
Dec 4, 2016
I need some help, I am going to try and make a long story short, so I will start with most recent.

In February I went through some serious stress. It cause some issues in my neck to the point after 2 massage visits, 2 Chiropractor visits and 3 Dr visits I broke down and took prednisone. I had never taken prednisone before. After a wk on this pain in neck went away. However, everything else spiraled out of control in my body. My thyroid swelled and it still swells off and on. I have EBV and 2 wks after taken prednisone EBV became very active breaking me out in blisters starting from the back of my lips, travelinging down the middle of my tongue all the way down my esophagus feeling like it was in my stomach as well. My hair became very wirery, brittle, breaking, dry to the point of being unmanageable and is still this way. My armpit lymnodes have been enlarged and very painful.

I now cannot tolerate any OJ, blisters break out in my mouth. In the last several wks everything, I mean everything I eat hurts my stomach. I have had constant diarrhea since taking the prednisone. At this point I have no doctor because the last one didnt help me any and I am at a loss on what to do. I would love some one on one consulting but seem to can't find this either.

I am on 40 mg of levothyronine, splitting this dose through out the dat, vit B supplement from forefront health, 75mg of pregnonelone, 32 mg progesterone, Vit ADK and magnesium citrate 1600 mg a day.

Any help would be great!
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Aug 30, 2017
Stomach is too alkaline. Stop orange juice. Increase vitamin d, calcium from best quality milk you can find. Increase zinc foods like beef and bacon.


Jun 10, 2020
If you’re only taking levothyroxine (T4), that is probably making you more hypothyroid.l because the inflamed and low-energy liver cannot convert the T4 to the active T3.

Dr. Peat has spoken of this woman whose hypothyroid symptoms got worse and worse as her doctors added more T4, until she entered a coma. When she added T3 to the T4, she rapidly improved.

Your diet listed in the other thread looks nutritious.


Dec 4, 2016
If you’re only taking levothyroxine (T4), that is probably making you more hypothyroid.l because the inflamed and low-energy liver cannot convert the T4 to the active T3.

Dr. Peat has spoken of this woman whose hypothyroid symptoms got worse and worse as her doctors added more T4, until she entered a coma. When she added T3 to the T4, she rapidly improved.

Your diet listed in the other thread looks nutritious.
Hello, Levothyronine is T3 only, I am not taking any t4


Dec 4, 2016
Stomach is too alkaline. Stop orange juice. Increase vitamin d, calcium from best quality milk you can find. Increase zinc foods like beef and bacon.
Hello, I stopped the OJ back in June, it was causing the blisters to come out again. Unfortunately, milk is organic store bought which is all I have available. The only thing I don't like is that it's 2% so it has added Vitd. I am raking 10,000 IU Vit D a day should I increase this even more?


Aug 30, 2017
Store-bought milk is fine I use oberweis whole, myself. Do not increase anymore than that I think that's fine because vitamin d has a half life of like months so if anything you are just fine with the D


Aug 30, 2017
There's many other things in milk besides good calcium it really has the consistency of blood so it'll help your blood and to help the illness you need to increase the quality of your blood which is what milk helps do because if your blood turns black that is a sure sign you're going to get sick nobody wants to be around a person who has a bloody nose. Better quality blood also helps your sleep.


May 13, 2015
I need some help, I am going to try and make a long story short, so I will start with most recent.

In February I went through some serious stress. It cause some issues in my neck to the point after 2 massage visits, 2 Chiropractor visits and 3 Dr visits I broke down and took prednisone. I had never taken prednisone before. After a wk on this pain in neck went away. However, everything else spiraled out of control in my body. My thyroid swelled and it still swells off and on. I have EBV and 2 wks after taken prednisone EBV became very active breaking me out in blisters starting from the back of my lips, travelinging down the middle of my tongue all the way down my esophagus feeling like it was in my stomach as well. My hair became very wirery, brittle, breaking, dry to the point of being unmanageable and is still this way. My armpit lymnodes have been enlarged and very painful.

I now cannot tolerate any OJ, blisters break out in my mouth. In the last several wks everything, I mean everything I eat hurts my stomach. I have had constant diarrhea since taking the prednisone. At this point I have no doctor because the last one didnt help me any and I am at a loss on what to do. I would love some one on one consulting but seem to can't find this either.

I am on 40 mg of levothyronine, splitting this dose through out the dat, vit B supplement from forefront health, 75mg of pregnonelone, 32 mg progesterone, Vit ADK and magnesium citrate 1600 mg a day.

Any help would be great!
So sorry for your plight! I've got EBV and had an explosion of it in 1993 brought on by organo-phosphate insecticide poisoning. I had the highest EBV titer the Orthomolecular detox doctor had ever seen. I was really sick. Half my hair fell out. His procedure to heal me was to detox me to get the toxin load off of my immune system so it could heal itself.

It seems to me that perhaps the prednisone maybe blocked your immune system function and this allowed the EBV to bloom out of control.
"Steroids can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to get an infection or worsening an infection you already have."

I went through a difficult time in 2020 from taking Bactrim antibiotic; it blocked my thiamine function. So I've researched thiamine a lot and I now take a high dose of it. I think thiamine is supportive of the immune system.

"Thiamine is also used for boosting the immune system, digestive problems, diabetic pain, heart disease, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses."
So it's used to boost the immune system but nobody understands how it works. Got it.... FWIW, the high dose thiamine + magnesium did heal my gut so my food sensitivities went away after the Bactrim debacle. I do remember that the Orthomolecular detox doctor in 1993 had me taking 16 huge b-complex pills daily, four of them 4Xday.

