Too young to be feeling this bad...what next?

Dec 3, 2020
@sugarbabe @youngsinatra I am enjoying your exchange. I agree not to supplement until I get tested.. I know supplementing with minerals is very tricky due to the delicate balance of them. Sadly, I am in the UK and so another thing to save up for as I would never get testing for that via NHS.
Dec 3, 2020
One of the angles maybe, i heard before that "air hunger" happening in people with low iron stores, low iron would fit with a couple of other things too. if you look around at anemia forums a lot of ppl mention cold hands/feet. would also fit especially with you mentioning fatigue getting worse after periods, points to it more if they are commonly heavy also (but you also mentioned week before so idk) and also exercise intolerance

Some ppl get symptoms as they're approaching anemia without hemoglobin dropping under range yet. Do you know your ferritin level & transferrin saturation?

also did u start the aspirin recently?
That is interesting. On one of my more recent blood tests, I had elevated hemoglobin and RBC count... I never knew what it meant. Doctor was not concerned but it seems like they are not concerned about much unless you are literally on death's door these days.

I have never had my ferritin or transferrin tested.


Feb 3, 2020
@sugarbabe @youngsinatra I am enjoying your exchange. I agree not to supplement until I get tested.. I know supplementing with minerals is very tricky due to the delicate balance of them. Sadly, I am in the UK and so another thing to save up for as I would never get testing for that via NHS.
In Germany we have private direct-labs luckily. I have one right where I live.

Book online. Come there. Blood drawn. Getting asked what blood markers you want. Receive the results per App. No questions. Just service.

I did a blood panel today with a big general blood panel + serum copper, ceruloplasmin, ferritin and plasma zinc for less than 50€. Maybe look if you can find something similar near by.
Dec 3, 2020
Sounds like stress. The right diet can help, but nothing really changes until the source of stress is removed, or stress is recognized and some attitude adjustment is made. I experienced an extremely stressful sequence of situations in which I had to fight to not lose my mind. It was kill yourself bad. I finally accepted that I couldn't change the situation. I was stuck. The only way I have been able to deal with it is to adopt a dgaf attitude. I do what I can do and don't really gaf what anyone thinks, not even the voice in my head that is always driving me to do something. That has really helped. So in a sense I did kill myself, but it wasn't me personally, it was something really intrinsic to my being that I thought meant everything. Whether is was the right or wrong decision, I don't know, and I seriously dgaf because I am going to take care of myself, and all condemning voices can be damned.
Yea the dgaf attitude does resonate with me... I have definitely been orthorexic at points but I have done a lot of counseling work/prayer/meditation to try and lower my stress and deal with my traumas. And sometimes I can talk myself off the cliff metaphorically by just being thankful to be alive/checking my own ego/vanity... Still on that journey but your point is very key and often overlooked in health struggles.
Dec 3, 2020
In Germany we have private direct-labs luckily. I have one right where I live.

Book online. Come there. Blood drawn. Getting asked what blood markers you want. Receive the results per App. No questions. Just service.

I did a blood panel today with a big general blood panel + serum copper, ceruloplasmin, ferritin and plasma zinc for less than 50€. Maybe look if you can find something similar near by.
Wow that sounds awesome! I have never heard of such a thing here in the UK but I will definitely have a look...


Nov 21, 2012
@sugarbabe @youngsinatra I am enjoying your exchange. I agree not to supplement until I get tested.. I know supplementing with minerals is very tricky due to the delicate balance of them. Sadly, I am in the UK and so another thing to save up for as I would never get testing for that via NHS.

If you would like to get some more 'dietary' copper, you could buy a copper bottle. Fill it with water,leave it at least overnight and drink some of the water (according to your craving).
That's what I did to get in some copper.


Sep 9, 2019
Madam, I see a multi page thread about a lack of good internal vibe, no mention of the word salt and the only mention of the word water is from a good suggestion to leech copper from a bottle. Can you tell us more about your salt and water habbits? Your insomnia/anxiety symptoms are particularly suspicious in relation to it.

On the acne specifically. There was a user @Travis whose posts were instrumental for me to fix a long term acne problem. I can't say for sure as there's been some users since who've rejected the idea for their own experiences but it's worth a try. Try to avoid any dairy product that's homogenised and contains the protein fraction of the dairy. Cheese should always be fine because it's almost never made from homogenised milk. Butter as well because it's only the fat. Anything else, beware of it. Even a dash of homogenised milk in tea/coffee could trigger it.


May 30, 2018
Madam, I see a multi page thread about a lack of good internal vibe, no mention of the word salt and the only mention of the word water is from a good suggestion to leech copper from a bottle. Can you tell us more about your salt and water habbits? Your insomnia/anxiety symptoms are particularly suspicious in relation to it.
Add choline, betaine and inositol to cover your osmolytes need.


