Too much B6 causes autism


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Once, I was eating sweet potatoes 3 times a day as my main carb source as an experiment (yea stupid, I know) and I ended up with a vitamin B6 overdose naturally, which most people think is impossible, but I managed to do that and had all the symptoms:

  • A lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements (ataxia)
  • Painful, disfiguring skin lesions.
  • Heartburn and nausea.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity)
  • Numbness.
  • Reduced ability to sense pain or extreme temperatures.
These are all symptoms of autism and high serotonin, it was scary going through that experience, light felt so overstimulating and I had to close the curtains, I felt numb (even emotionally numb, like everything, libido was gone aswell I think) and I couldn't feel pain.

But here's the REAL part, my twitching was so bad, my hands would start flapping on it's own, like really bad, very much like autistic people.
My back kept making me swing up and down over and over again, mental state was complete confusion, I had no idea where I was. I couldn't even talk in that state.
And I felt the need to make noises like humming and oozing to cope with the movements.
It felt like I was feeling exactly how an autistic person would see the world, luckily I just about figured out it was too much B6 and quit all high B6 foods, drank lots of fluids to flush excess B6 out and I returned to normal, light doesn't bother me again.

I wonder if many autistic people are just a bunch of people with a B6 overdose, potatoes and bananas are a common staple in most people's diets so it's very likley that B6 is reaching toxic amounts without us realizing it. which is then causing the muscle/movements, stimming and light sensitivity. And because B6 elevates serotonin, that would also contribute to autism by causing hyperserotonemia.

Also, remember to never use a high B6 carb as your main carb source, if you ever want starches just do like an organic sourdough bread or white rice since they have no B6, but me personally, I avoid starch.
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Feb 3, 2020
Sweet potato is excessively high in vitamin A.

500g of boiled sweet potato only has 0.8mg of B6 but 75‘000 IU of vitamin A (!)

Vitamin A and B6 are the only known nutritional neurotoxins.


Jan 6, 2019
Beta-carotene overdose. It'd be nigh impossible to overdose on B6 just by eating sweet potatoes, or anything for that matter.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Sweet potato is excessively high in vitamin A.

500g of boiled sweet potato only has 0.8mg of B6 but 75‘000 IU of vitamin A (!)

Vitamin A and B6 are the only known nutritional neurotoxins.
Yes exactly.
I don't eat sweet potatoes any more and I'm planning not to include them in my diet, there's just so many downsides:

Resistant starch


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Beta-carotene overdose. It'd be nigh impossible to overdose on B6 just by eating sweet potatoes, or anything for that matter.
I was eating a lot of the white flesh sweet potatoes, african yams aswell (which don't have carotene either)

It was the B6, can't be carotene. Skin was not orange either


Jun 6, 2016
"Too much B6 causes autism"

Actually, the study implies it's the other way round - autism causes high B6 via some conversion issues.

Autism involves massive issues with chronic systemic inflammation and impaired enzyme activity. It's obvious you will find some biochemical difference compared to normal people, and while interventions may be therapeutic (sometimes taking B6, sometimes stopping B6), this doesn't prove any causation.

It would be better to unblock the biochemical pathways that make B6 accumulate. Same for Vitamin A - it's better to increase Vitamin A turnover with ATP co-factors, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, heat and sun exposure, cold exposure, physical exercise, CO2, etc., than to limit Vitamin A-foods.

Chronic mercury toxicity is one of the causes of autism, as is gut dysbiosis. Heavy metals, especially mercury, and bacterial and fungal toxins block enzyme activity.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
"Too much B6 causes autism"

Actually, the study implies it's the other way round - autism causes high B6 via some conversion issues.

Autism involves massive issues with chronic systemic inflammation and impaired enzyme activity. It's obvious you will find some biochemical difference compared to normal people, and while interventions may be therapeutic (sometimes taking B6, sometimes stopping B6), this doesn't prove any causation.

It would be better to unblock the biochemical pathways that make B6 accumulate. Same for Vitamin A - it's better to increase Vitamin A turnover with ATP co-factors, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, heat and sun exposure, cold exposure, physical exercise, CO2, etc., than to limit Vitamin A-foods.

Chronic mercury toxicity is one of the causes of autism, as is gut dysbiosis. Heavy metals, especially mercury, and bacterial and fungal toxins block enzyme activity.
Yea I didn't even read the study, just cherry picked a random one to go with the text. But what I'm saying still stands, the symptoms of high B6 are the same symptoms as autism


Feb 3, 2020


Jan 30, 2021
Autism is associated with a high score on a pyroluria test, and one of the MISSING things is B6 (the big one is zinc.) So I think your conclusions could be looked at again.


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
Once, I was eating sweet potatoes 3 times a day as my main carb source as an experiment (yea stupid, I know) and I ended up with a vitamin B6 overdose naturally, which most people think is impossible, but I managed to do that and had all the symptoms:

  • A lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements (ataxia)
  • Painful, disfiguring skin lesions.
  • Heartburn and nausea.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity)
  • Numbness.
  • Reduced ability to sense pain or extreme temperatures.
These are all symptoms of autism and high serotonin, it was scary going through that experience, light felt so overstimulating and I had to close the curtains, I felt numb (even emotionally numb, like everything, libido was gone aswell I think) and I couldn't feel pain.

But here's the REAL part, my twitching was so bad, my hands would start flapping on it's own, like really bad, very much like autistic people.
My back kept making me swing up and down over and over again, mental state was complete confusion, I had no idea where I was. I couldn't even talk in that state.
And I felt the need to make noises like humming and oozing to cope with the movements.
It felt like I was feeling exactly how an autistic person would see the world, luckily I just about figured out it was too much B6 and quit all high B6 foods, drank lots of fluids to flush excess B6 out and I returned to normal, light doesn't bother me again.

I wonder if many autistic people are just a bunch of people with a B6 overdose, potatoes and bananas are a common staple in most people's diets so it's very likley that B6 is reaching toxic amounts without us realizing it. which is then causing the muscle/movements, stimming and light sensitivity. And because B6 elevates serotonin, that would also contribute to autism by causing hyperserotonemia.

Also, remember to never use a high B6 carb as your main carb source, if you ever want starches just do like an organic sourdough bread or white rice since they have no B6, but me personally, I avoid starch.
Actually it seems most likely you had too much oxalate from the sweet potatoes. It would be compounded if you had gut issues such as increase intestinal permeability at the time. I've seen quite a bit of research in autism with B6 that has shown benefit, even with high doses.
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