Barack was another major disappointment. I became an Independent, as many have. As many would feel as well, Trump did not come across as some WASP to me, and he was as genuine as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama was pretentious. And he was his own person as GW was a sock puppet. And when I see him take a beating from a press unrelentingly with mischaracterizations and false portrayals and malicious narratives, i just know it is pure evil in how a large cabal of opportunists, sycophants, and carpetbaggers would gang up on a man who could just enjoy his retirement but instead dared to bring hope and change to many who felt betrayed by their own leaders. It's a thankless job, but someone's gotta do it. That's the spirit I admire. That's the spirit that stood up against the putative impossibility of standing up to the pure evil that has taken hold of a country founded by pioneers. Escaping the tyranny of the Old World. I mistrust this evil and their scheming ways. What they report has to be thoroughly deep-bleached and fact-checked. And that habit has to embedded in us if we are to survive this long and dark maelstrom.

Half this country are zombies. They never got this habit. They sway to the visceral tune of their pied piper.

Thank god people are a little bit smarter than the new extremists give us credit for and yerrag being a excellent observational being. Burtlancast might be a better off in a cocoon.


Jan 1, 2013
remember we are a lot better off with Trump in office...

Explain to me how a guy who condones war criminals who murdered dozens of women and other civilians in cold blood for fun, so bad his own fellow soldiers denounced him, will make things better for everyday folks like yourself?

How does that work in your warped sense of reality ?
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Oct 11, 2016
So you came here to complain about Trump because you absorb the mainstream media? You seem to be at odds with the virtues in your own signature under every post.


Nov 14, 2016
So cool. Every Lib in the U.S. wants to find something bad Trump did.....they don't care about other Presidents, i.e., the Greatest liar "keep your doctor" Obama. Granted this is a site for scientists and those interested that some desperate soul has to try and influence us that we are worse off with Trump. Trump beats young kids.....

Maybe it's true for a partisan minority. Many others not so much. There are shelves of books written by lefty types railing against every US president in history.

Obama is only popular with the rusted on democrat component. The rest of them see him as a corporate hack who only differed from Bush in that he was polite when it came to droning wedding parties in the M.E.


Jan 1, 2013
So you came here to complain about Trump because you absorb the mainstream media?

You mean because Gallagher's murders get reported in the medias, they're automatically untrue ?


Jan 1, 2013
According to two SEAL witnesses, Gallagher said over the radio "he's mine" and walked up to the medic and prisoner, and without saying a word killed the prisoner by stabbing him repeatedly with his hunting knife. Gallagher and his commanding officer, Lieutenant Jake Portier, then posed for photos of them standing over the body with some other nearby SEALs. Gallagher then text messaged a fellow SEAL a picture of the dead captive with the explanation "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife.”[5]

Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed old man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls. Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1] Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region.[5]

Gallagher allegedly threatened to kill fellow SEALs if they reported his actions.[2] The Navy cited his text messages as attempting to undermine the investigation, with messages sent to "pass the word on those traitors", meaning cooperating witnesses, and to get them blacklisted within the special warfare community.[5][1] This resulted in him being confined in the brig for a time with heavy restrictions on his ability to communicate, although this confinement was later lessened.[2]

According to the original Navy prosecutor Chris Czaplak, "Chief Gallagher decided to act like the monster the terrorists accuse us of being. He handed ISIS propaganda manna from heaven. His actions are everything ISIS says we are."[3][2]
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