Topical Methylene Blue + Red Light For Skin Healing


Nov 22, 2017
I know this is rather old, but it would still be nice if someone could help. I use a combination of quite strong IR/red/UV/heat lamps throughout the day, and I've put my MB on hold because some people say its a great combination, and others are saying its dangerous. Would someone be able to help? Thanks guys!

I think it's perfectly safe, and synergistic.


May 10, 2018
Thanks, could you clarify what combinations you think are fine out of: near infrared sauna, far infrared sauna, topical MB, oral MB.
Much appreciated!


Nov 22, 2017
Thanks, could you clarify what combinations you think are fine out of: near infrared sauna, far infrared sauna, topical MB, oral MB.
Much appreciated!

Personally? All of them.


May 10, 2018
I think Haidut has made several posts detailing benefits of combining mb and rl
I think I recall him speaking positively about it once, but I never saw him address all the negative posts about it, also I neer heard him comment on the difference in combinations between oral/topical....near infrared/far infrared/incandescent heat lamps. Would be great to get a clear picture.
Oct 13, 2019
I think I recall him speaking positively about it once, but I never saw him address all the negative posts about it, also I neer heard him comment on the difference in combinations between oral/topical....near infrared/far infrared/incandescent heat lamps. Would be great to get a clear picture.
I asked haidut on the solban thread page 29 I think if I could combine methylene blue and solban, and he said I could add a drop or two to it.


Mar 27, 2018
Do not mix MB + Light/Phototherapy.

You can give yourself a nasty sunburn/chemical burn.


Apr 17, 2020
Methylene blue - Wikipedia

Methylene blue, when exposed to certain wavelengths of light, generates singlet oxygen (a powerful free radical). This is why it is called a 'photosensitizer', and is why it and other photosensitizers can be used for chemical reactions (they can oxidize molecules).

Here's the absorption band, from what I understand, the more absorption the more singlet oxygen: Methylene blue - Wikipedia

As you can see, it peaks at red light (600-700nm).

Now, for something like an 850nm LLLT LED 'red light', it should be absolutely fine to combine with methylene blue. I was scared a few years ago of combining methylene blue with my 850nm LED, but after looking at the absorption band I came to the conclusion it would fine.

With something like, say, an incandescent bulb, I fear it has potential for oxidative stress, strong oxidative stress at that.

Singlet oxygen is not always bad, it's naturally involved in ATP production.

Singlet oxygen stimulates mitochondrial bioenergetics in brain cells


Feb 4, 2018
So is oral MB safe around 1-2mg and then exposing oneself to red light?
i took 1.5mg (for bodyweight 95kg) methylene blue and went outside topless for a few hours in the sun. was very tired and slept well, but nothing else.

after 2 days, today, i took 5mg and did the same and came home cause the sun light made me feel bad after sunbathing for 3h at least (felt too strong), then realized i was very hot in my head and kind of headache, then i realized i had high blood pressure.

i took it with coffee and carbs and niacinamide 500mg and 500mg when i came home.

now it's been a few hours at home, still feel not great, my blood pressure went down almost to normal (120 normal, 130 now, 160 when i came home) now and hearthrate went close to normal (83 normal, 86 bpm now, 95-105 earlier)

head pressure is better, not great. my body temperature is 37.2 Celsius both under thingue and arm and i feel very hot in 23 degree Celsius room temperature. usually under thongue is 36.8 and 36.3 under arm or lower.

I took showers to cool my head, feel like i am a heating machine, not like fever, it feels both good and bad. bad is the headache, good it's the feeling of being calm and relaxed, falling asleep almost.

i did took some vitamin k1 and k2 and 2g taurine, and theanin and glycine and gelatin when i came home, I'm not sure if that helped to lower blood pressure.

i crave sugar with water. I'm not hungry to digest anything, like solid food, but can't stop drinking water why try sugar every 30 or 60 minutes or so, i don't usually do that. since i don't feel like eating solid food and don't have any fruit juice left, i just drink sugar with water, and i don't usually crave sugar that much.

so my answer is, 5mg is way too much when you sunbath, 1.5mg is more limit, but still felt a bit tired. maybe only 500ug or less is better and safer if you plan to stay in the sun longer.

note that I'm ordine to high blood pressure easily when i get anxious, so maybe some other people will not experience the same side effect.

edit : body temperature dropped 36.9 degrees Celsius, after i opened the window for fresh air, and i feel less hot (but still unusually warm).


Feb 4, 2018
blood pressure 120 / 80 my usual readings.
heartbeat is 73, that's normal at night, it's 83 during day and gets lower before sleep.

seems like 2g taurine and 1mg k1, 1mg k2 mk4 , that's when blood pressure started to return to normal.
Mar 24, 2018
@moa I have no experience with that dosage, but 0.5mg and sun exposure resulted in a very bad migraine that only went away with ibuprofen. But the pressure was normal. My suspicion is that oxidative stress and peroxynitrite were skyrocketing... but it's weird because it should convert into water 🤔 hard to give a sentence.


