Triclosan Dangers !


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Hello folks. I just wanted to sound a warning to the Ray Peat community and hope people will spread this valuable info, since I came up with no hits when I googled "Ray Peat triclosan". I've been eating a pretty strict Peat diet for three months now. It wasn't that much of a change for me since I've always been a dairy fan. My main two priorities were to lower PUFA as much as possible and get enough protein (100-130+ grams/daily). I've managed to work myself up to drinking a gallon of milk a day, plus I eat 2 or 3 bananas a day and get about 12 ounces of salted OJ per day. Sometimes I'll substitute a Haagen Dazs pint of ice cream or some cheese for a pint of milk. I also eat some chocolate pretty much every day, and I drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee w/ sugar a day. I was eating liver lightly fried in coconut oil with a baked potato once a week but have taken a break for the last 10 days or so. I've also sort of backslid the last couple of days and have been eating some cookies with my milk on occasion. I plan to get back onto fruit or chocolate with my milk.

Alright so at the beginning of switching over to eating Peat style I must say I felt pretty awesome with new found energy and mental alertness that I had been missing for awhile. Maybe it was the whole eating Peat way or it could have been the reintroduction of coffee back into my diet after abstaining for about 15 months. I periodically monitored my heart rate and temperature and really didn't see any change in either. Well I stuck with eating Peat style mainly because I love the convenience of it. I basically thought that maybe I wouldn't see any change in heart rate or temperature.

Well one day I was surfing the internet and seen a news article on how the FDA was taking another look at triclosan. Basically the news article stated that the FDA had been moved to examine triclosan after studies indicated that it's an endocrine disruptor, and how it mainly affects thyroid function. There's also studies that implicate triclosan with muscle weakness and it's been theorized to have the potential to eventually spawn resistant super bugs like antibiotics did back in the day. This chemical triclosan I recalled was an ingredient in the Colgate Total toothpaste I've been using pretty much for the past 4 years. Doing a little more research on triclosan I found that it's in all sorts of soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, toothpastes... even clothing, cutting boards, and various other products.

So for about the past month now I've been using Tom's of Maine brand toothpaste (no triclosan) and have noticed a very significant difference in the way I feel. Up until recently, for about a year to 18 months I had a very slight sore throat that I noticed only when I yawned. I had always suspected that it was an issue with my thyroid gland and at times it had me worried to the point that I almost went to see a doctor about it. I hate seeing doctors so I just didn't go, it never felt soo bad to drive me to go. But it did have me worried. That pain in the neck has gone away within the last two weeks thank God. I also feel that I've been sleeping a little better now that I got rid of the triclosan laced toothpaste. I believe that the triclosan in the toothpaste was severely affecting my thyroid and I'm just now reversing that trend. My pulse was hanging right in there at 60 beats per minute up until recently too. It's improving and right now I'm at 80 beats per minute. I also feel a noticeable improvement in my energy levels.

I am soo excited about this finding and my healthy turn around that I created this account to let others know about this issue. I would rate "getting rid of any/all exposure to triclosan (and endocrine disruptors in general)" right above removing PUFA from one's diet. In other words I would say it's of the utmost importance for thyroid health to thoroughly avoid it at all costs. :2cents


Nov 9, 2012
I stopped using any toothpaste altogether. I just brush my teeth without, and occasionally do a baking soda rinse, and plan to do oil pulling (with coconut oil) occasionally too.


Jun 12, 2013
Thanks for letting us know, Marcar. And glad you are feeling better!

Triclosan has recently come to my attention as well. I think the only thing it's in that I was using regularly was antibacterial hand soap. I avoid it now.

But I recall in my teen years, triclosan was in a lot of the anti-acne products I used! :x


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Marcar, thank you. A couple years back I pretty much stopped using any kind of chemicals like that. For toothpaste I use baking soda and/or coconut oil. For underarm I use baking soda. I barely use any soap but when I do I use the Dr. Bronners, although even that is not the best and I plan on getting something better. No shampoo, no conditioner.

It was said if you stopped shampoo, conditioners, and soap that you would cut back on something like 200 chemicals. WOW!

I drink out of glass only now. Use Peat approved pans to cook in. And will make any other changes that I can to keep myself away from the chemicals that poison.

Great post, thanks again! :hattip


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I barely use any soap but when I do I use the Dr. Bronners, although even that is not the best and I plan on getting something better.

Might I suggest Kirk's Castile soap. Their website is I switched over to that from Dove soap about three months ago. I think you'll find it's a lot cheaper than Dr. Bronner's stuff. I get mine for $1.09 a bar at the grocery store. I think that Dr. Bronner's stuff is just too gimmicky and pricy for my taste. :2cents


Jun 12, 2013
marcar72 said:
I barely use any soap but when I do I use the Dr. Bronners, although even that is not the best and I plan on getting something better.

Might I suggest Kirk's Castile soap. Their website is I switched over to that from Dove soap about three months ago. I think you'll find it's a lot cheaper than Dr. Bronner's stuff. I get mine for $1.09 a bar at the grocery store. I think that Dr. Bronner's stuff is just too gimmicky and pricy for my taste. :2cents

Thanks for suggesting that, Marcar. I've seen it in the stores but never checked it out before now. I'll pick some up this weekend.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
marcar72 said:
I barely use any soap but when I do I use the Dr. Bronners, although even that is not the best and I plan on getting something better.

Might I suggest Kirk's Castile soap. Their website is I switched over to that from Dove soap about three months ago. I think you'll find it's a lot cheaper than Dr. Bronner's stuff. I get mine for $1.09 a bar at the grocery store. I think that Dr. Bronner's stuff is just too gimmicky and pricy for my taste. :2cents

I will check out the ingredients, thank you!