Feb 12, 2020
What's your water source? Do you filter it? I suspect micro/nanoplastics in water could make hormonal imbalances worse.


May 4, 2019
Sometimes I feel like I have some sort of hidden disease or tumour because nothing seems to work for me!


I'm around the same age as you and have felt the same these past couple of years... like I have a mystery disease and nothing that I do makes any difference (after a lot of doctor visits, supplements, diets, etc.) I think I know how you feel; when you are constantly dealing with symptoms and overall just feeling unwell, it is very difficult to have hope that some day things will get better again. Health and well-being just seems so distant sometimes that it makes you overwhelmingly sad and depressed.

Like you say, it's not normal to feel this bad as a young person. My dad, 50+ years older than me, has so much more strength, endurance and vitality than me. That also makes me depressed thinking about it.

So you are not alone!

The good news is the body has an amazing capacity to heal given the right circumstances, and with enough time and rest. I am still not 100% well, but I have days where I wake up feeling good, whereas before I ALWAYS (every single day) would wake up feeling like truck ran me over, or like I had a bad hangover/"poisoned feeling". This alone gives me a glimpse of hope that maybe it's possible to be and feel healthy again, which keeps the depression feelings away and allows me to continue to make better decisions which will improve my health.

Here are a few concepts that you may want to explore, I think it's a good idea to listen to a lot different perspectives on healing and not just stay within the "Peat paradigm":

- Supplements that make you feel good and alleviate symptoms in the short-term, may make things worse in the long-term. Look up Marshall protocol. As an example, I have been taking a lot aspirin because it is amazing at getting rid of the constant malaise, flu and inflammation feelings. I now realize that taking aspirin has made my gut more leaky, given me eczema, impaired the body's natural healing processes and overall just made me sicker... which then made me take more aspirin in an effort to get rid off the "bad" feelings. I.e a vicious cycle. Same is true for vitamin D in my experience. Just be very careful about what supplements you take!

- Gut microbiome as a root cause issue for hormonal/metabolic issues. has some useful information on this.

- Keep a food journal/ do controlled diet experiments to find out if some food is bothering you. Some people are sensitive to certain foods, or certain compounds in foods, and it is difficult for the body to heal when it's constantly being exposed to inflammatory/allergenic food stuffs. Foods can sometimes have a "delayed negative effect" where something you eat produces symptoms 24-72 hours later. This is where a food journal comes in handy.

- Bad environment. E.g mold exposure, drinking fluoridated water, and so on.

- Chronic viral/bacterial/fungal/parasite infections. E.g many CFS patients have chronic enterovirus infections. H. pylori is another one which can make you feel quite unwell.

- Iron overload/iron dysregulation. Free iron wreaks havoc in the body. Lactoferrin is a super interesting supplements for this problem.

- Living a simple life with very little stressors. No social media or news. Rest, rest, rest!

- Importance of healthy bile flow. Bile is kind of like the digestive systems "dishwasher detergent", and if your liver is sick and not producing enough bile, you will end up with poor gut health. There are lots of ways to approach this issue, I found that eating plenty of quality animal foods and drinking hot water between meals is great for promoting bile flow.
Dec 3, 2020
Madam, I see a multi page thread about a lack of good internal vibe, no mention of the word salt and the only mention of the word water is from a good suggestion to leech copper from a bottle. Can you tell us more about your salt and water habbits? Your insomnia/anxiety symptoms are particularly suspicious in relation to it.

On the acne specifically. There was a user @Travis whose posts were instrumental for me to fix a long term acne problem. I can't say for sure as there's been some users since who've rejected the idea for their own experiences but it's worth a try. Try to avoid any dairy product that's homogenised and contains the protein fraction of the dairy. Cheese should always be fine because it's almost never made from homogenised milk. Butter as well because it's only the fat. Anything else, beware of it. Even a dash of homogenised milk in tea/coffee could trigger it.

I add salt to taste/craving on whatever I eat. I did take Jigsaw adrenal cocktail for a while, which has a lot of sodium and potassium, but didn't really see any differences in my exhaustion/fatigue (yes sounds contradictory but I do experience both). I try to drink water intuitively, just have it when I feel I want it. Some days I drink more more than others but I try to have more fruit juice and coconut water and in the winter I drink a ton of herbal teas like rooibos and chamomile.

@ursidae to answer your question about water, I drink only filtered water from a Brita, which I know is like the absolute lowest quality, but its the best I can do at the moment. I agree that microplastics and other hidden nasties are contributing to many hormone problems but its so expensive/difficult to get a good system in place. Definitely on the wish list though. I found out the other day that our local water supply does not have added fluoride at least (and "yet" is probably a key word). I am from the US originally and feel like the water here in the UK is a bit cleaner... but I could be wrong.

Add choline, betaine and inositol to cover your osmolytes need.

