Tianeptine Didn't Work


Aug 11, 2018
I'm suffering from anhedonia, low libido, anxiety, brain fog, basically every symptom of post SSRI use. Long story short, after trying many supplements, I heard of tianeptine and it's unique mechanism of action. Beginning this year I took recommended dose of tianptine for a month and I felt depressed, anhedonic more than usual with no improvement in anxiety.

Did anyone else experience similar? What do you think what happened?


Aug 12, 2018
I had read that tianeptine might increasing serotonin like SSRIs or some mechanisms are same.
The most promising treatment I saw is metergoline for now.
Also you can research neuroendocrine levels and allopregnanolone.


Aug 11, 2018
I had read that tianeptine might increasing serotonin like SSRIs or some mechanisms are same.
The most promising treatment I saw is metergoline for now.
Also you can research neuroendocrine levels and allopregnanolone.
Thanks, I wanted to share my experience on tianeptine. I'm glad if it helps to some people, unfortunately I wasn't one of them.


New Member
Oct 27, 2018
Thanks, I wanted to share my experience on tianeptine. I'm glad if it helps to some people, unfortunately I wasn't one of them.

I've started replying to a few posts on tianeptine, after seeing quite a few scary sounding quotes about it on Google, and on the boards etc. The government wants to ban it, and all of the horror stories of course are not helping.

I am a 53 year old man, alcoholic since around the age of 18 or 20. I had always felt great anxiety, as long as I can remember. I discovered alcohol as a teenage boy, and thought I had found heaven, and the answer. Years later when that did not do enough I drank on Nyquil and Bededryl and anything else that would change my state of mind. When I didn't have booze I would take stuff like that like candy, desperately hoping that, that would change my mood. It didn't matter if I actually felt ok at the time, I just wanted something to mellow me, and to change how I felt.

Many years, a couple of wives and DUI's later, and I quit drinking in 2010. It had gotten painful enough, that I decided to be done with it. I am a weird one though, lifelong alcoholic who now 2 or 3 times a year, on weekends, drinks several of quarts of beer, sleeps it off, no longer misses it, and goes back to work on Monday morning. I have been in enough treatments, and AA meetings to know, that this doesn't happen, or shouldn't, and I am ok with that. I no longer crave it ever, but old habits die hard, and on a couple of weekends a year it really does sound good when working in the garage or tinkering around the yard. I somehow lost the craving and the intense desire that my brain had for it in the end stages. I know I know, usually doesn't happen that way. I know none of you and am not selling anything so take that for what it is I hope.

I discovered tianeptine in the summer of 2014. I was looking for an anxiety relief that did not involve alcohol. I had already tried GABA supplements which supposedly don't/ or cannot work much, and Phenibut. Phenibut must be taken sparingly ( or should be but when you have an addictive mind that part is rough). I had also tried theanine and I already drink a gallon of tea a day ( with theanine in it) and that didn't do much.

Here is the deal !! I researched and found tianeptine and I ordered my first 10G jug. The first week I took a tiny dose of tianeptine in the morning, went to work with the jug at home, and then took a dose when I got home. This seemed to work well, and it was helping with the anxiety. Being a lifelong alcoholic, I soon was taking the jug to work and took a hit a couple of times a day. This worked well so soon I was taking a "hit" off of the jug every 45 minutes. I know my first 10 G jug lasted me several weeks. Within 3 months that same jug would last maybe a week.

People !! Almost without fail, these posts seem to be from people like me, who think they suffer from every fuking ailment under the sun, and who need relief from life every half hour or so. When I take too much tianeptine, I start to hurt bad, have trouble getting up ( when I never did after getting sober) and I go through a 10 gram jar of sodium a week, and I start feeling depressed, and every muscle and bone in my body hurts.

When I take it somewhat like the prescribed guidelines, I really do feel good, and I do not hurt. The relief from anxiety has been tremendous, and truly life changing.

Years ago when I tried sobriety at first, I did try Zoloft and it was wonderful, although the diarrhea and nausea and the typical other symptom were hell. Over the years I have been on almost all of the others with minimal to crappy results. Tianeptine just works on anxiety. ( and I know we all are different and what works wonders for me may suck for you. )But give it an honest try. Without all of the fear and negative hoopla that you read about). People like us go Google every new med we are prescribed, or every supplement we try, and we latch onto all of the negatives and we lie around on the couch thinking out how crappy we feel, and Oh My God is this supplement actually making me feel WORSE!) Get up off of your **** and decide to feel differently and accept a little help ( and don't go to taking the little help every 45 minutes like Ty) and you really will feel better.

The addictive and hurting mind is a mystery, I know that from many years of drinking. Quit taking tianeptine ( and any other supplement like candy, and take it like it is supposed to be taken. Everyone is not the same and I sure know that. It may work wonderfully for me, and not work well for you you, and vice versa. I do think though if you give it a fair try, and don't take mega doses of it, that it will do wonders for your mind.

Thanks for letting me say my piece.

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Nov 9, 2012
I'm suffering from anhedonia, low libido, anxiety, brain fog, basically every symptom of post SSRI use. Long story short, after trying many supplements, I heard of tianeptine and it's unique mechanism of action. Beginning this year I took recommended dose of tianptine for a month and I felt depressed, anhedonic more than usual with no improvement in anxiety.

Did anyone else experience similar? What do you think what happened?

What dose and what form of tianeptine?

I had read that tianeptine might increasing serotonin like SSRIs or some mechanisms are same.
The most promising treatment I saw is metergoline for now.
Also you can research neuroendocrine levels and allopregnanolone.

Is it true? It promotes dopamine activity, would expect the opposite of serotonin. Appears to be quite opposite to SSRIs - no down mood/energy, no serotonin syndrome at large dose.
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May 21, 2015
Tianeptine has opioid-receptor binding properties, all these substances (including milk's casomorphins, cocoa and gluten) tend to have a pleasing effect at first and a depressing one in long-term. Small doses during short periods (separated by longer bouts of abstinence) I think should have net benefits due to its effect on reversing stress-induced cognitive damage and the effect being long-lasting after discontinuity will only assist the fundamental and functional approaches aimed at positively shifting the health balance (similarly to Ray's advice on Cyproheptadine : in short temporary protocols)

About its opioid effect :
I actually take Tianeptine Sodium recreatively sometimes, at high dose (about 100mg) it has a very potent effect and probably my favorite off the few drugs I've tried (never tried other opioids but Tianeptine has mechanisms that oppose neurodamaging ones of opioid receptors so this probably contributes to a better experience; plus I only had a few years ago some histamine symptoms (itching) typical of opioids with Tianeptine but nowadays my basal Histamine and mast cell release seem to be pretty low from various observations). Combined with an avoidance of dietary opioid peptides and an active lifestyle, it seems pretty safe and much less damaging than the daily intake of dietary opioid peptides which also in my experience greatly diminish the pleasing effect of recreational Tianeptine in the same way as if I took it too often.


Aug 11, 2018
What dose and what form of tianeptine?

I took tablets gotten with prescription only. Dose was 12.5 twice a day. So nothing near abuse dosage. I felt so lethargic, depressed, it was horrible.

Is it true? It promotes dopamine activity, would expect the opposite of serotonin. Appears to be quite opposite to SSRIs - no down mood/energy, no serotonin syndrome at large dose.
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