Jan 22, 2013
I heard señor peat recommend Palmolive in a radio interview. I can't remember which one though. :|


Feb 7, 2013
honeybee said:
I heard señor peat recommend Palmolive in a radio interview. I can't remember which one though. :|
I looked up some of them, found an old one called Palmolive Gold (good for stinky feet, apparently :lol: ) and Palmolive Naturals.

But then I came across this info which about the manufacture of Palmolive soap and the use of Palm oil, Palm stearin and and Palm Kernel oil! :eek:
Palmolive Soap Making Process


Jan 22, 2013
Fluoride is as bad or worse. And it's in almost all of our water systems in the us-and in regular toothpaste. I stopped using regular toothpaste 2 years ago- I use trader joes non fluoride brand. I know I should switch to something else without the gums but haven't found a good one.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
honeybee said:
Fluoride is as bad or worse. And it's in almost all of our water systems in the us-and in regular toothpaste. I stopped using regular toothpaste 2 years ago- I use trader joes non fluoride brand. I know I should switch to something else without the gums but haven't found a good one.

I find toothbrush and water works quite well. Sometimes I throw in some baking soda but I make sure to clear my mouth of the grits of the baking soda first just in case the abrasiveness might cause a problem. Coconut oil pulling in the morning is healing to the mouth.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Charlie said:
I find toothbrush and water works quite well. Sometimes I throw in some baking soda but I make sure to clear my mouth of the grits of the baking soda first just in case the abrasiveness might cause a problem. Coconut oil pulling in the morning is healing to the mouth.

I think baking soda "feels" more harsh on your teeth than it is. See this table of "Relative Dentin Abrasiveness", showing baking soda at 7 and most toothpastes around 60-110.

Pretty sure it was Cliff who pointed that out, but I can't find the post.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thanks Dan, thats really good news!


Sep 20, 2015
Hello folks. I just wanted to sound a warning to the Ray Peat community and hope people will spread this valuable info, since I came up with no hits when I googled "Ray Peat triclosan". I've been eating a pretty strict Peat diet for three months now. It wasn't that much of a change for me since I've always been a dairy fan. My main two priorities were to lower PUFA as much as possible and get enough protein (100-130+ grams/daily). I've managed to work myself up to drinking a gallon of milk a day, plus I eat 2 or 3 bananas a day and get about 12 ounces of salted OJ per day. Sometimes I'll substitute a Haagen Dazs pint of ice cream or some cheese for a pint of milk. I also eat some chocolate pretty much every day, and I drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee w/ sugar a day. I was eating liver lightly fried in coconut oil with a baked potato once a week but have taken a break for the last 10 days or so. I've also sort of backslid the last couple of days and have been eating some cookies with my milk on occasion. I plan to get back onto fruit or chocolate with my milk.

Alright so at the beginning of switching over to eating Peat style I must say I felt pretty awesome with new found energy and mental alertness that I had been missing for awhile. Maybe it was the whole eating Peat way or it could have been the reintroduction of coffee back into my diet after abstaining for about 15 months. I periodically monitored my heart rate and temperature and really didn't see any change in either. Well I stuck with eating Peat style mainly because I love the convenience of it. I basically thought that maybe I wouldn't see any change in heart rate or temperature.

Well one day I was surfing the internet and seen a news article on how the FDA was taking another look at triclosan. Basically the news article stated that the FDA had been moved to examine triclosan after studies indicated that it's an endocrine disruptor, and how it mainly affects thyroid function. There's also studies that implicate triclosan with muscle weakness and it's been theorized to have the potential to eventually spawn resistant super bugs like antibiotics did back in the day. This chemical triclosan I recalled was an ingredient in the Colgate Total toothpaste I've been using pretty much for the past 4 years. Doing a little more research on triclosan I found that it's in all sorts of soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, toothpastes... even clothing, cutting boards, and various other products.

So for about the past month now I've been using Tom's of Maine brand toothpaste (no triclosan) and have noticed a very significant difference in the way I feel. Up until recently, for about a year to 18 months I had a very slight sore throat that I noticed only when I yawned. I had always suspected that it was an issue with my thyroid gland and at times it had me worried to the point that I almost went to see a doctor about it. I hate seeing doctors so I just didn't go, it never felt soo bad to drive me to go. But it did have me worried. That pain in the neck has gone away within the last two weeks thank God. I also feel that I've been sleeping a little better now that I got rid of the triclosan laced toothpaste. I believe that the triclosan in the toothpaste was severely affecting my thyroid and I'm just now reversing that trend. My pulse was hanging right in there at 60 beats per minute up until recently too. It's improving and right now I'm at 80 beats per minute. I also feel a noticeable improvement in my energy levels.

I am soo excited about this finding and my healthy turn around that I created this account to let others know about this issue. I would rate "getting rid of any/all exposure to triclosan (and endocrine disruptors in general)" right above removing PUFA from one's diet. In other words I would say it's of the utmost importance for thyroid health to thoroughly avoid it at all costs. :2cents

I just opened the book "Our Chemical Lives And the Hijacking of Our DNA" by Catherine J Frompovich and found shocking info about triclosan on p. 62. It's an achlorophenal pesticide. Mixed with water it produces chloroform. It is used in all kinds of antibacterial soaps, toothpastes, etc. It produces chlorophenols and dioxin in reaction to sunlight. Researchers think it "mimics thyroid hormone and blocks its metabolism." Manufacturers are not required to list it on labels. There are hundreds if not thousands of products on the market that contain it. There is a partial list of products known to contain it at
Products That Contain Triclosan

Reading this made me angry because I know I've used many of these products.

Frompovich suspects that triclosan is a factor in the obesity epidemic and says to use tea tree oil and pine oil products for cleaning. I'll go back to good old Pinesol and other natural agents for general cleaning.
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