Feb 4, 2018
update, i had a good sleep that night, but next day i started to have headache then again, almost like the start of a migraine.

i had my first green pee next day, so nothing was eliminated the first 12h.

the second day, i was good, no headache, and i had great appetite eating twice as much carbs and proteins as usual until late at night (basically i ate all day long lol), and i could be active through the day, and i had the last pee with a small greenish color, 48h after i took MB, that means it doesn't leave the body completely only after 48h.

third day, today, i walked up very good mood, i did sunbath again for 1h30 at noon, then i took a shower and now I'm in a state of bliss.

i really don't know how to explain better, it feels like euphoria or expanded conciseness, my head is extremely well, and last time i felt like this a few years ago.

And even that day, when i felt bad, actually when i came home and took a shower, i felt this euphoria sensation for about 20 minutes, mixed with head pressure and headache, but the first 20 minutes i was confused cause the good feelings were much stronger than the bad, then anxiety started, high blood pressure, headache, etc and they eclipsed the euphoria feeling i did felt strongly in the beginning.

It feels similar to when i get insolation somehow, but with more anxiety and emotion and less "heaviness".

nevertheless, today i feel great, and yesterday i felt good too, so overall the result is positive excepting the initial spike in anxiety, blood pressure and headache.

That's really bad to face a migraine with only 0.5mg MB but sometimes sun alone can give insolation. I'm not sure exactly the biochemical interactions of MB with sunlight, maybe @haidut can give some hints.


Feb 4, 2018
I was feeling fine, but had the bad idea to be over confident, and drinks coffee, about 5 cups arabica.

that's too much for me, it caused anxiety, but without any increase in blood pressure, in hearthrate or without any headache or migraine. Only anxiety.

Anything more than 1 or 2 cups of coffee causes anxiety, i try to build up my tolerance to coffee again after 2 years of not drinking any longer. (i used to drink 6 cups per day or more)


Dec 28, 2019
i took 1.5mg (for bodyweight 95kg) methylene blue and went outside topless for a few hours in the sun. was very tired and slept well, but nothing else.

after 2 days, today, i took 5mg and did the same and came home cause the sun light made me feel bad after sunbathing for 3h at least (felt too strong), then realized i was very hot in my head and kind of headache, then i realized i had high blood pressure.

i took it with coffee and carbs and niacinamide 500mg and 500mg when i came home.

now it's been a few hours at home, still feel not great, my blood pressure went down almost to normal (120 normal, 130 now, 160 when i came home) now and hearthrate went close to normal (83 normal, 86 bpm now, 95-105 earlier)

head pressure is better, not great. my body temperature is 37.2 Celsius both under thingue and arm and i feel very hot in 23 degree Celsius room temperature. usually under thongue is 36.8 and 36.3 under arm or lower.

I took showers to cool my head, feel like i am a heating machine, not like fever, it feels both good and bad. bad is the headache, good it's the feeling of being calm and relaxed, falling asleep almost.

i did took some vitamin k1 and k2 and 2g taurine, and theanin and glycine and gelatin when i came home, I'm not sure if that helped to lower blood pressure.

i crave sugar with water. I'm not hungry to digest anything, like solid food, but can't stop drinking water why try sugar every 30 or 60 minutes or so, i don't usually do that. since i don't feel like eating solid food and don't have any fruit juice left, i just drink sugar with water, and i don't usually crave sugar that much.

so my answer is, 5mg is way too much when you sunbath, 1.5mg is more limit, but still felt a bit tired. maybe only 500ug or less is better and safer if you plan to stay in the sun longer.

note that I'm ordine to high blood pressure easily when i get anxious, so maybe some other people will not experience the same side effect.

edit : body temperature dropped 36.9 degrees Celsius, after i opened the window for fresh air, and i feel less hot (but still unusually warm).
I dropped MB for about a year now. I only take it when I'm sick. It is not necessary if you're taking other things that increase CO2 and NAD like Niacinamide, Aspirin, Red Light, tanning, etc.

More is not better and even Peat only uses MB when it is needed and not part of his regular protocol.

Based on the number of supplements and dosage you are listing, you are pushing your metabolism into overdrive without fuel to support it (calories and micronutrients).


Feb 4, 2018
Based on the number of supplements and dosage you are listing
i just took niacinamide for it's GABA effect that day, i don't take every day. there is not much sun here in Paris, excepting in the summer.

because I'm pufa depleted, i don't get any sunburn ever this days whatsoever, no longer how much i expose my skin to the sun (contrary to 5 years ago). i do tan a lot and very fast also.

and i do believe being pufa depleted and overweight gives protection, less calories are needed to avoid stress response.

this is the first time i try MB, to test it. it's prolactin lowering effect is also interesting, cause i can't take aspirin, vitamin e (gives me hemophilia) and I'm careful with too much B6.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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