I eat eggs almost daily- would that not cover my choline needs? I left out a lot of things I have tried but have used betaine hcl (I assume that is what you are referring to?) and myo-inositol before, no improvement sadly.
Dec 3, 2020
Have you tried eating some vegetables?
Yes. I do well cooked kale and spinach occasionally with lots of butter. And also I feel like I tolerate cucumber, tomatoes and onions well and use them in recipes from time to time. I also eat a LOT of cilantro and parsley in the summer months, my husband and I love big flavors. I never looked into Peat's perspective on those but I don't feel like those things cause any issues for me.
Dec 3, 2020

I'm around the same age as you and have felt the same these past couple of years... like I have a mystery disease and nothing that I do makes any difference (after a lot of doctor visits, supplements, diets, etc.) I think I know how you feel; when you are constantly dealing with symptoms and overall just feeling unwell, it is very difficult to have hope that some day things will get better again. Health and well-being just seems so distant sometimes that it makes you overwhelmingly sad and depressed.

Like you say, it's not normal to feel this bad as a young person. My dad, 50+ years older than me, has so much more strength, endurance and vitality than me. That also makes me depressed thinking about it.

So you are not alone!

The good news is the body has an amazing capacity to heal given the right circumstances, and with enough time and rest. I am still not 100% well, but I have days where I wake up feeling good, whereas before I ALWAYS (every single day) would wake up feeling like truck ran me over, or like I had a bad hangover/"poisoned feeling". This alone gives me a glimpse of hope that maybe it's possible to be and feel healthy again, which keeps the depression feelings away and allows me to continue to make better decisions which will improve my health.

Here are a few concepts that you may want to explore, I think it's a good idea to listen to a lot different perspectives on healing and not just stay within the "Peat paradigm":

- Supplements that make you feel good and alleviate symptoms in the short-term, may make things worse in the long-term. Look up Marshall protocol. As an example, I have been taking a lot aspirin because it is amazing at getting rid of the constant malaise, flu and inflammation feelings. I now realize that taking aspirin has made my gut more leaky, given me eczema, impaired the body's natural healing processes and overall just made me sicker... which then made me take more aspirin in an effort to get rid off the "bad" feelings. I.e a vicious cycle. Same is true for vitamin D in my experience. Just be very careful about what supplements you take!

- Gut microbiome as a root cause issue for hormonal/metabolic issues. has some useful information on this.

- Keep a food journal/ do controlled diet experiments to find out if some food is bothering you. Some people are sensitive to certain foods, or certain compounds in foods, and it is difficult for the body to heal when it's constantly being exposed to inflammatory/allergenic food stuffs. Foods can sometimes have a "delayed negative effect" where something you eat produces symptoms 24-72 hours later. This is where a food journal comes in handy.

- Bad environment. E.g mold exposure, drinking fluoridated water, and so on.

- Chronic viral/bacterial/fungal/parasite infections. E.g many CFS patients have chronic enterovirus infections. H. pylori is another one which can make you feel quite unwell.

- Iron overload/iron dysregulation. Free iron wreaks havoc in the body. Lactoferrin is a super interesting supplements for this problem.

- Living a simple life with very little stressors. No social media or news. Rest, rest, rest!

- Importance of healthy bile flow. Bile is kind of like the digestive systems "dishwasher detergent", and if your liver is sick and not producing enough bile, you will end up with poor gut health. There are lots of ways to approach this issue, I found that eating plenty of quality animal foods and drinking hot water between meals is great for promoting bile flow.
Thanks so much for sharing all of that! It really helps somehow to know you aren't alone as its hard to understand how going through something like this feels unless you are in it yourself. I feel like I am getting a lot of different perspectives here and I am grateful for that.

Very helpful advice you shared. I have not heard of the Marshall protocol, will look into it.

The chronic infection angle is one I have considered many times because I feel like I get what I can only describe as "flare ups" from time to time although I have not been able to pinpoint what causes them. I just know I have periods where I really feel like I am coming down with something, as I mentioned the "flu-like" symptoms, then it goes away for a bit. But no idea how to get tested for such things...

Have you tried lactoferrin yourself? I have read about that a few times but always hesitant now to start a new supplement considering my lack of success with a large majority of them. I have definitely learned to be cautious with supplements the hard way..


Apr 9, 2018
In Germany we have private direct-labs luckily. I have one right where I live.

Book online. Come there. Blood drawn. Getting asked what blood markers you want. Receive the results per App. No questions. Just service.

I did a blood panel today with a big general blood panel + serum copper, ceruloplasmin, ferritin and plasma zinc for less than 50€. Maybe look if you can find something similar near by.
Very interesting!
Which company / website is it? (I am from Germany as well).


Feb 3, 2020


Jul 2, 2021
Danny roddy has mentioned that at a certain point and age, one cannot fix the problem naturally.

This has been my experience. The three things that have me the most are Thyroid, anti biotic, and methylene blue. In that order.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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