I see you take magnesium citrate. Ray Peat warns about that one. Magnesium Citrate - Caution

here's a video:



Dec 4, 2016
So sorry for your plight! I've got EBV and had an explosion of it in 1993 brought on by organo-phosphate insecticide poisoning. I had the highest EBV titer the Orthomolecular detox doctor had ever seen. I was really sick. Half my hair fell out. His procedure to heal me was to detox me to get the toxin load off of my immune system so it could heal itself.

It seems to me that perhaps the prednisone maybe blocked your immune system function and this allowed the EBV to bloom out of control.
"Steroids can weaken your immune system, making it easier for you to get an infection or worsening an infection you already have."

I went through a difficult time in 2020 from taking Bactrim antibiotic; it blocked my thiamine function. So I've researched thiamine a lot and I now take a high dose of it. I think thiamine is supportive of the immune system.

"Thiamine is also used for boosting the immune system, digestive problems, diabetic pain, heart disease, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses."
So it's used to boost the immune system but nobody understands how it works. Got it.... FWIW, the high dose thiamine + magnesium did heal my gut so my food sensitivities went away after the Bactrim debacle. I do remember that the Orthomolecular detox doctor in 1993 had me taking 16 huge b-complex pills daily, four of them 4Xday.

I see you take magnesium citrate. Ray Peat warns about that one. Magnesium Citrate - Caution

here's a video:


Thank you SOOOOOO much h for this response. I will watch the video. Although I am dealing with diarrhea every since the prednisone, if I don't take magnesium citrate, I will not go at all. I have always had issues with my colon and have tried many things and magnesium seems to work for me. I diffanetly will look a little deeper into this though. Never hurts to revisit things


May 13, 2015
Thank you SOOOOOO much h for this response. I will watch the video. Although I am dealing with diarrhea every since the prednisone, if I don't take magnesium citrate, I will not go at all. I have always had issues with my colon and have tried many things and magnesium seems to work for me. I diffanetly will look a little deeper into this though. Never hurts to revisit things
I suffered with SIBO and leaky gut for years along with either diarrhea or constipation. The thiamine resolved my problems. That said, thiamine is absorbed in the small intestine so if your gut is a mess there might be absorption problems. But maybe not.

I'm currently reading a book, Parkinson's and the B1 Therapy by Daphne Bryan PhD. It's available at Amazon. The auther discusses all of the options available re. thiamine supplementation. She includes the option of sublingual tablets of thiamine. She said that it is a way to get thiamine into the body without having it blocked by absorption problems in the gut. The other way to get around the gut issue is taking thiamine hcl by injection. This would require getting a physician on board. The sublingual tablets are available over the counter. I think getting that book and reading it would be helpful. It's less than 100 pages and an easy read; it's paperback and less than $10.00.

There are other magnesiums available that don't have negatives. I take magnesium glycinate pure powder that I get either from or I also get my thiamine hcl powder there.

Have you tried taking cascara sagrada? I found it helpful. Here's a Peat article about it:
Cascara, energy, cancer and the FDA's laxative abuse.

I remember that in 2015 I worked with a great endocrinologist who helped optimize my prescription desiccated thyroid med (ended up tripling the dose) and this helped my constipation a lot (along with daily carrot salad and the cascara). But then in 2020 I got my thiamine function blocked by Bactrim antibiotic and then my gut issues became just terrible. I'm good to go now with the thiamine hcl supplement + magnesium glycinate and being careful what I eat.


May 13, 2015
Thank you SOOOOOO much h for this response. I will watch the video. Although I am dealing with diarrhea every since the prednisone, if I don't take magnesium citrate, I will not go at all. I have always had issues with my colon and have tried many things and magnesium seems to work for me. I diffanetly will look a little deeper into this though. Never hurts to revisit things
I found some cascara here: Cascara Sagrada Archives -


May 13, 2015
I use to use Cascara and it started hurting my stomach😞 I just watched the video. How much Thiamine do you take?
I started with about 300mg of thiamine hcl and stairstepped up to 1 gram 2Xday over about 4 months. I saw massive improvement in my digestive tract within 2 days of taking the final sized dose. Normal peristalsis happened. Sort of like I was 8 years old again. I never had any negative reactions to it. It was obvious to me that thiamine was what I needed. When I took the first 300mg dose, my temperature went up a full degree and all my lactic acidosis pain disappeared within about 45 minutes. Other people's reactions may vary.

Always mix it in water, never juice. Space any sugar intake away from the thiamine by at least 30minutes.


Dec 4, 2016
I started with about 300mg of thiamine hcl and stairstepped up to 1 gram 2Xday over about 4 months. I saw massive improvement in my digestive tract within 2 days of taking the final sized dose. Normal peristalsis happened. Sort of like I was 8 years old again. I never had any negative reactions to it. It was obvious to me that thiamine was what I needed. When I took the first 300mg dose, my temperature went up a full degree and all my lactic acidosis pain disappeared within about 45 minutes. Other people's reactions may vary.

Always mix it in water, never juice. Space any sugar intake away from the thiamine by at least 30minutes.
What name brand do you use?


May 13, 2015
I buy the pure bulk powder thiamine hcl from If they are out of it, I also buy from You'll need a milligram scale to determine the amount to take. I bought a set of little measuring spoons to make things easier.
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