Time Restricted Eating Exerts A Powerfull Protective Effect


Aug 6, 2017
Yesterday an interesting study was released which demonstrated protective effects of time restricted eating in mice. Both normal mice and mutants with malfunctioning liver circadian clock were positively affected from limiting food intake to 9-10 hours, but the mutant mice reverted from certain dysfunction to healthy.

"According to the researchers, the new work suggests that the primary role of circadian clocks may be to tell the animal when to eat and when to stay away from food. This internal timing strikes a balance between sufficient nutrition during the fed state and necessary repair or rejuvenation during fasting."

Eating in 10-hour window can override disease-causing genetic defects, nurture health - Salk Institute for Biological Studies


This study provides yet more evidence for the importance of giving your digestion a regular break. It strongly limits both serotonin and endotoxin load, and maybe most importantly, makes it periodic.
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Mar 15, 2014
Yup. I feel much better on the "fill up and work hard" routine than the "eat every 2 hours" routine.
Nov 21, 2015
The benefits seem to be due to reduced endotoxin load. I think eating ripe fruit or drinking fruit juice or sugared coffee in the IF periods helps reduce FFA and cortisol and provides comparable benefit.


Sep 3, 2016
The benefits seem to be due to reduced endotoxin load. I think eating ripe fruit or drinking fruit juice or sugared coffee in the IF periods helps reduce FFA and cortisol and provides comparable benefit.
Well said. I also think it is foolish to label benefits associated with IF or similar concepts with the wide variety of health statuses present on the forum, or in the world for that matter. If one stores glycogen extremely well, has a high body temperature, can go 4-5 hours without comfortably needing to eat etc. than ya, give it a shot. Most folks on here don't fit that bill, so these studies tho great in theory, carry little weight. Also, as you articulately point out, and @haidut has countless times, how does fasting not raise FFA or cortisol? Again, if ones liver is in pristine shape, than maybe getting adequate nutrients in with the first meal keeps cortisol at bay. If fasting works for someone, awesome. It certainly caused me much more harm than good, though my diet was *^&$ at the time.[/QUOTE]
Nov 21, 2015
I did IF for several years. A 4 hour window, 6 hour, 8 hour, 10 hour.

I never lost weight on it. I did benefit through mildly improved gut health, but nothing greatly improved.

I have been on a very low starch diet and have gotten far more gut benefit from it than anything else I’ve ever done. I no longer take charcoal. I may go back to the carrot but my gut health has dramatically improved and my overall health keeps improving.

I think people should try phasing out starch and see how far it gets them. Which I think is pretty far.


Jan 25, 2014
Very cool.

I did IF for quite a while back in my paleo days. Usually, a 6-8 hour eating window during weekedays, and tried to go 24 hours once a week. I loved it for a while..... lost quite bit of weight, felt better, and seemed to have more energy. I was usually eating big meals during the eating window, and was certainly higher fat.

After a while, I noticed some of those higher fat meals producing mild indigestion. Like, just general unpleasantness for and hour or two. Later, I started getting more and more hypo symptoms, like cold hands and feet.

I think ecstatichamster is onto something. Fasting and IF probably does lower both endotoxin and serotonin. And orange juice probably wouldn't detract from this effect. In fact, there was a study that showed that orange juice can neutralize the endotoxin response from a fast food meal that would otherwise induce it- Orange juice neutralizes the proinflammatory effect of a high-fat, high-carbohydrate meal and prevents endotoxin increase and Toll-like receptor ex... - PubMed - NCBI

Beyond that, some of the other proposed benefits of IF, like autophagy, have also been attributed to restricting protein for a time (so called "protein cycling.")

So it would seem this "Intermittent Juice Fasting" would confer most of the benefits of IF, and even addressing some of the drawbacks, like fighting off hunger and that weak, lowish energy that would happen at points.

I'm trying it out this morning, and it seems great so far. I 've been interesting in "IJF" for a bit now, and this thread has convinced me to guniea pig it for a bit.


Jun 10, 2016
I'm wondering if it is only from lowering endotoxin or also from autophagy.


Aug 6, 2017
Autophagy probably does not kick into high gear if juice is added, it needs proper fasting. Or almost, since coffee has been shown to increase autophagy during the fasting period.


Nov 22, 2017
Yup. I feel much better on the "fill up and work hard" routine than the "eat every 2 hours" routine.

I think there is a time and space for everything. Really sick people can't rely on big meals and restricted feeding windows. But I agree, as I've gotten healthier, I'm trending back towards a smaller feeding window with bigger meals.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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